UCirtbieasn aisnmd 2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G代写
UCirtbieasn aisnmd 2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G代写
UCirtbieasn aisnmd
2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 1 Wall, 2016
Accessible PeUrsrobnaanl MMoobvielmitye nEtx ienr cCiesen:t r al Auckland Objective: To explore the ease and accessibility of personal movement in central Auckland. Introduction: Getting around is a critical part of living in the city and has many modes: pavements, streets, train lminoebsi;l ictayr ssc, oboutseerss,. tMruocvkesm aenndt tlrianiknss ;p peoepoplel ew oitnh fiono lto acanldit ioens bainkde sb,e iyno pnuds thhcehiar ilrosc, awlihtieeesl.c Mhaainrsy apnedo polne cdormivibnign eto s ecvaetcrhal a m feordreys, bouf sm oorv termaienn. t in their journeys around the city, such as cycling, walking or Ease and effectiveness of movement in the city is related to the accessibility of the environment. eAacscee sosfi bmiloitvye mis etnhte wavitahilianb ainli tayr oefa o(ppperomrteuanbitiileitsy f)o. rA mccoevsesmibielnitty t ihnrcoluugdhes a tnh aer aevaa (iclaobninlietyc toivf ity) and eanffvoirrdoanbmlee annt dth aapt pernoapbrlieast ee atrsaen osfp aocrcteastiso ann. dIt e anlssuo rreesq suaifreetsy a, sveicaubrleit ya,n sdo cwiaelbl-ilditeys iagnnde dv iutarlbitayn. Location, destination, movement and accessibility are clearly interlinked. Considering these ltihnekira gseusr rhoeulpnsd iunsg t oar uenasd.e Crsetnatnrdal t ahree dasy noaf mciitcie ssp aarteia ol frteelna thiounbss wfoirt hbiuns ciniteiesss,, eanntde rbteatiwnemeenn cti,t rieesta ainl adn d ttrraannssppoorrtt ,i anst ewrceolln anse bcet iwnigt hp llaacregse ,o df irveesrisdee nflcoew. sI no ft hpee ocpenlet,r nalo ct iatyll, omf uwlhtiopmle hmaovdee tsh aen sda mfoer mlesv eolfs of mobility. rTehme ocvoinncge bpat rorfi earns ‘faocrc epsesoipbllee wjoiuthrn iemyp’ ianirvmolevnests a, tfou nwdaayms eonf tmale sehtiinftg a twhea ye nfrvoimro nthmee pnrtaacl tniceee dosf of all ruosuertes, t rheagta irsd cleosnst ionfu aogues o arn adb cilaitny bine ftoelrlmows eodf uinrdbeapne mndoebniltiltyy.. TAhni sa cmceeassnisb lteh ajot uarlnl feeya stuhroeusl da nuds e a sneecgtoiotinast eodf uthnea irdoeudte b syh ao uwlhde beelc uhsaairb lues beyr, epveerrsyoonnse u. sFionrg e ax awmalpklien,g t hdee vriocuet oe rs hguoiudled daolsgo, bane da bblye atoll baeg e groups. pWeadleksatbriialinty t rraevfeerls f otor a‘t hrae nogvee roafl pl quurpaolisteys a’ n(Ldi tambialinty, 2o0f 1a4n: e6n9v9i3ro).n Tmheenret taor ep rmoamnoyt ed iafnfedr esnutp fpaocrtto rs twhheisceh f iancftlouresn icnet oth teh ew faollkloawbiilnitgy foofu ar rkoeuyt teh oerm aerse a–. pAe rdeevsiterwia onf flaitceilriatiteusr,e d oenst winaaltkiaobnisl iatyn dca tegorises cwohninche crteivlaittye, tsoa ofentey kaenyd t aheesmthee, tmicas.y I at lisso i mbep roerlteavnatn tto t ore amneomthbeerr k tehya tth eelmeme.e n ts of the environment
UCirtbieasn aisnmd
2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 2 Wall, 2016
Characteristics of Walkability Table Characteristics Questions to ask yourself
Physpiactahl sa tatnrdib suttreese otsf the
- Can people walk side by side on the footpath? - Do the footpaths all link up? - Are crossings well managed? Is it easy to cross the road? - Are the footpaths free from obstruction? - Are there wide, level footpaths? - Hwiodwth d oofe tsh teh efo wotipdtahth o?f the road compare to the - How does the natural topography influence walkability? - Are there rest areas, benches along the way? - Aacrcee tshseibrlee s ttoe pasll,? k erbs? Are the footpaths
Destainnadt ions Connectivity
destinaAt iroannsg seh oofu uldse bfuel w ithin Connewcatilvkiitnyg a dloisntga nthcee. route and toi so athlseor ipmaprtosr otaf ntht e city
- Is there appropriate signage? - Are there links with other forms of transport? - What destinations are there along the way? - Iaslo tnhge rteh ea wraanyg?e of useful amenities and facilities - What different types of land uses are evident?
