代写 Research paper plan
Assessment Task 1 - Research paper plan
1. Research Topic:
“Have nuclear weapons exacerbated or reduced the security dilemma? “ Discuss specific examples in your response.
2. Your plan should be divided into the following subheadings:
(a) Precis: A brief summary of the topic's issue area.
(b) Debates: What are the important debates raised by the topic?
(c) Argument: what will be your central argument in this essay?
(d) Evidence: What evidence and/or examples or case studies are you planning to utilise to support your argument?
(d) References: Identify at least five preliminary bibliographic resources (not included in word count; this can be as extensive as you wish). These must be drawn from scholarly books, primary sources (e.g., government/institutional web sites) and/or academic journals. Quality media is acceptable for providing supporting evidence (e.g., The Economist; Foreign Policy; and The National Interest). Dubious websites and mainstream print/electronic media are not acceptable sources.
*Referencing requirements: Students must employ footnotes, not endnotes or the Harvard system.
To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity:
Demystifying Citing and Referencing at http://www.lib.monash.edu/tutorials/citing/
Word limit: 500 words +/- 10% (excluding footnotes and bibliography).
Value: 15%
Due Date: 23 March 2016
Presentation requirements:
1. Acknowledgement of conditions concerning plagiarism.
2. Papers must be written on A4-sized pages, word processed, 1.5 or double-spaced.
3. Footnote referencing is required.
Criteria for marking:
1. Clear overview of issue area.
2. Clear articulation of debates.
3. Cogent articulation of central argument.
4. Appropriate selection and use of evidence.
5. Appropriate selection of reference material.
Assessment Task 2 - Research paper
Instruction: Follow the research plan, develop your essay with the arguments provided in Assessment Task 1.
Due Date: 1 April 2016
Word limit: 1,500 words +/- 10% (exclusive of bibliography and footnotes).
Value: 30%
Presentation requirements:
1. Acknowledgement of conditions concerning plagiarism.
2. Papers must be written on A4-sized pages,word processed, 1.5 or double-spaced.
3. Footnote referencing is required.
Criteria for marking:
1. Evidence of intellectual discrimination. This includes demonstrating a general sense of the broader theoretical and conceptual issues underpinning the issues, and an ability to explain how the specific argument being made fits within this broader context.
2. Evidence of intellectual control. This includes demonstrating evidence of the following: mastery of the course material; coherent organisation of reference materials; and an ability to construct a reasoned, soundly structured argument with an introduction, logical progression of arguments and a conclusion.
3. Ability to communicate ideas clearly and coherently. This includes demonstrating an ability to say what one means in a logical, coherent, and concise manner.
4. Professional and high quality presentation.
SoSS Grading Scale:
HD: 80%-100%
An excellent piece of work, demonstrating:
● superior evaluation and integration of the existing literature;
● superior conceptualisation and clear evidence of original thought in dealing with the critical issues;
● the identification of a comprehensive range of concepts and supporting information and the capacity to interrelate and evaluatethese concepts.The presentation of an essay at this level will show outstanding command of expression and logical argument in a skillfully structured essay. All citations will be consistent with chosen style.
D: 70%-79%
A well-organized and expressed piece of work containing:
● a clear demonstration of solid and methodical research;
● a good standard of insight and some evidence of original thought in dealing with the critical issues;
● clear comprehension of all key issues.
The presentation of an essay at this level will demonstrate good expression and a clear and logical progression evident in the overall essay structure. All citations will be consistent with chosen style.
C: 60%-69%
This is a good essay that:
● identifies and describes major relevant issues;
● has a clear plan and appropriate method of approach;
● shows that the student has conducted research beyond essential basic references and has integrated this research into the essay.The presentation of an essay at this level will demonstrate reasonable expression and appropriate use of referencing and citation.
P: 50%-59%
This essay is adequate, but limited:
● it identifies the key issues, but does not show clear comprehension of the issues;
● the structure does not show clear development of argument;
● research is very limited and not well integrated into the essay.The presentation of an essay at this level will demonstrate adequate expression and very basic use of referencing and citation.
Plagiarism will result in a 0 grade.
*Referencing requirements: For all written assessments, use footnotes only (not endnotes or the Harvard system).
Additional information: Papers that contain plagiarism will receive a score of zero (0%).