Everest Simulation MGMT 1001 assignment 代写
Everest Simulation MGMT 1001 assignment 代写
CRICOS Code 00098G
MGMT 1001
Managing Organisations and People
Course Outline
Semester 1, 2017
Part A: Course-Specific Information
Please consult Part B for key information on Business School
policies (including those on plagiarism and special
consideration), student responsibilities and student support
Business School
School of Management
CRICOS Code 00098G
Table of Contents
2.1 ! Teaching%Times%and%Locations% 2 !
2.2 ! Units%of%Credit% 2 !
2.3 ! Summary%of%the%Course% 2 !
2.4 ! Course%Aims%and%Relationship%to%Other%Courses% 2 !
2.5 ! Student%Learning%Outcomes% 3 !
3.1 ! Approach%to%Learning%and%Teaching%in%the%Course% 5 !
3.2 ! Learning%Activities%and%Teaching%Strategies% 5 !
4.1 ! Formal%Requirements% 5 !
4.2 ! Assessment%Details% 6 !
4.3 ! Assessment%Format% 11 !
4.4 ! Assignment%Submission%Procedure% 11 !
4.5 ! Late%Submission% 11 !
CRICOS Code 00098G
Lecturer-in-charge: Dr Lynn Gribble
Room: Level 5, West Wing UNSW Business School
Consultation Times – by appointment
Lecturer: Dr Catherine Collins
Room: Level 5, West Wing UNSW Business School
Consultation Times – by appointment
Lecturer and Everest Co-ordinator: Dr Hugh Bainbridge
Room: Level 5, West Wing UNSW Business School
Consultation Times – by appointment
Head Tutor: Julie Wilson
Room: Level 5 West Wing UNSW Business School
Consultation Times – by appointment
Your tutor or the Senior Tutor is your first point of contact after the discussion
board. From weeks 3 – 13 your tutor will be available for consultation. You can drop
past or book to see them. The role of the consult time is to answer any questions you
may have in more depth than can be addressed within the structure of the tutorial
which is filled with activities. It is NOT to provide a personal lecture. Your tutor will
advise you of their consult time in week 2 when you meet them. They will also provide
their email details. Please note any emails to your tutor will be answered within 48
hours during the working week (i.e. any emails received outside of business hours will
be answered within 2 working days). Before emailing your tutor check the
discussion board as your question may have already been asked there.
Tutor list please contact your tutor in the first instance. Your tutor will advise you of
their consultation times.
Tutor name Tutorial days
Dhammika Abeysinghe Wednesdays and Thursdays
Kelsey Burton Mondays
Paul Doran Mondays
Catherine Dolle-Samuel Thursdays
Anthea Hickey Thursdays
Tom Kramer Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Doug Long Mondays and Tuesdays
Therese Murray Wednesdays
Erika Oschwald Mondays
Jennifer Pryor Mondays
Xiaoli Sang Fridays
Greta Sharples Tuesdays
Marcus Testoni Tuesdays
Tse Sing Tsai Mondays
Ange Thompson Tuesdays
Julie Wilson Wednesdays
Terry Wickenden Wednesdays
CRICOS Code 00098G
Philip Warburton Fridays
Jessica Yustantio Tuesdays
2.1 Teaching Times and Locations
The Lectures start in Week 1(to Week 12): The Time and Location are:
Day$ Time$ Location$
Monday! 18:00,20:00!! Ainsworth!Theatre!G03!
Tuesday! 13:00,15:00!! Keith!Burrows!Theatre!
Wednesday! 13:00,15:00!! Science!Theatre!
Wednesday! 16:00,18:00!! Ainsworth!Theatre!G03!
Thursday! 10:00,12:00!! Law!Theatre!G04!
Thursday! 16:00,18:00!! Law!Theatre!G04!
Tutorials start in Week 2 (to Week 13). A full list of tutorials, times and tutors can be
found on the Course Website. Students enrol and attend just one tutorial per week.
Please note tutorials are designed for you to experience and apply the concepts from
the lecture. They DO NOT teach lecture content.
2.2 Units of Credit
The course is worth 6 units of credit.
2.3 Summary of the Course
Managing Organisations and People is a foundational core course offered in the main
bachelor degree programs. This course introduces students to the knowledge and skills
required to successfully manage organisations and people in a global economy, based
on contemporary research and practice. The course is designed to provide strong
foundations for the development of future organisational leaders and managers who
will be able to successfully respond to complex and turbulent environments, promote
and sustain competitive advantage, ensure ethical and social responsibility in business
practice and decision making, and manage changing social, political and technological
factors both inside and outside the organisation, in an increasingly global and diverse
workplace. Topics include: the role of organisations in modern societies, sustainability
and corporate social responsibility, the importance of organisational leadership,
decision making, networks, sources of conflict, problem solving, group motivation and
behaviour, as well as professional skills.