Personal safety, as well as
safety from traffic
- Do you feel safe while walking? - Are there other people around? - Do you feel safely separated from traffic? - Aporein tthse?r Ae raep tphreo fporoiatptea tahnsd w eefflel cctoinven eccrotesdsi?n g - Is there good lighting? - Can you see any forms of surveillance? - Are there any traffic calming measures in place?
An interesting and pleasant esnenvisreosn –m tehnint.k E ambopuloty s iygohutr, smell, touc h, hearing
- Is the area clean? - Does the area feel polluted? - eA.rge. ttrheeerse natural elements in the environment? – - Are there parks along the route? - Natural sights and architecture? - Are the streets well maintained? - Is the environment visually appealing? - Are weather extremes mediated?
Sources: (Bradshaw, 1993; Litman, 2014; Lo, 2009; National Heart Foundation of Australia, 2011; Pikora et al., 2003). Please note:
iYnoculu ddoe ndoetta nilese idn tyoo cuirt er etphoe ritn. formation from this Table in-text or in your reference list if you
TWhhei lleis wt oafl kcihnagr yaoctuerr icshtiocsse onu rtoliunteed, yinou t hsihso Cuhlda raalcsote croisntiscisd eorf oWthaelkra absiplietcyt Ts aobf lwe aislk naobti leitxyh wauhsitcihv em. ay arise, and can be derived from your reading of the set literature and your own observations.
UCirtbieasn aisnmd
2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 3 Wall, 2016
The Exercise TAhuec fkolcaunsd o fi sth deu erxienrcgi sdea iys ltiog hidte hnotuifrys h. Fowor a scacfeestsyi,b pllee atshee w caelnk ttrhael r uourtbea dnu reinnvg idroaynlmigehnt th ionu rs. Part 1: Field Work iFso bllyo wcoinnsgi doenrein ogf tthhee ftohurre ea srpoeucttess oaft twaaclhkeadb,i ulistye -t hpee dweosrtkrisahne efatsc itloit iiedse,n dtiefsyt ihnoawti oanccs easnsdib cleo nthnee crtoiuvtitey , sTaafbeltey ,a anndd c aoensstihdeetri cost.h Aesrk a sypoeucrtsse loff t whea lqkuaebsiltiitoyn yso pur ehsaevnet eidde innt itfhieed C fhroamra cttheer ilsittiecrsa touf rWe. aTlkaakbei nliotyte s on the worksheets as you walk. hWohwe nth yeo ruo ucoten smidigehr tt hbee veaxrpieoruise nacsepde cftrso mfro amn otthhee Cr hpaerrascotne’rsi spteicrssp oefc Wtivaelk. Faboirl ietxya Tmabpllee,, raenf leelcdte ornly epaesryso ins ,t ha ed cisitayb tleod n paevrigsaotne, far otomu rtihsits, opre ras pcheciltdiv. eW? hFaotr n eexwam obpsleta, cisle tsh merieg ehnt oouthgehr ssi egnncaoguen? tIesr i?t Ha ow vwiesuatahlleyr pcloenadsaitniot njosu arfnfeecyt? t Hhios?w safe and secure is the route? How accessible is it? How might You can start at either end of the route chosen. Whilst you only need to walk the route once, students often find they develop a deeper critical awareness if they walk the route more than once.
