代写 ECF2550 Business in Asia
代写 ECF2550 Business in Asia
Unit Guide
Business in Asia
Semester 2, 2016
Handbook link:
The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the
right to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time.
Last updated: 25 Jul 2016
Table of contents
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Table of contents
Unit handbook information 4
Synopsis 4
Mode of delivery 4
Workload requirements 4
Unit relationships 4
Prerequisites 4
Prohibitions 4
Co-requisites 4
Chief Examiner 4
Unit Coordinator(s) 4
Academic overview 5
Learning outcomes 5
Teaching approach 5
Unit schedule 6
Assessment summary 7
Second marking 7
Return of final marks 7
Exam viewing 7
Assessment criteria 8
Assessment requirements 8
Hurdle requirements 8
Assessment tasks 8
Examination(s) 9
Referencing requirements 9
Assignment submission 10
Feedback 10
Learning resources 10
Required resources 11
Technological requirements 11
Q Manual 11
Prescribed text and readings 11
Recommended resources 11
Field trips 11
Additional unit costs 12
Examination material or equipment 12
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Other information 12
Policies 12
Graduate Attributes Policy 12
Student Charter 12
Student Services 12
Monash University Library 12
Disability Support Services 12
Other unit information 13
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Unit handbook information
The recent economic and social development of selected Asian countries, especially the role of the
business sector. Topics include entrepreneurship; technological change; the dynamics of
comparative advantage; import substitution versus export-oriented industrial growth; the
development state; the stages of business growth.
Mode of delivery
Caulfield (Day)
Workload requirements
Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per
semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study.
Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled
activities. The unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week.
Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning
and online engagement.
Unit relationships
Students must have passed one of the following before undertaking this unit: ECB1101, ECF1100,
ECG1101, ECS1101, ECW1101, ECC1000.
ECX2550, ECF3550, ECX3550
Chief Examiner
Name: Assoc Professor He-Ling Shi
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: 99034040
Unit Coordinator(s)
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Name: Assoc Professor He-Ling Shi
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: 99034040
Contact hours: Thursday 4pm-6pm
Academic overview
Learning outcomes代写 ECF2550 Business in Asia
The learning goals associated with this unit are to:
1. have critically examined the major hypothesis advanced to explain the dynamics of growth
and change in selected Asian economies
2. appreciate the main characteristics of the business environment in the selected countries,
including business institutions and business practices
3. understand the role of government and the market as allocators of resources and engines
of development
4. develop analytical, written and oral skills by writing a long essay and delivering a tutorial
Teaching approach
Lecture and tutorials, Case-based teaching, and some research activities
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Unit schedule
Students should note that the program outlined below is a guide to the material to be covered in
this unit and not a definitive statement of when that material will be covered. Specific details
relating to the timing will be discussed in class.
Week Activities Assessment
0 No formal assessment is
undertaken in week 0
1 Overview of Asia No formal assessment is
undertaken in week 0
No Tutorial
2 Middle Income Trap Tutorial 1 participation
3 International Network Tutorial 2 participation
4 Japanese Economy I Tutorial 3 participation
5 Japanese Economy II Tutorial 4 participation
6 Indian Economy I Tutorial 5 participation
7 Indian Economy II Tutorial 6 participation
8 Macroeconomic Prospects in Asia I Tutorial 7 participaton
9 Macroeconomic Prospects in Asia II Tutorial 8 participation
10 Hong Kong Economy Tutorial 9 participation
Submission of research
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
11 Chinese Economy I Tutorial 10 participation
12 Chinese Economy II Tutorial 11 participation
SWOT VAC No formal assessment is
undertaken SWOT VAC
Examination period LINK to Assessment
Policy: http://policy.
monash.ed u.au/policybank/
/as sessment/
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 50% + Examination (2 hours): 50%
Assessment task Value Due date
Research Essay 40% Week 10 Tutorial
Tutorial participation 10% Based on ALL tutorials
Examination 50% To be advised
A student’s final mark is normally the sum of the marks obtained in all of the individual assessment
items in the unit.
Second marking
Where an assessment task is given a fail grade by an examiner, that piece of work will be marked
again by a second examiner who will independently evaluate the work, and consult with the first
marker. No student will be awarded a fail grade for an assessment task or unit without a second
examiner confirming the result.
