CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and ethical work practices 代写

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  • Meadowbank Campus
    Community Services Teaching Section
    CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and ethical work practices
    Semester 2, 2015
    CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
    Teacher: Ros Lloyd Email: [email protected]
    Contact number: 9942 3160 (leave a message if unavailable)
    This unit is graded. This means that the results will be recorded as either: Not Yet
    Competent (NYC), Achieved Competency (AC), Competent with Credit (CC) or
    competent with Distinction (CD).
    The following grading criteria definitions describe the level of competency expected
    to be demonstrated by the learner.
    CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and
    ethical work practices
    Service Report
    E1: 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4
    E2: 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5
    TAFE NSW -The Northern Sydney Institute. CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
    CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and ethical work practices– SAG.s2:2015 Created 3/07/15 V1.1
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    Not Yet Competent
    The learner demonstrates some skills but does not
    satisfy all the skills and knowledge required to meet the
    performance criteria specific to the unit.
    The learner only uses basic reflective skills and is unable
    to link the knowledge to theory.
    Achieved Competency
    The learner demonstrates basic skills and knowledge
    and has satisfactorily met the performance criteria
    specific to the unit. This can be demonstrated in a
    range of situations.
    The learner uses known information, uses basic
    reflective skills with a limited reference to theory.
    Competency with Credit
    The learner demonstrates effective skills and knowledge
    and is able to independently meet the performance
    criteria, specific to the unit. This can be demonstrates in a
    wide range of situations.
    The learner applies detailed information to new
    situations using intermediate reflective skills that link to
    research and theory.
    Competent with Distinction
    The learner demonstrates skills and knowledge and is
    able to consistently, effectively and independently
    meet the performance criteria specific to the unit. This
    can be demonstrated in an extensive range of
    situations with creativity.
    The learner researches and applies new information
    and is able to synthesise information and adapt it to
    new situations.
    The learner can clearly analyse information using
    high level reflective skills that link to research and
    Welcome to  CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
    Maintain legal and ethical work practices. In this class there is ONE unit of
    competency that you will undertake assessments for.
    CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and ethical work practices
    Descriptor:  This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to
    maintain the application of legal and ethical work practices by
    monitoring, coordinating and promoting their importance in
    providing community services and supporting duty of care
    To achieve this unit of competency you must demonstrate the following:
    • Promote the importance of applying legislation and common law relevant to
    work role
    • Monitor application of organisation policies and practices
    • Monitor ethical work practices
    • Take corrective action when client rights and interests are not being
    You will notice from the Assessment Specification Matrix (on the first page) that
    there are TWO assessment tasks in this unit.
    In order for you to pass this Unit you need to pass ALL of the assessment tasks to a
    satisfactory standard. If you do not pass one of the assessment tasks, you will not
    have satisfactorily completed this unit (and therefore will not have satisfactorily
    completed the course
    TAFE NSW -The Northern Sydney Institute. CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
    CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and ethical work practices– SAG.s2:2015 Created 3/07/15 V1.1
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    The following is a list of resources you might find helpful as you undertake the class
    learning and assessment tasks. This is a good place to start, but it is by no means an
    exhaustive list.
    Text References
    Banks, Sarah (2010) Ethical issues in youth work (2nd ed.) London: Routledge.
    Banks, Sarah (2001) Ethics and Values in Social Work (2 nd ed.) Palgrave London
    Beckett, Chris (2005) Values & ethics in social work : an introduction London: Sage
    Bowles, Wendy (2007) Ethical practice in social work: an applied approach Crows
    Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin.
    Chapin, Rosemary Kennedy (2007) Social policy for effective practice a strengths
    approach Boston: McGraw-Hill.
    Fitzpatrick, Tony (2005) New theories of welfare Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Forder, Anthony (1984) Theories of welfare London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan
    Gray, Mel, (1951) Ethics and value perspectives in social work New York: Palgrave
    Ife, J. W. (2008) Human rights and social work: towards rights-based practice (Rev.
    ed.) Port Melbourne, Victoria: Cambridge University Press.
