代写 Capital Markets Assignment(revision 1)
Capital Markets Assignment(revision 1)
Part A - Group Assignment (15%)
Due date: Hand your assignment to the teacher during lecture 11 classes Tuesday 24.5.16. For every day after the lecture that your assignment is late you will be penalized.
Please staple a group cover sheet to the front of your assignment:
Form groups of between 3 and 5 to complete the below tasks. Note that these tasks require proficiency in MS Excel and manipulating data which are important skills in the work force.
You have been hired as a junior analyst at a major Australian bank's investment banking division.
Your boss has just read the ASX's report 'Capital Raising in Australia:Experiences and Lessons fromthe Global Financial Crisis' (29/1/2010).
She would like to see how the data has changed since the report was written. She's also curious about how proficient you are with using spreadsheets and answering questions succinctly.
The following questions relate to the pie chart shown on page 36 of the ASX report:
1. Are the liabilities sources or uses of funds for private non-financial corporations?
Underline the correct answer:
Sources of funds or uses of funds.
2. Do private non-financial corporations issue these liabilities or invest in them?
Underline the correct answer:
Issue liabilities or invest in liabilities.
3. Do the amounts represent stocks or flows?
Underline the correct answer:
Stocks or flows.
4. During some periods of the GFC there was almost no issuance of offshore bonds. How would this affect the outstandings of offshore bonds from one quarter to the next? What factors might affect outstandings?
Answer in 150 words or less.
5. Why might the ASX have shown the liabilities of private non-financial corporations rather than any of the other sectors grouping's liabilities? For example, financials' liabilities are also given in the tables of the financial accounts but they are not included in the ASX's graph.
Answer in 150 words or less.
代写 Capital Markets Assignment(revision 1)
The following questions relate to the ABS data and the ASX report.
Find and download the ABS data catalogue "5232.0 - Australian National Accounts: Financial Accounts, Dec 2015", released on 24/3/16.
Also find and download the old version of the data “5232.0 - Australian National Accounts: Financial Accounts, Sep 2009”.
Note that this old version has significant revisions to unlisted equity which will lead to results that look quite different to the ASX's report. Using this old version, go to the "downloads" tab and download "TABLE 4. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Private Non-Financial Corporations ". This is the data used to make the pie graph on page 36 of the ASX report.
6. One might suspect that total financial assets would equal total financial liabilities, but it doesn't. Why not?
Answer in 150 words or less.
7. In the explanatory notes to the catalogue, the ABS states that 'The estimates of the stock of issued shares of unlisted private non-financial corporations are very poor'. Why might this be?
Answer in 150 words or less.
8. What is 'one-name paper' and give some examples.
Answer in 2 sentences or less.
9. Derivatives are included as a liability in the ABS data. Using the September 2009 ABS Financial Accounts release, which is the release that the ASX would have used, it is clear that the ASX's pie graph on page 36 includes derivatives in 'other'.
You do not need to verify this.
Do you think that it was a good idea for the ASX to include derivatives in the pie graph on page 36?
Answer in 100 words or less.
10. Replicate the pie graph on page 36 of the ASX report. Use the
September 2009 data from the ABS financial accounts which is what the ASX used.
http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/allprimarymainfeatures/88103B01DD3D6BC7CA2576F10015413D?opendocument
Your boss wants you to show her a graph that looks the same. Specifically, the:
· colours need to be the same
· order and placement of the sectors need to be identical. So 'Bills of Exchange' must be between the 12 and 1 o'clock markers on a clock and it must be yellow.
· sectors on the graph should be labeled with their name, amount outstanding, and percentage of the total.
· title and footnote should be the same.
Note that the graph does not need to look identical to the one on page 36, it just needs to have the above similarities.
Be aware that the ASX report was written more than 6 years ago and the ABS often revisetheir data very slightly after its release so your numbers may have some small differences compared to those shown in the ASX report.
Attach the colour-printed graph to the back of your assignment.
11. Make the same pie chart as above, but use the latest data from December 2015, released on 24/3/16.
Attach the colour-printed graph to the back of your assignment.
12. Make a
· line graph, a
· stacked area graph and a
· 100% stacked area graph
of the same data using the whole time period provided by the ABS which is from June 1988 to December 2015. Make sure the colours are consistent with the other graphs. The order of the lines and areas is not important.
Attach the 3 colour-printed graphs to the back of your assignment.
13. Are the listed and unlisted equity amounts book values of equity or market values?How can you tell?
Answer in 2 sentences or less.
14. Why are deposits zero?Answer in one sentence.
Part B - Individual Assignment (10%)
Due date: Hand your assignment to the teacher during lecture 12 classes Tuesday 31.5.16. For every day after the lecture that your assignment is late you will be penalized.
Please staple a group cover sheet to the front of your assignment:
Write a short magazine article of 250 to 350 words about a current issue relating to finance that a financial manager or analyst would find interesting and useful. The article should use jargon terms correctly and be written in a style suitable for someone who is financially literate.
This part of the assignment is supposed to test your written communication skills, financial literacy and proficiency with economic and financial concepts.
The best articles will focus on:
· A current issue, for example a recent data release, a central bank announcement, a regulatory change, a corporate earnings announcement, or something else topical.
· A writing style that is succinct, easy to read uses plain English and financial jargon terms correctly. Articles that convey an opinion or suggest action are often more interesting. Humor is a bonus, but not a necessity.
Marks will be deducted for articles that are badly written and not proof read, irrelevant, too boring, technically incorrect, over-exaggerated,over-simplified or too obvious.
For some examples of interesting articles, see The Economist, Bloomberg or Reuters finance and economics sections.
Check iLearn for any updates or clarifications to the assignment. Feel free to ask questions about the assignment on the iLearn discussion board. Only email the teacher if the question is of an administrative nature. That way everyone can see the questions and answers.
Note: Late assignments will be penalised at a rate of 10% for each calendar day that it is late.
代写 Capital Markets Assignment(revision 1)