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  • 澳洲商科代写 mba assignment 代写
    The following warning is issued by the University (Undergraduate Course Handbook: 2012.  You can access the Handbook at:
    “One form of academic cheating is plagiarism: the reproduction of someone else’s words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgment. There are many forms of plagiarism, including the following: 澳洲商科代写 mba assignment 代写
    • direct copying of sentences, paragraphs or other extracts from someone else’s published work (including on the Internet and in software) without acknowledging the source
    • paraphrasing someone else’s words without acknowledging the source
    • using facts and information derived from a source without acknowledging it
    • using ideas directly derived from an identifiable author without acknowledging the source
    • producing assignments which should be the student’s own, independent work in collaboration with and/or using the work of other people (e.g. a student or tutor).”
    Plagiarism and copying the work of other students are forms of cheating and will be treated accordingly. Students found guilty of academic misconduct may receive penalties ranging from a requirement to participate in academic counselling or a reduction in marks for an individual piece of assessment for minor cases, through to suspension from your course in serious cases or repeat offences.
    To ensure that you are not guilty of plagiarism you must, in all your written assignments, declare all sources from which you have obtained materials or ideas.
    Further explanations for ‘academic misconduct’ and for ‘plagiarism’ are available at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/learning/integrity.html.
    7.1 Regional School of Business Policy on Plagiarism
    The Regional School of Business aims to protect and enhance the authenticity and value of the degrees it offers.  Students are therefore reminded of the extremely serious view of the University with regard to plagiarism. All sources of information used in essays/assignments must be acknowledged fully in accordance with academic convention.
    It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they are aware of relevant academic requirements (e.g., accurate and correct referencing), and to seek assistance from staff where required. The above policy links provide relevant information about plagiarism, academic misconduct, and penalties that may apply.
    Support and advice on fulfilling the School’s requirements with respect to the writing of essays/assignments is available from staff and the Academic Language and Learning Unit.
    Plagiarism detection and prevention software (e.g., Turnitin) is used in the School to aid in identifying possible incidences of plagiarism in written assignments.