pPhleoatosse a ns ootteh:e rYso furo cman y wouarlk g trhoeu pro iuf tyeo wu iwthis oht.h HerOsW, dEisVcuEsRs, wyohua tm youust s weer,i taen ydo uusr ew tohrek ssahmeeet notes and the report independently. Part 2 : Writing the Report
sSeett tthine gsc tehnee sfocre ynoeu:r d fiisncduisnsg tsh. eY roeul esvhaonutl dli tmeraaktue rme esnutcicoinn cotfl yh toow i nytoruord luitceer yaotuurre r reeploartet sa ntod t thoe rqeuwesrittieo nit, omnackei nyogu s uhraev eth we rliittteerna ttuhree outnhdere rtpwion ss eycotuior nfisn. d(ainbgosu.t W 50ri0te-7 t5h0is w seocrtdiso)n. first, then
o Awth ai cmhi anti mleuamst ,F eOnsUuRre wyoilul cNitOe Tin -bteex wt aetb lseitaesst. SPIlXea sseo uusrec tehse o rfe aindifnogr lmista btieolonw, oafs syoouurrc seosu wrchei clhis ta.r Ye onuo ts hoonu tlhdi sn olits tn beuedt ptole faisned e smouarilc Hesa byeleyyo nfidrs tth sios lsihste. cYaonu d coaunb ules ec heck tphraotv itdhee wsoruirtctee nis ptheer mmoissts iaopnp rtoop ursiaet eo tohneer tshoautr cyeosu. c ould be using. Hayley will
oFnin thdein fogusr: Dcheasrcarcibteer yisotuicrs f oinf dwinalgksa bbyil idteyv, eulsoipnign egx yaomupr lweso rfrkosmhe eyto unro tleivse. dF oecxupse ryioeunrc efi AndNiDng tsh e epxopsseirbielen ceexsp ebreitewneceens oyfo outrhseelrfs a tnod h oigthhleirgsh dt iyfofeurr, akse yw peolli nasts w. Kheerye p tohien twsa mlkiagbhitl iitnyc oluf dthe eh roowu tteh e owbassc eunrehda nscigenda ogre .c o(7m5p0r-o10m0is0e wd obryd ssu).c h things as uneven paving, obstacles on the path or
UCirtbieasn aisnmd
2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 4 Wall, 2016
o Isfe cytoiuon a ryeo ugo winogu ltdo iunscel updheo ttohse myo. uP hhaovtoes t amkuesnt wbeh irleef werarlekdin tgo iinn yteoxutr a rnedp oarptp, irto ipsr iina ttehlyis rdeeftearielsn)c. ed (see the ‘How to Reference in Geography’ guide on the course website for
dRiescfulescsetido inns t:h Teh fiisr sits swehcteiroen y ‘oSuet ctionngs tidheer S ycoeunre ’f,i nind ionrgdse,r i nto r uelnadtieornst taon tdh teh leit seirgantuifricea ynocue hoaf ve iwsshuaet sy oofu u hrabvaen f mouonbdil.i Ytyo aun sdh oauccldes lsinibki ltihtye wfihrsict htw yoo us eecntcioonusn ttoer perdo. vYidoue csrhiotiucladl adneamlyosnisst oraf te ehxoawm tphlees,e y mouirg hetx pimerpieanctc eo nm paeyr ccoepntfiiormns o orf dthifefe qru farolimty wofh tahte i su srabiadn i nen tvhier olintemreantut.r eF oarb out these iasdseuqeus.a Yteoluy ra rgeef laencdti odnissa mbiilgithyt a arles oa cincocmludmeo, dfoarte edx afomr pinle t, hyiosu ern uvnirdoenrmsteanntd.i Ynogsu asbhoouutl dh onwot introduce new literature in this section (about 750-1000 words). Resources All of these resources can be found online, with links provided on the Urban Mobility
Exercise page of the course website (see the CourseBuilder tab on Canvas).
