Facility Design Characterising tourist destinations代写
Choosing a Destinations
The choice of a product (destination) in tourist and consumer behaviours.
Characterising tourist destinations
Case study, Corbett National Park (India)
Activities, Settings, Facilities, Services, Hosts, Management?
My image!
Components of destination Image
A concept by which “we understand a process of individual consciousness which determines real or possible activity of the individual counterpart of the social value; activity, in whatever form, is the bond between them” (Thomas, 1918 )
In simple words an attitude can be defined as an individual feeling to perform particular responses towards a concept (Fishbein, 1975)
“The categorization of a stimulus object along an evaluative dimension” (Zanna, 1988).
In another definition to include the knowledge and feeling, attitude referred “to knowledge and positive or negative feeling about an object or activity (Dibb, 1994 ).
Why attitude?
Economic impacts
Sociocultural impacts
Environmental impacts
Attitudes components
Attitudes components
Investigating attitudes
Attitudes towards the Environment and conservation
Stages of tourism development
What is Motivation?
Originally derived from the Latin word movere meaning to move
“…an inner state that energises, channels, and sustains human behaviour to achieve goals” (Pizam, Neumann, and Reichel, 1979, p. 195).
Tourist Motivation
The total network of biological and cultural forces which give value and direction to travel choice, behaviour and experience (Pearce et al. 1998)
Other expressions such as drive, need, desire and expectation have been used to refer to these internal activating factors
What is Motivation?
Motivation & Tourism/Leisure Choice
Why do certain groups of people travel?
Why do people go to a certain place?
PUSH vs PULL factors
Motives vs Attributes
Demand vs Supply
Why Study Tourist & Leisure Motivation?
To gain better understanding of needs & wants.
The WHY of travel and leisure
Providing clues as to effective promotional strategies
Providing clues as to effective product design
Increasing likelihood of achieving visitor satisfaction
Stakeholders with interest in motivation
Destination marketing organisations
Transport providers
Accommodation & attraction providers
Event Planners
Providers of leisure facilities
Theories: Dann (1977)
First to identify role of Push & Pull Factors
Proposed that Push Factors always precede Pull Factors
Proposed two dominant Push Factors
Anomie – the need to escape the routine & isolation of day to day life, a desire to get away from it all.
Ego-enhancement – the need for recognition, which can be obtained as a result of the status associated with travel
Theories: Crompton (1979)
Exploration & Evaluation of Self
Enhancement of Relationships
Social Interaction
Theories: Maslow’s Hierarchy
The Travel Career Pattern - *
Challenges in Measuring Motivation
People may not wish to reveal true motivations
People may have difficulty in recognising motives
People may be unwilling to participate meaningfully
People may have conflicting motives
Contradictions between motives and actions
Multiple motivations
Shared motivations & influence of others
Facility Design Assessment Tips
■What will motivate each of your market segments to come to your facility?
■Develop a motivational profile for each of your market segments
■Consider using one of the theories as a framework for organising the motives of your segments
Facility Design Checkpoint
Submit three pages including of one page of references and a two pages outline in point form summarising the following:
1.The proposed facility name and concept
2.Market segments
3.Motives of each segment
Key criteria to be used are as follows:
How well developed the idea is in each of the sections outlined above
Use of concepts/theories from the lectures
The creativity of the idea
How clearly the idea was communicated
Evidence of wide reading / reference list