代写 MGMT5701 Employment Relations assignment
代写 MGMT5701 Employment Relations assignment
MGMT5701 Employment Relations
Week 6 Workshop: Chinese business in
Today’s agenda
n Student presentation
n Reviewing the case
n SWOT analysis, brainstorm strategic planning
n Update on Chinese businesses in Africa
n Coming up: ER comparative analysis
Student presentation
Chinese investment in Africa: still
How can we assess Chinese
investment in Africa?
n Hilary Clinton, former US secretary of state called
upon African countries to guard against those that
“come in, take out natural resources, pay off leaders
and leave.”
n Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, retorted
immediately that “Clinton’s implication that China has
been extracting Africa’s wealth for itself is utterly
devoid of the truth.”
What factors are driving Chinese
investment in Africa?
n Globalization?
n China’s rising economic power?
n Attempt to secure national advantage over globally
scarce natural resources?
Reviewing the case
n What is the history of trade between China and Africa?
n What characteristics does recent Chinese investment in
Africa exhibit?
n What are the major export and import items?
Arguments for and against land
n What ethical issues are presented?
n What kind of consequences do such practices beget?
SWOT analysis for Chinese
investment in Africa
n Strengths
n Weaknesses
n Opportunities
n Threats
What are implications for ER of
such investments?
n Stipulations of up to 70% of labour done by Chinese
n Why? What are advantages for Chinese firms?
n Skills development & employment for local workers
n Displacement of local farmers & communities
n OSH & accidents
n Social tensions
+ Comparison with Western investment
in Africa: Shell in Nigeria
1958 Oil found.
1990 Movement for the survival of the Ogoni People
(Mosop) created.
1993 Ogonis protest environmental damage.
1993 Shell forced to pull out of Ogoniland.
1994 Military cracks down on protest.
1995 Mosop leader & others prosecuted
1996 Relatives take Shell to trial in US for complicity
in human rights abuses.
2009 Shell agrees to $15.5M settlement; denies
wrongdoing, says it is “humanitarian
代写 MGMT5701 Employment Relations assignment
Brainstorm: strategic planning for
Chinese firms entering Africa
n How can you make investment render mutual benefits
for both parties?
n Conditions for initial investment decision?
n Strategy regarding dealing with local government
n Strategy regarding use of local vs Chinese workers?
Overall ER strategy?
+ Update on Chinese businesses in
n Investment by private sector is increasing
n From 52 à 923 cases between 2005 and 2012 (55% of
total investment)
n This may underestimate true volume
n Unlike public sector’s investment, private sector
investment focused on manufacturing (36%) and
services (22%)
n Compared to investments in construction (35%) and
resource extraction (25%) by public sector firms
“Xiaofang Shen, ‘How the private sector is changing Chinese
investment in Africa,’ Columbia FDI Perspectives, No. 93,
April 15, 2013
Update on Chinese businesses in
n Some concerns voiced by host countries:
n Mostly “sunset industries”
n Lack of technology transfers
n Concerns about labour & environmental standards
n But holds promise for industrialization:
n Industrialization involves many steps; this is a first.
n China’s own process involved FDI from HK, Taiwan &
n Host governments should promote technology
transfer & linkages with local firms
Video: Madagascar vanilla
Coming up: ER comparative
n Due 29 April (Week 8), in hard copy and through
Turnitin in Moodle
n 1,500 words
n 4 references (see what qualifies as ‘reference’ in
n No additional research required beyond course
n 25% of grade
ER comparative analysis
n Students will compare and contrast two country cases, each
selected from one of the three typologies of ER systems
covered in this course: liberal market economies (including
Australia), coordinated market economies, and Asian
economies. Some guiding questions to structure your
analysis are:
n Compare and contrast the two societies in terms of the
literature on comparative institutions. Describe the main
characteristics of ER in each country and compare their roles
within each society.
n What is the role of unions and other structures of workplace
representation in each country, and how are they different?
n How is the ER system in each country changing if at all? What
are the current challenges?
Grading rubric
understanding of different
employment relations
• Lists key characteristics of the countries’ ER
• Gives examples
• Explains each ER system in relation to the overall
model of capitalism.
• Illustrates how each ER system is changing, if at all.
Compare and contrast
different employment
relations systems.
• Shows insights to how the two countries’ ER
systems are different and how they may be similar.
• Gives examples.
understanding of the
implications for workers
and organisations of
different structures for
workplace representation.
• Lists key characteristics of workplace
representation structures in each ER system.
• States whether these structures promote voice and
equity for workers.
• Explains why or why not these structures promote
voice and equity.
Demonstrate critical
thinking, analytical, and
communications skills.
Total /25
Next week
n Lecture: Asian economies and their ER
n Workshop: Governing Global Value Chains: Rana Plaza
代写 MGMT5701 Employment Relations assignment