MKTG203 Consumer Behaviour 代写
General information
Learning outcomes
1. 1. Identify, understand, and articulate a range of influences on consumer behaviour.
2. 2. Critically analyse, discuss, evaluate and integrate the theoretical literature to create a
coherent and theoretically rigorous argument.
3. 3. Critically evaluate and reflect upon specific marketing decisions and marketing strategies
through the use of applied questions.
Unit convenor and teaching staff
Jana Bowden-Everson
Contact via Email
E6A 650
Tues 1-3
Monica Ren
Contact via Email
E6A 522
Mon 1-3
Credit points
Co-badged status
Unit description
This unit examines the external and internal factors that influence people's behaviour in a purchase
situation. The unit provides a conceptual understanding of consumer behaviour, integrating
theories from psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology and economics. The discipline-specific
knowledge students should gain from this unit is to understand how and why consumers, including
those from South–East Asia, make decisions to purchase, use and eventually dispose of products
and services. This should also result in a better understanding of consumerism issues in both for-
profit and non-profit sectors.
Unit guide MKTG203 Consumer Behaviour
General assessment information
MKTG203 has been designed to provide you with an introduction to the field of consumer behaviour.
This unit has been designed to build upon the knowledge and skills you acquired from studying
Marketing Fundamentals (MKTG101). We are all consumers. We buy a range of items from luxury goods,
to mobile phones, computers, cars, and everyday items such as groceries. We use services daily when
we study online, do our telephone banking, visit our favourite café/restaurant, go the doctor, or get our
hair cut. Despite this commonality, we know that consumers are different from one another. We buy
different phones, visit different banks, prefer different restaurants, and wear different clothes. Even
within these categories our decisions change on every purchase occasion as we are influenced by the
people and information that surrounds us. With this state of flux, how can we construct coherent
marketing strategies to target consumers effectively?
In this class we will try to learn how and why consumers behave the way that they do. We will study
theories from marketing, psychology and the behavioral sciences and we will attempt to use these
theories to predict how consumers will respond to different marketing activities. You will have the
opportunity to apply this theory through the analysis of a variety of real-world examples directed at
amplifying your understanding of how consumer behaviour concepts are used.
This is a 3 credit point unit.
Details of Assessment
Assessed Coursework 10%
Random collection x3 typed one page responses worth 10% in total (worth 3%, 3% and 4%) due
between week 2-12
Each week you are required to type a minimum 1 page response to the set questions for that week
PRIOR to your tutorial. The schedule for this, and the set topic questions are outline in the "Unit
Schedule" and are titled "Assessments due for discussion" each week. These responses must be brought
to class. Your tutor will RANDOMLY collect three (3) of these responses for marking throughout the
semester. These are respectively worth 3%, 3% and 4% each. You will be told at the START of your
tutorial that your responses will be collected for marking. You will not receive prior notice of a
collection. You must therefore ensure that you write your responses each week, and bring them to
• Each typed response will account for 1% of your participation mark up to a maximum of 10%
for a response to each of the ten set response topics. Ie. 1% for completion, or 0% for non-
• You are required to answer each set question in bullet point or paragraph form. Referencing is
not required.
• Weekly responses are to be formatted as follows; one single A4 page (strict page limit), size 12
times new roman font, 1.5 line spacing, normal margins, registered student name, and student
ID number printed at top of page along with topic title of submission.
Unit guide MKTG203 Consumer Behaviour
• Typed responses are to be COLLECTED IN CLASS AND AT THE START OF THE CLASS by your
tutor in hard copy. Submissions are due to your tutor within the FIRST 15 minutes of class only.
No extensions will be granted. Students who have not submitted the task during the start of
tutorial in which the assessment is due will be awarded a mark of 0 for the task, except for
cases in which an application for special consideration is made and approved.
• Electronic submissions will not be accepted.
• Please bring a copy of your solution to class in preparation for class discussion and
presentation. You will be randomly called on by the tutor to present your responses during the
The set questions are outlined in the presentation schedule contained in Appendix A.
Participation 10% - between week 2-12 inclusive
Each week you are required to type a minimum 1 page response to the set questions (ie. "Assessments
due for discussion"). Discussion of the solutions in class attracts 1% per tutorial for a total of 10 tutorials
to a maximum of 10%. In class you are required to verbally participate in class discussions by offering a
substantive contribution. Your class participation grade will be composed of the quality of your verbal
participation in class in response to the weekly assessed coursework topics and any other material
discussed in tutorials. Each week you will receive a score of 1% or 0% between weeks 2 and 12 inclusive.
Attending classes will substantially increase your understanding of the assigned readings and provide
you with insight into issues beyond those covered in the readings. It will also give you the opportunity
to actively participate in class discussions and obtain a better class participation grade. Note, however,
that your mere presence is not sufficient to earn points for class participation. The quantity and,
especially, the quality of your contributions to class discussions are also essential.
NB. If you miss one class in which verbal participation was assessed and if you meet the criteria for
"Disruption to studies", please apply. If approved, your class particpation and typed responses will be
assessed in an alternate week.
NB: Knowledge of the content in the set questions and knowledge gained from the class discussions
will assist with preparing for the exam.