Note: Exceptions to this are individual pieces of assessment contributing 10% or less of the final
mark, unless the total of such pieces exceeds 30% of the final mark.
Return of final marks
Faculty policy states that 'the final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the
Board of Examiners on the recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects
of assessment'.
The final mark for this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in the
Faculty Calendar. Student results will be accessible through the my.monash portal.
Exam viewing
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Exam viewing
Feedback on student performance in examinations and other end-of-semester assessment is
required. The feedback should be in accordance with the University's procedures on Unit
Assessment. Details of the examination script viewing arrangements set down by the Faculty of
Business and Economics are available at http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/esg/agu/policies
Assessment criteria
Full details relating to the assessment requirements for this unit are available on Moodle and will
be discussed in class on Day One.
Assessment Criteria Grading Descriptors available at:
Assessment requirements
Hurdle requirements
There is no hurdle requirement for this unit
Assessment tasks
Assessment task title: Research Essay
Due Date: Week 10 Tutorial
Weighting/Value: 40%
Details of Task: See Other Information Section for details
Release date: Released
Word limit: 1500-2000
Presentation requirements: There is no presentation requirements for research essay
Estimated return date: Week 12 Tutorial
Hurdle requirements: There are no hurdle requirement for research essay
Criteria for marking:
The assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria
- Coherence of argument 20%
- Originality 10%
- Presentation 5%
- Referencing 5%
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Learning objectives assessed: This assessment task is designed to test your ability to do
independent research, and your analytical and writing skills. It is an individual assessment task.
Submission details: Submit your research essay hard copy to your tutor during Week 10 tutorial.
Please keep a copy of essay completed for your own records
Penalties for late lodgement: A penalty of 2 marks will be deducted for each day that it is late. No
essays will be accepted if more than 3 working days late.
Assessment coversheet: Research essay must include a cover sheet
Additional information: not applicable
Assessment task title: Tutorial participation
Due Date: Based on ALL tutorials
Weighting/Value: 10%
Details of Task: Participation marks are given on the basis of attendance of ALL tutorials. Students
are required to attend at least 10 tutorials to get full mark of 10. Any fraction of attendance will be
marked down accordingly
Release date: not applicable
Word limit: not applicable
Presentation requirements: not applicable
Estimated return date: not applicable
Hurdle requirements: not applicable
Criteria for marking: not applicable
Learning objectives assessed: Participate in tutorial discussions to enhance learning outcomes of
all objectives
Submission details: not applicable
Penalties for late lodgement: not applicable
Assessment coversheet: not applicable
Additional information: not applicable
Title: Examination
Weighting: 50%
Length: 2 hours writing time, 10 mins reading time
Type (open/closed book): closed book
Hurdle requirements (where applicable): There is no hurdle requirement for this task
Electronic devices allowed in the exam: None
Exam details: To be advised
Referencing requirements
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online
tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at http://www.lib.monash.edu
Assignment submission
Hard Copy Submission:
Assignments must include a cover sheet. The coversheet is accessible via the Monash portal page
located at http://my.monash.edu under the heading ‘Learning and teaching tools.’
Please keep a copy of tasks completed for your records.
Hard Copy Submission: Assignments must include a cover sheet. The coversheet is accessible via
the Monash portal page located at http://my.monash.edu under the heading ‘Learning and
teaching tools.’ Please keep a copy of tasks completed for your records. A box for placing the hard
copies of the research essay will be available at the Department of Economics office.
Our feedback to you
Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are:
● Formal individual feedback on assignments expressed as a letter grade
● Answers to ask questions relating to the discipline or the unit’s work
● Advice about seeking additional help to develop your writing or research skills
● Informal feedback relating to class activities
Your feedback to us
One of the formal ways students have to provide feedback on teaching and their learning
experience is through the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) survey. The feedback
is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied with
and areas for improvement.
Previous student evaluations of this unit
In response to the last SETU of this unit, the following changes have been made:
The contents and readings have been modified to be more streamlined.