Adkins, A., Dill, J., Luhr, G. & Neal, M. (2012). Unpacking walkability: Testing the influence of
urban design features on perceptions of walking environment attractiveness. Journal of
Urban Design, 17(4), 499-510.
Bean, C. E., Kearns, R. & Collins, D. (2008). Exploring social mobilities: Narratives of walking and
driving in Auckland, New Zealand. Urban Studies, 45(13), 2829-2848.
Bradshaw, C. 1997. Using our feet to reduce our footprint: The importance of scale in life. Local
Environment, 2(1): 89-94.
Ewing, R., Handy, S., Brownson, R. C., Clemente, O. & Winston, E. (2006). Identifying and
measuring urban design qualities related to walkability. Journal of Physical Activity and
Health, 3(1), 223-239.
Forsyth, A. (2015). What is a walkable place? The walkability debate in urban design. Urban Design
International, 20(4), 274-292.
Giradet, H. (2008). Transport and the city. In Cities people planet: Urban development and climate
change (Second Edition), (pp. 131-152). Chichester: John Wiley & Son.
Gleeson, B. (2001). Disability and the open city. Urban Studies, 38(2), 251-265.
Hall, T. (2003). Car-ceral cities: Social geographies of everyday urban mobility. In M, Miles. & T.
Hall (Eds.), Urban futures: Critical commentaries on shaping the city (pp. 92-106). London:
Lindelow, D., Scensson, A., Sternudd, C. & Johansson, M. (2014). What limits the pedestrian?
Exploring perceptions of walking in the built environment and in the context of every-day life.
Journal of Transport & Health, 1, 223-231.
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 5 Wall, 2016
Litman, T. (2014). Walkability. In A.C. Michalos, (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of quality of life and wellbeing
research (pp. 6993-6995). Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media.
Lo, R.H. (2009) Walkability: What is it?. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on
Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 2(2), 145-166.
Lunday, J. (2003). Towards a more sustainable urban form. In C. Freeman & M. Thompson-
Fawcett (Eds.), Living space: Towards sustainable settlements in New Zealand (pp. 167-
193). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago Press.
Middleton, J. (2011). Walking in the city: The geographies of everyday pedestrian practices.
Geography Compass, 5(2), 90-105.
Miller, E. & Laurie, B. (2013). Exploring pedestrian accessibility and walkability: Insight from
public place observations in inner-urban higher density Brisbane, Australia. In N. Wulan, A.
Budiastuti, D. Kwary, R. Fanany & A. Baharuddin (Eds.), Urban mobility: Textual and
spatial urban dynamics in health, culture and society: Official conference proceedings the
3rd International Conference Urban Mobility: its impacts on socio-cultural and health
issues (pp. 188-196). Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia: Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of
Public Health.
Pikoraa, T., Giles-Corti, B., Bull, F., Jamrozik, K. & Donovan, R. (2003). Developing a framework
for assessment of the environmental determinants of walking and cycling. Social Science &
Medicine, 56, 1693–1703.
Pooley, C. G., Horton, D., Scheldeman, G., Mullen, C., Jones, T. & Tight, M. (2014). ‘You feel
unusual walking’: The invisible presence of walking in four English cities. Journal of
Transport & Health, 1, 260-266.
Southworth, M. (2005). Designing a walkable city. Journal of Urban Planning and Development,
131(4), 246-257.
Talen, E. (2002). Pedestrian access as a measure of urban quality. Planning, Practice and Research,
17(3), 257-278.