2.4 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses
The aim of MGMT1001 is to provide you with an introduction to principles, practices,
issues and debates that are relevant to the management of organisations. You will
study concepts and theories that help explain the attitudes and behaviours of
employees and managers.
CRICOS Code 00098G
As a core course in the Bachelor of Commerce degree, the activities, materials and
assessments have been designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop
skills relevant to their studies and employment.
For more information on the Undergraduate Coursework Program Learning
Goals and Outcomes, see Part B of the course outline. Student Learning
2.5 Student Learning Outcomes
Content outcomes:
1. explain the central role of organisations in society
2. evaluate the value and importance of the human side of organisations
3. describe the interconnections between individual(s), team(s) and
4. understand the language of organisations and management
Skills outcomes:
5. acquire foundational academic research skills
6. demonstrate familiarity with the process of critical analysis
7. enhance your effectiveness in working in groups and teams
8. learn independently and assume responsibility for the learning process
The Course Learning Outcomes are what you should be able to DO by the end of this
course, if you participate fully in learning activities and successfully complete the
assessment items.
The Learning Outcomes in this course also help you to achieve some of the overall
Program Learning Goals and Outcomes for all undergraduate students in the Business
School. Program Learning Goals are what we want you to BE or HAVE by the time you
successfully complete your degree (e.g. ‘be an effective team player’). You
demonstrate this by achieving specific Program Learning Outcomes - what you are
able to DO by the end of your degree (e.g. ‘participate collaboratively and responsibly
in teams’).
For more information on the Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes,
see Part B of the course outline.
Business Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes
1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and
global contexts.
You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global
2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective
problem solvers.
You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose
appropriate and well-justified solutions.
3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.
You should be able to:
a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation
for the intended audience, purpose and context, and
b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a
professional manner.
4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.
You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own
teamwork, and on the team’s processes and ability to achieve outcomes.
CRICOS Code 00098G
5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of
the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice.
You should be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business
decision-making and practice, and
b. Identify social and cultural implications of business situations.
The following table shows how your Course Learning Outcomes relate to the overall
Program Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed (they
may also be developed in tutorials and other activities):
Program Learning
Goals and Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes Course
Assessment Item
This course helps you to
achieve the following
learning goals for all
Business undergraduate
On successful completion of the course, you
should be able to:
Everest Simulation MGMT 1001 assignment 代写
This learning
outcome will be
assessed in the
following items:
1 Knowledge Content outcomes:
1. explain the central role of organisations
in society
2. evaluate the value and importance of the
human side of organisations
3. describe the interconnections between
individual(s), team(s) and organisation(s)
4. understand the language of
organisations and management
• Tutorial
• Assignment 1
• Assignment 2
• Exam
2 Critical thinking
and problem
Content outcomes:
1. explain the central role of organisations
in society
2. evaluate the value and importance of the
human side of organisations
3. describe the interconnections between
individual(s), team(s) and organisation(s)
4. understand the language of
organisations and management
Skills outcomes:
5. demonstrate familiarity with the process
of critical analysis
• Tutorial
• Assignment 1
• Assignment 2
• Exam
3a Written
Skills outcomes:
6. enhance your effectiveness in working in
groups and teams
7. learn independently and assume
responsibility for the learning process
• Tutorial
• Assignment 1
• Video
submission &
peer review
• Exam
3b Oral
Skills outcomes:
8. learn independently and assume
responsibility for the learning process
• Tutorial
4 Teamwork Skills outcomes:
7. enhance your effectiveness in working in
groups and teams
• Tutorial
• Video process
5a. Ethical,
Content outcomes:
1. explain the central role of organisations
in society
2. evaluate the value and importance of the
human side of organisations
• Assignment 1
• Assignment 2
• Exam
5b. Social and Content outcomes: • Assignment 1
CRICOS Code 00098G
1. explain the central role of organisations
in society
3. describe the interconnections between
individual(s), team(s) and organisation(s)
4. understand the language of
organisations and management
• Assignment 2
• Exam
3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course
MGMT1001 has been designed to provide you with a complete learning experience
that incorporates interactive teaching and learning and provides a strong foundation for
successful studies in your Bachelor’s degree. We encourage student contributions,
through discussion and questioning that draw upon your reading and life experiences.
