PGBM04: International Business Environment assignment 代写

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  • PGBM04: International Business Environment assignment 代写

    Sunderland Business School
    Faculty of Business,  Law & Tourism
    PGBM04: International Business Environment
    Issue Date:  17/11/2016
    Submission date:  Tuesday 17 th January 2017
    This is an individual assignment. It will constitute 100% of your overall mark for the module. Please
    choose  ONE question from the following  FOUR. You are asked to write an  essay- - style answer of
    about  3000 words on the topic you have chosen.
    You are expected to develop your own arguments within the assignment, based on your own critical
    reflection, as well as your wider reading, and the discussions that have taken place during lectures
    and seminars. You are also expected to draw on academic sources such as journal articles, books to
    to support the arguments and analysis within your assignment.
    You should also make sure that referencing and citing of sources complies with the Harvard
    Referencing System. A guide for this can be found online via the University of Sunderland Library
    Students are required to submit their assignments through JIRA. Only assessments submitted
    through JIRA will be marked. Any other submission including submission to your study centre in hard
    copy will be treated as a non-submission
    All students must submit a Turnitin receipt with the paper copy submission. The penalty for students
    who do not submit their assessed work through Turnitin is that their mark is withheld and the
    assessment board may deem the work to have failed.
    Students may submit drafts through Turnitin prior to submission and generate reports. The last
    submission prior to the deadline will be deemed to be the final submission for assessment purposes.
    This assessment covers the following learning outcomes from the module.
    1.  Critically review and apply concepts, terminology & theoretical models associated with
    international business policies and strategies.
    2.  Demonstrate understanding of the political, socio-cultural, economic and technological factors
    that have been found to influence variations in international organisational business structures
    and leadership and management styles
    3.  Critically assess the relationship between national and organisational cultures
    4.  Relate the conceptual theories of ‘internationalisation’, innovation and competitive advantage
    to different industries and locations
    1. Apply relevant theoretical concepts to real-world business (environment) dilemmas or
    issues, producing a diagnosis and suggesting possible outcomes.
    Assessment Criteria:
    For each question, the competent answer will be  concise, accurate and clearly writt en in your own
    words. It will put forward  your individual analysis of the issues raised, rather than merely offer a
    descriptive account. It will be logically organised and contain a conclusion.
    Drawing on what you have learnt during the module, your assignment should  apply the theories that
    are relevant to the assignment question chosen. In addition, your arguments within the assignment
    should be supported  by drawing on relevant academic literat ure and  examples from companies
    operating in the international business environment,
    You also need to make sure that  direct quotations are cited and acknowledged in compliance with the
    Harvard Referencing System.
    The Generic PG assessment criteria are attached as well as a module interpretation in the form of a
    mark sheet.
    The University’s Policy on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism will apply.
    Q uestions
    In answering ONE of these questions, please pay particular attention to the assessment

