FIT5123 Assignment 2 Marking Guide代写
FIT5123 Assignment 2 Marking Guide
Student No:
Semester 2, 2014
Assessed by:
(equal weight)
N – four or more of the following:
P – mostly the following:
C – mostly the following:
D – all of the following:
HD – all of the criteria for D plus
two or more of:
Quality Executive Summary and
Clear Introduction and
Lacks clear and/or adequate
executive summary and/or
introduction and/or background.
The executive summary,
introduction and background are
present but do not serve the
purpose well.
Reasonable executive summary,
introduction and background are
Well written and logically presented
executive summary, introduction
and background.
Logical structure
The paper does not have any logical
Some attempt at presenting the
argument in a logical manner but
poorly done.
Paper has a reasonably logical
Relatively sophisticated way of
presenting material in a clear logical
Critical Analysis / Synthesis not
just Description
Purely descriptive.
Some attempts at analysis.
A higher level of analysis.
High level analysis and synthesis.
Major elements / issues
identified and analysed /
Few elements identified -‐ indicates
lack of a practical and theoretical
understanding of the topic
Indicates a basic practical and
theoretical understanding of the
Indicates a reasonable practical
and theoretical understanding of
the topic
Many elements identified indicating
a clear practical and theoretical
understanding of the topic
Conclusions drawn
No logical conclusion is drawn.
The conclusion does not
summarise the paper well.
A reasonable conclusion is drawn. A full and well written conclusion is
Literature used &
Acknowledgement of the work
of others.
Referencing / Bibliography
Inappropriate / insufficient
supporting materials / references
are used. Materials from other
sources not cited.
Only limited resources are used.
Referencing technique is
inadequate. Too much reliance on
direct quotes.
The scope of supporting materials
/ references used is appropriate.
Material from other sources is
cited clearly and correctly.
Excellent range and relevance – well
used to elucidate the argument.
Excellent citing of sources.
Quality of writing
Clarity & Conciseness & Overall
Very poor English and / or spelling
and little / or no care in document
Needs improvement – but overall
expression and presentation
Above average standard of
expression and presentation.
Excellent overall expression and