ALC203 Media assignment blog reading research代写

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  • ALC203 Media assignment blog reading research代写
    This task requires you to use various media to construct a blog post in which
    you critically and creatively reflect on the issue of online identity, analyse your
    own online persona(s), and draw on scholarly sources to reinforce your ideas.
    You must adhere to the assessment requirements when using images at all
    times. Your blog post is worth 40 marks.
    You will also be assessed on your broader unit-related online activity as part of
    this assessment task. This part of the assessment is worth 10 marks.
    Deadline: 5pm, Monday 10 April.
    Late deductions: 5% per day will be applied in fairness to all students.
    Extensions will not be approved in fairness to all students except in
    extraordinary circumstances and with advance notice (all requests must be
    made to the Unit Chair at [email protected]).
    Weight: 50% of overall unit mark.
     This document includes advice on:
    o Where to create your blog post
    o  How to focus your blog post
    o  Integrating media into your blog post
    o  How to use images in your blog post
    o  How to demonstrate reading and research
    o  How to highlight your broader online activity
    o  How to submit your assessment task
    o  Marking criteria
    A full example can be found on my Digital Zones blog.
    Further tips for success will be provided in my videos, so stay tuned!
     Create a blog using a site such as Wordpress – it’s not compulsory to use
    this; there are plenty of others
    o If you would like to use an existing blog, that’s fine (though I don’t
    recommend Tumblr for our purposes)
    o If you are currently using a blog for another unit, ensure you let
    relevant teaching staff in your other unit(s) know
    o If you already have an active blogsite and this post would not suit
    its content, you might choose to create a new blog so that it’s not a
    ‘distraction’ or ‘annoyance’ for your subscribers – but that’s all up
    to your negotiation of your online identity 
     The focus of your blog post could be an analysis of one (or perhaps a
    combination) of the following:
    o Your overall construction of an online identity across several
    media platforms
    o The effectiveness and/or limitations of your online identity
    o A specific aspect of your online identity (i.e. your use of profile
    picture/s, how you portray yourself on a particular site, or how you
    communicate with others in a specific online setting)
    o The way in which you form/maintain relationships or networks
    o Your connection to, and interactions with, a specific online
    o A past experience relating in some way to your online identity
    o What you hope to achieve in establishing/expanding an online
    persona in future weeks and months
     You might reflect on both what you have done or currently do well and
    what improvements you could make (i.e. your aspirations) – the options
    are endless!!!
     You can include links to one or more of your online profiles if you wish
    (not compulsory), though these will need to be publicly available for such
    links to be valuable
     You must incorporate the following media into your blog post to
    complement your written component:
    1. Three tweets from your own Twitter profile
    2. Two images (photographs, drawings, or screenshots)
    3. One of the following:
    o One SlideShare slideshow of no more than 5 slides
    o One Prezi with no more than 5 sections/movements
    o One infographic using any of the following sites that allow the
    free and easy visualisation of data and/or ideas:
     Visually
     Canva
     Easelly
     Venngage
     Infogram
     Piktochart
     Depending on the media involved, you must either embed or upload your
    extra content into your blog post
    o You can definitely embed tweets and SlideShare slideshows onto
    Wordpress blogs (I haven’t tried all combinations on all blogsites)
    o If you can’t embed your media, take a screenshot of it and upload
    to your blog as an image, then provide a working hyperlink back to
    the original source (make sure it’s publicly available)
     It’s best practice in blog posts to use hyperlinks (that open in new tabs)
    to other sites where relevant and useful
    o Never give the full URL – link words or phrases instead
    o Be sure to check that all links work before submitting (make sure
    you are logged out of your blog to check it from a visitor’s
     Part of the point of this exercise is to enhance your awareness of how you
    might properly, legally, ethically, and creatively use online material to
    produce a digital text
    o For example, you cannot simply grab whatever you like from a
    quick Google images search (this is not only problematic, but
    demonstrates a lack of creativity!)
