TMIS101 - Management Information Systems assignment 代写
TMIS101 - Management Information Systems assignment 代写
TMIS101 - Management Information Systems
Major Assignment - E-commerce and E-business trend
Due Week 10 (Friday, 11:55pm, 22/09/2017)
Submit your assignment (soft copy only) to Turnitin on Moodle
Link to submit assignment to Turnitin is available on the course site on Moodle
Value: 20 percent of final marks
Background and Your Mission
E-commerce has significantly grown in the past two decades in a dominant way, and most
professionals believe that E-commerce will continue booming for the coming decade.
Consider the differences and similarities among the E-business models we have
discussed in this course (Refer to Chapter 5 of the textbook), summarize the importance
and further compare the advantages and disadvantages of E-business to the traditional
business model. In additional, propose or design few practical plans for E-business to
reveal the possible future development in this market based on your own knowledge and
real cases (Refer to learning outcome 5 of Chapter 5).
Instructions / Rules
TMIS101 - Management Information Systems assignment 代写
You are to complete the tasks listed above and submit your answers as a report
(2000 (±10%) words, excluding executive summary and reference list).
1. The report should have appropriate headings and subheadings.
2. In your report include references to other websites and articles.
3. Ensure you have an appropriate Executive Summary.
4. This work should be in one document in Microsoft Word format (.doc file). This
assignment should be typed using times new roman font size 12, single spacing
with appropriate headings and attention to spelling and grammar.
Plagiarism line: ≤20% similarity, paragraph or sentence without proper reference
is not allowed
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5. You should read additional material which should be included your sources in a
list of references at the end of your assignment.
Normal University referencing rules apply.
Students should use the Harvard (Author-Date) Style because it is the
common style used in the risk management discipline.
6. You are able to use any e.g. graphics you want. Feel free to be creative.
7. Whilst the assignment should follow academic standards in relation to non-
plagiarism, recognition of sources etc.; the report presented should be of a
professional (business) standard in terms of content and layout. It should include:
A Table of Contents
An Executive Summary
Appropriate use of headings, sub headings etc.
Single spacing and no ‘widows and orphans’ (paragraphs that go over a
8. The assignment is due in week 10, otherwise it will be considered late (this
attracts a 10% per day penalty or part thereof).
9. You should submit only soft copy of the assignment, hard (printed) copy is not
10. Your assignment must have a title page with the following information:
1. Your name,
2. Student ID,
3. Assignment name/title
4. Unit name,
5. Lecturer/tutor’s name.
11. Please also attach a copy of the Report Rubric (page 5 of this document) as the
last page of your report
12. Please ensure a thorough edit and spell check using English (Australian). Minor
errors, typographical mistakes and poor spelling detract from the quality of any
report will be penalized.
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TMIS101 - Management Information Systems
Assignment Rubric
Major Assignment - E-commerce and E-business trend
Due Week 10 (Friday, 11:55pm, 22/09/2017)
Submit your assignment (soft copy only) to Turnitin on Moodle
Link to submit assignment to Turnitin is available on the course site on Moodle
Value: 20 percent of final marks
Fail (0-49) Pass (50-64) Credit (65-74) Distinction (75-84) High Distinction (85-100) Total
Lack of focus with
no purpose or
structured. 0-
12.25 marks
Clear purpose
and context.
Weak paragraph
structure. Good
use of headings
and sub-
headings. 12.5-
16 marks
Appropriate use of
structure. Information
is presented in a logical
sequence that clearly
addresses the
questions asked.
16.25-18.5 marks
Student presents
information in
logical, structure
which audience can
follow with some
additional interest
18.75-21 marks
Student presents
information in logical,
interesting and entertaining
structure which audience
can follow. 21.25-25marks
Knowledge and
use of
Inaccurate use of
Systems concepts.
Lack of assertions,
and/or support.
0-12.25 marks
Limited grasp of
Assertions exist
but are not
supported or
12.5-16 marks
Accurate but limited
use of Information
Systems concepts.
Developed and
16.25-18.5 marks
Clear and
competent use of
Information Systems
Developed and
18.75-21 marks
Especially skilful
identification and analysis of
Information Systems
concepts. Fully developed
and supported assertions.
Focus on
Assigned Topic
(answered the
No attempt to link
assessment task to
the Topic.
0-12.25 marks
Some of the task
is related to the
Topic but a
reader does not
learn much about
the Topic.
12.5-16 marks
Most of the work is
related to the Topic but
occasionally wanders
off into other unrelated
areas. The reader can
still learn something
about the Topic.
16.25-18.5 marks
All of the work is
related to the Topic
and the reader
learns something
more about the
18.75-21 marks
The entire work is related to
the Topic and challenges
the reader with new
Research and
and Mechanics
and Language
No evidence of
additional research
or reading.
Students work has
spelling and
errors. Poor
0-12.25 marks
Some research
and additional
although poor
quality or not
related to the
Topic. Spelling
and grammatical
errors. Limited
12.5-16 marks
Evidence of research
and reading with some
quality references
mostly related to the
Topic. Some spelling
and grammatical
errors. Some errors
with referencing.
16.25-18.5 marks
Evidence of
research and
TMIS101 - Management Information Systems assignment 代写
reading with some
quality references all
related to the Topic.
Some errors with
spelling/grammar or
18.75-21 marks
Evidence of wide
reading/research and
inclusion of quality
references (including
academic references)
related to the Topic. No
spelling or grammatical
errors. Referencing is
Total Points: /100
TMIS101 - Management Information Systems assignment 代写