UCirtbieasn aisnmd 2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G代写
Websites http:/a/iwmws wto.b ineascpcirees sainblde .eonragb.nlez /a:c Tcehsissi sbiitleit iys imn aNneawg eZde ablya nthde t Bhreo. uIngsht iitnunteo,v aa tsioocni aaln edn lteeardperrisseh itph.a Itt cporomvmidietste ad w toe aal tjho uorfn aecyc eosf sc ionnftoirnmuoautiso nim inpcrlouvdeimnge ndte wtaiitlhs oref gbaursdi ntoes ascecse asnsidb isleitryv.i ces that have http:/n/uwmwbwe.ru orbf alinnekcso tloo grye.coerngt. aaur/titcolpesic asn/wd aidlkeaabsl eocni twieasl.khatbmilli:t Uy.r ban Ecology Australia provide a http:/k/ewyw awsp.ceacrt forfe ed.ecvoemlo/p: iTnhgi sp ewoepblsei-toer iise nstuepdp, ocratre-dfr beye cseitvieesr.a l books and is focused on design as a http:/c/rweawtew a.pnpds .soursgt/a:i nP rpoujebclitc f sopr aPcuebs ltihc aStp baucielsd (sPtrPoSn)g feorc ucosems monu npiutibelsic. placemaking to help people
UCirtbieasn aisnmd
2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 6 Wall, 2016
DueP: rMopoonrdtaioyn 2 6otfh f Sineaplt egmrabdeer:, 2 N5O%O N. CCeonmtrpele (tRedo oemxe Grc0is4e2s, sBhuoiuldldin bge 3 s0u1b)m. Ditote Nd OtoT t hsue bhmanitd y-oinu rb oexxe artc tishee bSyc ieemncaeil .S Ptuldeeanste R aetstoaucrhc ey our Rweosrokushrceee tCse tnot rthee. back of your hardcopy which you submit to the Science Student bLoaxte a etx tehrec iSsceise n(icnec lSutduidnegn tth Roesseo wuirtche eCxetnentrsei obnest)w aereen t 9o -b4ep hma nwdeeedk idna toy sp.l Yacoeud c iann t hone llya bsuelblemdi tl awteo rk odnoo wr eOeRkd iany as ndoutrhienrg c noourrmsea bl oofxf/ic uen hlaobuerlsl e(d9a bmox-4. p m). Do NOT put it under a staff member’s office YCoaun avlasso. n eed to submit your completed exercise (not your worksheets) to Turnitin through Presentation:
wWoorrkds hliemeitts faonrd e xreefrecriseen:c 2e0s)0. 0 -2500 words (+10% or -10% word count allowance excluding
fAolrl amnasrwkeerrss mcoumstm been ttysp. ed, 1.5 spaced, 12 point font with a left hand side margin
Answers must be written in paragraph format with correct syntax. No bullet points.
qNuOo QteUs OfrToEmS tphleea rsee a(pdainragpsh wraislel -n poutt b ine ymouarr koewdn. w ords – only). Please note, any direct
Please put your name and Net ID on each page.
Please attach a cover sheet (this can be found on the course website).
SYeotutirn rge pthoer tS scheonuel;d P baer to 2r g–a nFiisneddi ningtso; P3a sretc 3ti –on Rs eufsleinctgi othnse. following subheadings: Part 1 –
rPelecoasgen pisreodv irdeefe croernrceicntg i nst-ytelex.t F roefre trheonscein ugn asunrde a h roewfe troe nrceefe lriesnt.c Yeo cuo rarreec wtlye,l cpolmeaes eto u uses et haen y’H ow tcoh aRregfee roefn pclea’g giauriidsem o.n the course website to reference your sources. This will help to avoid any
Please note: you do not need to reference information contained within this handout.
eYnosuu arree t hwaetl cyoomure ptoh outsoeg prahpohtos garnadp hmsa apnsd a mrea rpesf eirf rtehde steo hine ltph eto b iollduys torfa yteo uyro urer paonrstw aenrds . Please referenced (see the ‘How to Reference in Geography’ guide for instructions).