     When using images (including those used in tweets, slideshows, Prezis,
    and infographics), you must use one or more of the following options:
    1. Images that you have created yourself
    2. Images with appropriate Creative Commons licences
    3. Screenshots of your own social media profiles (no other
    profiles or websites)
     If you identify anyone in an image you create or a screenshot from your
    social media profile, you must obtain clear written permission from the
    relevant individual(s) to use it in your blog post
    o This would include someone identified visually or by name in a
    photograph or screenshot (otherwise, black or blur them out as I
    have in my example)
    o Create your own brief written consent form
    o Include copies of all signed consent forms (if applicable) as part of
    your CloudDeakin dropbox submission – don’t put signed forms on
    your blog post!!
     Reference any Creative Commons licensed material in exactly the same
    way as I have in my Study Notes documents, blogs, videos, etc.
    o Ensure you include working hyperlinks to the original source as
    your marker will check that you have used this material correctly!
     The main written component of your blog post should be approximately
    1,000 words (with 10% leeway), not including captions, in-text citations,
    or listed references
    o Include your word count for this at the bottom as I have in my
    o The other media you integrate into your blog post and your overall
    online activity is equivalent to part of the overall 2,000 words
    noted in the Handbook and Unit Guide for this task (please ignore
    this – I have to include the larger number as per Deakin policy)
     Your written component must include concepts and definitions drawn
    specifically and explicitly from scholarly source material
    o You must use at least three scholarly sources in your written
    component (these can be set readings and/or sources you’ve found
    through your own research)
    o Direct and explicit reference (by quoting or paraphrasing) should
    be made to your sources in your blog’s written component (i.e.
    never list sources you don’t use!)
     The Deakin library holds a wealth of relevant and useful material both in
    hard copy and/or electronic form, such as eBooks and journal articles
     You may draw on websites, news media articles, blog posts, etc. as
    sources in your written component where relevant and useful, but these
    don’t count as scholarly (peer-reviewed) research
     If you cannot access a specific book of interest through Deakin, you
    might be able to obtain it from another university via the Bonus+ system
    (accessible via the library catalogue), but remember that this will take
    several days to deliver
     Please contact the Faculty’s liaison librarians if you require assistance
    using the library resources or check out this useful video playlist
     Reference your work in the Harvard style using in-text citations (with
    specific page numbers) and a reference list
     Add a separate section to the end of your blog post (i.e. on the same post)
    with the title: My broader ALC203-related online activity
    o In no more than 100 words, describe your broader online activity in
    relation to the unit
    o Include hyperlinks to specific examples you would like the marker
    to take into account (such as your Twitter profile, other blog posts,
    additional media creations, and so on)
    o Please don’t embed any media relating to this section – this brief
    summary is in essence a backup to the Tiffit system
    o This section is worth 10 marks of the total 50 marks available for
    this assessment piece, and will be marked separately by the Unit
     When submitting, provide the link to your specific blog post (not the
    home page of your blog) in the Comments box of the relevant
    CloudDeakin dropbox
    o Use the QuickLink feature to make this a working hyperlink that
    opens in a new tab
    o CloudDeakin requires you to upload a document in order to
    complete the submission, so just upload a blank one (you can
    provide the link here too as a backup if you wish)
    o Attach any signed consent forms if relevant
     The following table indicates what your marker will be looking for
     These criteria will be evaluated on CloudDeakin using an online rubric,
    but do not equate to a particular number of marks per criterion (i.e. this is
    not quantitative)
      Please note that your broader online activity (which is also a criterion and
    worth up to 10 marks on its own) will be assessed by the Unit Chair to
    achieve parity across the entire student cohort, therefore this does not
    appear in the table below:
    Satisfactory Good
    Demonstrated competence
    in using the chosen digital
    media forms
    Evidence of creative and
    independent thinking
    Quality of media integrated
    into blog post
    Clear understanding of,
    critical reflection on, and
    application of, relevant
    theoretical concepts
    Evidence and use of
    scholarly reading and
    research included in the
    critical reflection
    ALC203 Media assignment blog reading research代写
    Ability to develop a clear
    and structured media text
    Relevant verbal and non-
    verbal skills (including
    written expression, spelling,
    grammar, tone, etc.)
    Complete, accurate, and
    consistent use of Harvard
    Ability to remain within the
    word length restrictions
    ALC203 Media assignment blog reading research代写