FIT2071 Foundations of C++, 2016
Assignment One: Lab Portfolio Submission #1 (TextQuest)
Due Date: Wedesday 23 rd March 2016
Weighting: 10% of your final mark for the unit
Submission Instructions: A zip file containing a document describing the design of your program and
one Visual Studio project must be compiled and uploaded to the Moodle site. Your code must be
submitted as a Visual Studio project to facilitate ease of assessment and feedback.
Task Details:
The Weeks 2 and 3 laboratory exercises contain a designated “Main Portfolio Exercise”. These are a
series of exercises that add to each other to form a main portfolio program: TextQuest. You are to
submit a final, completed version of that game.
Successful completion of the exercises as described in the laboratory exercises may obtain you up to
a maximum of 80% of the total assignment marks. In order to obtain a higher mark you should seek
to include some advanced functionality (as described in the Week 3 portfolio description). The
additional functionality should demonstrate advanced or more complex application of principles
covered to date. It need not be large amounts of work but should demonstrate a willingness to explore
new and advanced concepts. You must detail what you have done in an accompanying “readme” file.
The assignment must be created and submitted as a Visual Studio 2013 project. You may complete
the exercises in your preferred IDE, however you should create a Visual Studio project in order to
submit. This project must then be zipped up into one zip file for submission. The zip file MUST be
named “”. This zip file must be submitted via the Moodle assignment
submission page. Note… to reduce the file size of your zip, you can delete the “ipch” folder from your
project before zipping without affecting your program.
Explicit assessment criteria are provided over the page, however please note you will be assessed on
the following broad criteria:
Meeting functional requirements as described in the exercise description
Demonstrating a solid understanding of the week’s C++ concepts, including good practice
Following the unit Programming Style Guide
Creating solutions that are as efficient and extensible as possible
NOTE! Your submitted program MUST compile and run. Any submission that do not compile will be
awarded zero marks. This means you should continually compile and test your code as you do it,
ensuring it compiles at every step of the way.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Tim as soon as possible.
Laboratory Portfolio Submission 1 Assessment
TextQuest (up to 50 marks total)
Program Design (5)
Does the provided document describe the logic
involved in the program?
Functionality (25)
Does the program compile and run?
ZERO marks for code that does not compile
Is the vocation file read and printed correctly?
Does the character setup work correctly (enter
name, pick class)?
Is the game loop correct (applying events, tally
health, asking to continue, quit on zero
Is the game displayed appropriately, including
end result?
Quality of Solution and Code (10)
Does the program perform the functionality in
an efficient and extensible manner?
Has the Programming Style Guide been
followed appropriately?
Is there appropriate documentation
throughout the program?
Extra Functionality (10)
Does the program addition demonstrate
advanced application of the week’s concepts?
Does the program addition demonstrate
functional creativity?
代写 FIT2071 Foundations of C++