(Ahnayy lqeuye.srpieasr kres@gaarduicnkgla tnhde. aecx.enrzc)i.s eF,u arnthde arp dpeltiacailtsi orengsa frodri nexg teexntesniosinons sp aleraes aev caoilnatbalcet oHna tyhleey course website.
The1 dlaatye nlaetses =p e1n5a%lt pieesn aarlety a s follows: 32 ddaayyss llaattee == 2250%% ppeennaallttyy 54 ddaayyss llaattee == 3350%% ppeennaallttyy 6P loera sme onroet ed:a wyse elakteen (dwso arnkd w pilul bnloict hboe lmidaarykse adr)e not included in the lateness penalty.
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 7 Wall, 2016
Route Maps dYaoyut inmeeed w taol kwaablikli otyn.l Wy 1h riloeu tthee. rPel eaarsee d wifafelkr einnt d isasyuleisg hatt nhioghutr, sfo –r htheiasl tihs aann de xspalfoertya trieoans oofn s, you omnucset –w ea.lgk. iyno duifrf ecrhenots wenea rtoheurt eco dnudritiinongs t ahse t hdiasy w. iYllo auf fmecaty t hwei swha tlok awbaillikt yt hoef rthoue treo mutoer. e than Route 1: Karangahape Rd to Bowen Ave (University) Route 2: Albert Park to Takutai Square (Britomart)
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 8 Wall, 2016
Route 2: Albert Park to Takutai Square (Britomart)
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 9 Wall, 2016
Route 3: Bowen Ave (University) to Silo Park
yPolue atsoe t hNeo nteex: tI fp yooinut a oren utnhaeb lme atop .f oMllaokwe thneostee roofu ttehse aatl taenryn atitmivee, proleuatsee ytoauk et aono ka latenrdn awtihveer reo uthtee rteo agreet roeblsattriuonct itoon yso utor rfooulltoew. ing the route, as this affects walkability. Consider the principles of walkability in
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 10 Wall, 2016
Awsa lykoaub itlriatyv ealn ydo uacrc jeosusrinbielyit,y t aokf ey oduers cerxippteirviee nncoet easn adn hdo dwe ttahiilse din eflxuaemncpeles sy fooucru psienrgc eopnt itohne of the quality of the urban environment. eTxhpeesrei ehnecaed?i nIfg ss or,e nlaottee d wirheecrtely, wtoh tahte, hfoouwr acnhda rwachtye.r Iisf tnicost ,o af lwsoa lnkoatbei lwithye –re i,s wthhiast w, hhoawt yaonud why. 1. Pedestrian Facilities: Physical attributes of the paths and streets.
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 11 Wall, 2016
2. dDiestsatnincea. tCioonnssi daenrd h oCwo nconnencetcivtiivtiyty: Aal oranngg teh eo fr uousetefu al ndde sttoi noathtieorn ps asrhtos uolfd t hbee cwitityh iisn i mwaplokrintagn t.
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GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 12 Wall, 2016
3. Safety: Personal safety, as well as safety from traffic.
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GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 13 Wall, 2016
4. sAmeesltlh, teotuicc:h ,A hne ianrtienrge sting and pleasant environment. Employ your senses – think about sight,
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2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G · S2 · C www.env.auckland.ac.nz
GEOG 104/G: Urban Mobility Exercise 14 Wall, 2016
Urban Mobility Exercise Marking Schedule Assessment Criteria Poor Good Excellent
Interpretation of exercise objective
Quality of ideas/argument
Quality of written expression
Sources of information (at least 6)
Relating sources to exercise objective
Use of examples to support your answer
FRoomrmana,t 1t.i5n. gli n(1e2 s ppoaicnint gfo, n5tc mTi mlefets h Naenwd margin for comments, single sided)
Presentation of visual material (if used)
UCirtbieasn aisnmd 2016 GEOG 104/ GEOG 104G代写