    PGBM04: International Business Environment assignment 代写
    Please also note that
    (i)  as much as possible your answers should draw on real world examples from the
    activities of international businesses and national economies
    (ii)  equal weighting should be assumed for two part questions.
    1. Applying your analysis to a European Multi National Enterprise operating in at least two
    developing economies, critically assess the theories which are available to evaluate the
    extent and potential impact of political risks to its business operations?
    2. In the context of Brexit, and drawing on relevant theory to inform your arguments, set out the
    advantages and disadvantages of a non-EU major manufacturer relocating production from the
    UK to another EU Member State to maintain preferential access to the Single European Market.
    3. Drawing on relevant theory, consider what impact the outcomes of the US Presidential elections
    will have on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, and what the
    implications are for MNEs from BRIC countries seeking to invest in US and EU markets.
    4. Drawing on current examples from the activities of multinational enterprises (MNEs) from
    emerging economies, critically assess the extent to which the following theories can
    provide effective guidance for expanding their operations into the European Union
    •  Vernon’s Product Life Cycle Theory
    •  Krugman’s First Mover Advantage Theory; and
    •  Dunning’s Ownership-Location-Internalisation (OLI) eclectic theory.
    Assessment Criteria Details Marks
    Criteria Allocated Actual
    Relevance The Relevance of the work examined
    to its selected question.
    Knowledge The work should have a substantial
    knowledge of relevant material,
    showing a clear grasp of themes,
    questions and issues therein.
    Analysis The analysis should be
    comprehensive, clear and orderly.
    The argument should be well
    supported, focussed, clear and
    logically structured.
    The work should contain distinctive or
    independent thinking; and formulate
    an independent position in relation to
    theory and/or practice.
    Presentation The work is well written, with standard
    spelling and grammar, in a readable
    style with acceptable format.
    Critical appraisal of up-to-date and/or
    appropriate literature. Recognition of
    different perspectives. Very good use
    of a wide range of sophisticated
    source material.
    Total Marks 100%
    Module Leader: Rob Worrall Moderator: H. Seddighi
    Generic Assessment Criteria – Postgraduate
    These should be interpreted according to the level at which you are working
    Grade  Relevance  Knowledge  Analysis  Argument and
    Critical Evaluation  Presentation  Reference to
    86 –
    The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level
    of the qualification. There is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully
    satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a particularly compelling
    evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.
    76-85%  The work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.
    There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. At this level it is
    expected that the work will be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and
    elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse and some evidence of originality.
    70 –
    The work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the
    qualification. There is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are
    satisfied. At this level it is expected that the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
    particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.
    60 –
    Directly relevant
    to the
    requirements of
    the assessment
    A substantial
    knowledge of
    relevant material,
    showing a clear
    grasp of themes,
    questions and
    issues therein
    analysis - clear
    and orderly
    Well supported,
    focussed argument
    which is clear and
    logically structured.
    Contains distinctive
    or independent
    thinking; and
    begins to formulate
    an independent
    position in relation
    to theory and/or
    Well written, with
    standard spelling
    and grammar, in
    a readable style
    with acceptable
    Critical appraisal of up-
    to-date and/or
    appropriate literature.
    Recognition of different
    perspectives. Very
    good use of a wide
    range of sophisticated
    source material.
    50 –
    Some attempt to
    address the
    requirements of
    the assessment:
    may drift away
    from this in less
    knowledge of a
    fair range of
    relevant material,
    with intermittent
    evidence of an
    appreciation of its
    which has a
    clear purpose
    Generally coherent and
    logically structured,
    using an appropriate
    mode of argument
    and/or theoretical
    May contain some
    distinctive or
    thinking; may begin
    to formulate an
    position in relation
    to theory and/or
    written, with only
    minor lapses
    from standard
    grammar, with
    Uses a good variety of
    literature which
    includes recent texts
    and/or appropriate
    literature, including a
    substantive amount
    beyond library texts.
    Competent use of
    source material.
    40 –
    Some correlation
    with the
    requirements of
    the assessment
    but there are
    instances of
    understanding of
    the subject but
    addressing a
    limited range of
    treatment, but
    may be prone
    to description,
    or to narrative,
    which lacks
    clear analytical
    Some attempt to
    construct a coherent
    argument, but may
    suffer loss of focus and
    consistency, with
    issues at stake stated
    only vaguely, or
    theoretical mode(s)
    couched in simplistic
    Sound work which
    expresses a
    coherent position
    only in broad terms
    and in uncritical
    conformity to one
    or more standard
    views of the topic
    A simple basic
    style but with
    deficiencies in
    expression or
    format that may
    pose obstacles
    for the reader
    Evidence of use of
    appropriate literature
    which goes beyond that
    referred to by the tutor.
    Frequently only uses a
    single source to support
    a point.
    35 –  Relevance to the  A limited  Largely  A basic argument is  Some evidence of  Numerous  Barely adequate use of
    39%  requirements of
    the assessment
    may be very
    intermittent, and
    may be reduced
    to its vaguest
    and least
    understanding of
    a narrow range of
    descriptive or
    narrative, with
    little evidence
    of analysis
    evident, but mainly
    supported by assertion
    and there may be a
    lack of clarity and
    a view starting to
    be formed but
    mainly derivative.
    deficiencies in
    expression and
    presentation; the
    writer may
    achieve clarity (if
    at all) only by
    using a simplistic
    or repetitious
    literature. Over
    reliance on
    material provided by
    the tutor.
    The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied – for compensation
    30 –
    The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The
    evidence provided shows that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in
    some of the indicators.
    15-29%  The work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.
    The evidence shows that few of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in several of
    the indicators.
    0-14%  The work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the
    qualification. The evidence fails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be
    weak in the majority or all of the indicators.
    PGBM04: International Business Environment assignment 代写