WACB100 Research Report assignment 代写
WACB100 Research Report assignment 代写
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Research Report Instructions
You have been asked to carry out a research project to examine a business or economic
aspect(s) of your social inclusion topic. Students may choose to examine the same aspect(s) of
their issue as the others in their group, or may select their own issue or work in pairs on the same
issue. Your teacher can help you to finalise your specific topic and research question(s). The
marker will be looking for evidence that you can:
• Identify an appropriate research question
• Record the results appropriately
• Analyse the results by:
o Identifying major findings
o Explaining the significance of findings
o Comparing the findings with the findings of others
o Identifying the limitations of the research
• Suggest areas for further research
NOTE: each student is to submit their own research report, i.e. this task is an individual
assessment task and students should be very careful not to commit plagiarism.
Assignment Instructions
1. Write up your findings in the form of a Research Report. (This is NOT an Information
2. Your report will consist of the following sections:
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Results
• Discussion/Interpretation
• Reference list (not included in word count)
• Appendices (optional - not included in word count)
You will NOT be expected to write the Methodology section which would normally be placed after
the Literature Review, as you have not actually been involved in collecting the data you will
discuss in your Report.
You will need to reference at least five scholarly readings (These readings may include the reading
from Assignment 1.)
Length: 1,200 words (+/- 10%)
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Assignment Submission
• This assessment must be submitted via Turnitin in iLearn. Hard copies will not be
accepted or marked. On the designated “Draft Submission” due date, students are
expected to bring hard copies of their assignment drafts to class. These assignments will
be peer-reviewed and the collaborative worksheet will be uploaded to Turnitin. You must
submit your scanned copy of the collaborative worksheet with the feedback you have
received to Turnitin by Week 5 Friday 9pm
• Your draft Research Report will be peer-reviewed in Week 4 Lesson 1 with the aid of the
collaborative worksheet available on iLearn.
• On the “Formal” submission due date, students are expected to submit their revised
electronic version of the assignment to Turnitin.
• You MUST bring a printed copy of your draft. Please note that it is not appropriate to
bring an electronic copy of your draft.
• Unless you have agreement for an extension, you must submit your final written
assignment submission to Turnitin by 9pm on the Friday Week 4 when it is due.
• Turnitin is accessible through the unit's iLearn site under the assessment link for each
• Your final submission should have a similarity of not more than 8% (not including
• During the week that your formal submission is due, you may submit your assessment
through Turnitin as many times as you wish in order to correct your similarity percentage.
But please be aware that there is a 24-hour lag between the time you remove an
assignment and the time you can upload it again. Keep this in mind as Friday
Presentation of Assignments:
Add a footer to each page of the assignment, with page numbering, student name and student
number, and the unit code in the footer, for example:
Robin Brown, 40112333, WACB100
All assignments should have standard margins of 2.5cm, use Times New Roman 12.0 font, and
be double-spaced to allow room for feedback.
Please note that if the assignment is single-spaced you will not receive feedback. Turnitin will
confirm receipt of the assignment with submission time and date.
Late submissions are possible and will be penalised at 20% per day up to 4 days (weekend
inclusive). If a student submits an assessment task 5 or more days after the due date without
grounds for special consideration (See Disruptions to Studies Policy), a record of submission will
be made but the student will receive zero marks for the assessment task.
Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for the purpose of
assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.
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WACB100 Research Report assignment 代写
Grades and feedback will be available to you via Turnitin on iLearn.
Using the work or ideas of another person, whether intentionally or not, and presenting them as
your own without clear acknowledgement of the source is called Plagiarism. Macquarie University
promotes awareness of information ethics through its Academic Honesty Policy. This means that:
• all academic work claimed as original must be the work of the person making the claim
• all academic collaborations of any kind must be acknowledged
• all academic work claimed as original must be the work of the person making the claim
• all academic collaborations of any kind must be acknowledged
• academic work must not be falsified in any way
• when the ideas of others are used, these ideas must be acknowledged appropriately.
All breaches of the Academic Honesty Policy are serious and penalties apply.
Students should be aware that they may fail an assessment task, a unit or even be
excluded from the University for breaching the Academic Honesty Policy.
WACB100 Research Report assignment 代写