    Maidment, Jane (2009) Practice skills in social work & welfare: more than just
    common sense (2nd ed.) Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.
    Mishra, Ramesh (1981) Society and social policy: theories and practice of welfare
    (2nd ed.) London : MacMillan.
    O'Connor, Ian (2008) Social work and human service practice (5th ed.) Frenchs
    Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Longman.
    Petruchenia, Jude (1990) Social change & social welfare practice Sydney: Hale &
    Rice, Simon and Day, Andrew (eds) 2014. Social Work in the shadow of the law. The
    Federation Press NSW
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    Websites and Online Resources
    Australia’s Welfare- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
    Data Diction and Community Lincs Information
    Local Community Service Association
    NSW Council of Social Services
    The Law Handbook - Your practical guide to the law in NSW. 11 th Edition.
    Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework – CHCCS400A. Jigsaw
    Publications (2010).
    NSW Ombudsman
    NSW Government legislation
    Commonwealth Government legislation
    Australian Community Workers Association
    Community Service standards
    ASSESSMENT TASK 1: Service Report
    Due: Week 13 Wednesday 21 st October
    This assessment event is graded.
    The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate:
    • Promote the importance of applying legislation and common law relevant to
    work role
    • Monitor application of organisation policies and practices
    • Monitor ethical work practices
    Students will choose a community services sector to focus on for this assessment.
    Examples include Domestic Violence, Child Protection, Mental Health, Drugs and
    Alcohol, Disability, Young people, Out of Home Care, Aged Care, Homelessness etc.
    Answer the following questions. You MUST contextualise your answers to the
    chosen sector.
    TAFE NSW -The Northern Sydney Institute. CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
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    1. Choose a piece of legislation relevant to the Community Services sector you have
    chosen. Locate the legislation and quote 3 sections explaining the impact of each on
    worker responsibilities in the workplace. (Examples of legislation will be covered in
    2. Write a memo to new staff in your organisation
    a. explaining their duty of care responsibilities in their work role (emphasise the
    importance of accepting responsibility, being accountable and maintaining
    b. outlining the importance of involving clients in decision making and seeking client
    agreement before providing services.
    3. a. Describe a potential ethical issue and ethical dilemma in this workplace.
    b. What steps can you take to ensure staff maintain ethical work practices?
    4. Develop a policy and procedure relevant to working directly with clients in this
    workplace. E.g. Home visiting , Intake, Privacy etc.
    5. How can you ensure staff are working according to this policy and procedure.
    (Describe 3 strategies)
    6. Identify an example of unethical conduct in this workplace. Document the conduct
    using a report format.
    Students MUST answer ALL of the assessment questions to a satisfactory standard
    in order to achieve a pass in this assessment event and the overall unit.
    ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Question/Answer
    Due: Week 13 Wednesday 21 st October
    This assessment task is graded.
    The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate:
    • Take corrective action when client rights and interests are not being
    TAFE NSW -The Northern Sydney Institute. CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
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    Students are to answer the following questions.
    1. Describe processes available in the workplace that allow clients to express their
    2. Describe how you will manage a client’s complaint about the service.
    3. Describe the process for referring to an advocacy service and how you will follow-
    up this referral.
    4. What action will you take to address observed signs of abuse or neglect of clients?
    5. Discuss how the role and responsibility of a legal guardian differs from an
    Students MUST answer ALL of the assessment questions to a satisfactory standard
    in order to achieve a pass in this assessment task and the overall unit.
    Week  Topic
    Assessment Task
    Legislation and work role
    Policies and procedures
    Ethical work practices
    Protection of client rights and interests
    No class  Assessment 1 and 2
    due Wednesday
    TAFE NSW -The Northern Sydney Institute. CHC50612 Diploma Community Services Work
    CHCCS502C - Maintain legal and ethical work practices– SAG.s2:2015 Created 3/07/15 V1.1
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