If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to
Learning resources
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Learning resources
Monash Library Unit Reading List (if applicable to the unit):
Required resources
Students generally must be able to complete the requirements of their course without the
imposition of fees that are additional to the student contribution amount or tuition fees. However,
students may be charged certain incidental fees or be expected to make certain purchases to
support their study. For more information about this, refer to the Higher Education Administrative
Information for Providers, Chapter 18, Incidental Fees at http://education.gov.au/help-resourcesproviders
All required resources are available in the university through the library and the internet.
Technological requirements
Virtual learning environment (VLE): Moodle
Material used in class together with other information of importance to you will be published online
via the unit’s Moodle site. In order to access information about this unit in Moodle you must be
enrolled in the unit and have a valid student account with authcate username and password.
Moodle can be accessed through my.monash portal by clicking on the Moodle link under “Online
systems”. If you need some help with Moodle then check out the Moodle Support for Students
Q Manual
Work submitted for assessment must be consistent with the guidelines set down in the Q Manual,
which is the faculty's student guide for producing quality work on time. Copies of this manual can
be purchased at the bookshop or accessed online at http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/qmanual
Students are strongly encouraged to use the internet for research and learning. However, sources
such as Wikipedia should NOT be used to reference material. Students must regularly check
Moodle for announcements.
Prescribed text and readings
There is no prescribed text for this unit. A list of recommended readings is available on Moodle
Recommended resources
Books, articles and periodicals available through the library and internet as indicated in the reading
Field trips
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Additional unit costs
No additional costs are anticipated.
Examination material or equipment
Other information
Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that
staff and students are aware of the University's academic standards, and to provide advice on how
they might uphold them. You can find Monash's Education Policies at:
Graduate Attributes Policy
Student Charter
Student Services
The University provides many different kinds of services to help you gain the most from your
studies.Contact your tutor if you need advice and see the range of services available at www.
You can also access important information from the Faculty of Business and Economics current
students page http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/student/
Caulfield and Clayton students wishing to further develop English language skills in a fun group
environment can join a Conversational English Program. You can access these programs at
Monash University Library
The Monash University Library provides a range of services, resources and programs that enable
you to save time and be more effective in your learning and research.
Go to http://www.monash.edu/library or the library tab in my.monash portal for more information.
Disability Support Services
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
Students who have a disability, ongoing medical or mental health condition are welcome to contact
Disability Support Services.
Disability Support Services also support students who are carers of a person who is aged and frail
or has a disability, medical condition or mental health condition.
Disability Advisers visit all Victorian campuses on a regular basis.
● Website: http://monash.edu/disability
Other unit information
Research Essay Topics 2016
Instructions for students:
● In your research assignment, you must clearly but succinctly address each specific point
mentioned in the essay topic.
● Originality of the contribution and clarity of writing are rated highly in the assessment.
● Please use the material available on how to write a good essay on the university website:
● http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/llonline/writing/general/essay/index.xml
● The word limit is 1500 -2000 words.
● Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. You should familiarise yourself with what is plagiarism and
university guidelines on plagiarism available on: http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/llonline/writing
You should submit the essay as hard copy to your tutor during the Week 10 Tutorial
Essay Topics
The impact of the slowdown of the Chinese economy on other economies in Asia and Australasia
(Asia and Australia-New Zealand and neighbouring Pacific Islands) region.
There are strong indications that the Chinese economy is slowing down after three decades of
rapid growth. Its rapid growth transformed not only China’s own economy but also had a huge
impact on other economies in Asia and the world. China emerged as the ‘assembly center’ of
production networks and has played a major role in the deeper integration of economies in this
Clearly a Chinese slowdown will have major impacts on the economies of this region. Also note
that the Chinese slowdown is happening at a time when the global economy, including the major
OECD economies, is facing difficult times.
The essay should focus on a selected economy in Asia (NOT Vietnam, as there is a chapter on
Vietnam in the reference (a) given below) or the Australia-New Zealand region, and discuss the
implications of the Chinese economy slow down on that economy.
The essay should describe, proving figures and data is necessary, the trade and investment
linkages of the selected economy with China and the rest of the world, and how these relationships
have evolved during the period of the ‘China boom’. It should then discuss how a slowdown in
Chinese economy impacts on the selected country through the various channels (trade, tourism,
ECF2550 Business in Asia - Semester 2 - 2016
代写 ECF2550 Business in Asia