代写(FNSSINC401A) Vocational Business Education

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  • Vocational Business Education
    Assessment Record & Cover Sheet
    Assessment information
    Program Name: C4369 Certificate IV in Banking Services
    Course(s) EMPL7068C Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry (FNSSINC401A)
    Semester & Year Semester 2 2016
    Teacher Name & Contact Details Arie Herrnstadt
    [email protected]
    Date handed out  
    DUE DATE  
    Student to Complete:
    Student Name(s)/Number(s):  
    Title of Assessment Task: Task 3 Personal competency assignment
    Student Declaration:
    I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I / we have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration.
    Assessor to Complete:
    Assessment Result:  
    Comments/Re-submission Arrangements (if applicable):  
    Teacher Name: Arie Herrnstadt
    Resubmission Assessment Result: (if applicable)  
    Teacher Name: Arie Herrnstadt

    Apply principles of professional practice
    to work in the financial services industry

    The purpose of this task is to familiarise you with relevant sources of information that you can use to prepare for job applications in financial services employment.
    Assessment Task 3: Individual report
    Present your answers to the questions below in a report format. This means introducing your answers and information with relevant headings, instead of copying the questions below into the assignment. (By all means use key words from the questions to form your headings.)
    1.      Select a financial services related Job Advertisement from one of the media sources, such as Seek. The ad you select is one where you can meet at least some of the employer’s key requirements, if not now then at least by the end of your program.
    2.      Using this and any additional information such as an employer’s detailed Position Description or Duty Statement, identify the key job requirements and the qualifications, knowledge and skills the applicant needs to effectively perform the job.
    3.      List which, and explain how your qualifications and experience meet these requirements.
    4.      Identify which of the employer’s requirements you cannot fully meet and suggest how and where you can get the professional development (training and/or experience) in order to cover this gap.
    5.      Write a job application (Resume and a cover letter) responding to the job ad in Q.1 above.
    Please note carefully the following requirements in respect of your application:
    ·      It must be written to meet the requirements of the job advertised, but be honest at the same time (i.e. use information from your answer to Q.3 above).
    ·      It must be similar in format to the example provided in Topic 2 on Blackboard, and also be professionally presented to demonstrate your attention to detail.
    ·      Similar to the example provided, the claims about your skills and experience must be evidence based. Instead of making embellished claims, provide factual truthful evidence that will make the employer draw the conclusions you wish them to make about you.
    6.      Research and present the products and services offered by the organisation and their advantages over similar products offered by competitors.
    7.      Name the source(s), and present a short summary of:
    a.   The code of practice relevant to the employer or industry they are in. 
    b.   The government regulators and laws that apply to this employer.
    c.   The code of business ethics specified by an accounting or bookkeeping association.
    8.      Present a plan of how you can demonstrate your commitment to developing your “soft” and technical skills after finishing your formal studies. This plan should include the professional associations you may join and professional development you may undertake.
    Submission date: by COB, Week 14, Friday 20 May, via Blackboard
    Competency Criteria (based on unit(s) skills/knowledge/elements)
    Requirements: Demonstrated
    Resubmission Results (if applies)
    1.     Fully followed the above instructions.
    2.     Cover letter is well written and responds to the employer’s requirements
    3.    Resume is well presented, well written and summarises your current employment and skills
    4.     You state what action you would take to further develop your professional and personal competency.
    Criteria for Grading (Part 1)
    Please note the following grade is indicative only.  No grade will be awarded for this course unless all assessment tasks have been successfully completed.
    代写(FNSSINC401A) Vocational Business Education