3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies
Role of Lectures
The lectures provide a forum to introduce students to the main issues, theories and
conceptual frameworks for each topic. Lecture notes for each week’s topic will be
available on the course website on the preceding Sunday. For example, the Week 4
lecture hand out will be available to you on the Sunday at the end of Week 3.
Role of the Tutorial
The tutorials use a variety of experiential learning activities which encourage active
engagement in the tutorials. The weekly tutorials provide you with an interactive
environment to enhance your formal and informal learning in the course. The more
conscientiously you participate, the more you will enjoy and learn from the tutorials.
The tutorials also provide you with opportunities to improve important interpersonal
skills by working with other students in groups and teams, building relationships and
networks, and being exposed to the opinions and values of others.
Role of the Everest Simulation
The Everest Simulation provides students with a hands-on experience of concepts
taught in this course. Via the Everest Simulation, students will appreciate how
individual attitudes and behaviours relate to team and group functioning – and gain a
practical understanding of the influence of key topics central to effective teamwork.
4.1 Formal Requirements
In order to pass this course, you must:
• achieve a composite mark of at least 50; and
• make a satisfactory attempt at all assessment tasks including both Everest
climbs, and the video submission (see below).
CRICOS Code 00098G
4.2 Assessment Details
Assessment Task % Length Due Date
Individual essay (short writing
15% 1000 words
Friday Week 4, 24 th March by
9.30am, electronic copy submitted
via turn-it-in (Course website)
Individual Report 30% 2500 words
Friday Week 10, 12 th May by
9.30am, electronic copy submitted
via turn-it-in (Course website)
Student participation
Participate in two Everest
Simulation climbs
Climbs are completed twice:
Climb 1: 27 th March – 31 st march
Climb 2: 24 th April – 28 th April
Active and engaged
participation in tutorials
(students must attend at least
8 tutorials to be eligible)
5% N/A Assessed in each tutorial
Student Video presentation 2%
2 minutes
Uploaded to Moodle by Friday 19 th
May Week 11, at 12 noon
Peer review of team and video
10% N/A
Undertaken via Moodle by Friday
Week 12, 26 th May at 12 noon
Research Studies Participation 3% N/A Week 3 to Week 12
Final Exam 35% 2 hours University exam period
4.2.1 Assignment 1 Requirements: Essay - 15% of final mark
Due date: In WEEK 4, Friday March 24 by 9.30am, submit an electronic copy via
the turn-it-in link on the MGMT1001 website. A paper copy is not required.
Submission procedure: See section 4.4 “Assignment Submission Procedure” in this
course outline
Weighting: 15% of your total course mark
Length: 1,000 words +/- 10%. The word count excludes the list of references.
Assignment 1: Essay Task and Question:
Communication is an essential part of being successful in your business career.
Language has changed over time and now emojis are in common use. Write an essay
using academic sources to address the following statement:
“There is a time and place to use emojis in written business communication”
Reference requirements: Use up to six (6) references for this assignment.
You must find at least 4 academic journal articles in the following library databases:
ProQuest Central; Business Source Premier; Web of Science that are relevant to
support your analysis. Note: Articles from Harvard Business Review, websites and
books are not valid sources for this assignment. Your text book is not
considered an academic journal.
CRICOS Code 00098G
Marking criteria:
• development of a consistent, clear and well-supported answer to the question
• overall quality of analysis, depth of reflection/thinking in terms of the key
themes and issues raised in the question
• quality of academic research (sourced from appropriate journals/ databases,
appropriate number of sources, relevance of sources to your argument)
• appropriate structure (logical sequence; transitions between parts; well-developed
• clarity of expression & grammar
• correct format of in-text citations and reference list using Harvard referencing.
• appropriate document formatting as per requirements on section 4.3 of the
Course Outline and length (1,000 words +/- 10%)
4.2.2 Assignment 2 Requirements: Report - 30% of final mark
Due date: In WEEK 10, Friday May 12 by 9.30 am, submit an electronic copy via
the turn-it-in link on the MGMT1001 website. A paper copy is not required.
Submission procedure: See section 4.4 “Assignment Submission Procedure” in this
course outline
Weighting: 30% of your total course mark
Length: 2,500 words +/- 10%
The report should include the following: Included in word
Title page: No
Executive summary: Presents the entire report in brief No (approx 250
Table of contents: No
Introduction: Indicate scope and direction of the report Yes (approx 200
Section One: discusses the value of simulations as a learning
tool. With direct reference to the Issues encountered
during Everest and your development as a leader.
In this section you need to show how simulations are a valuable
method of learning soft skills and also selecting issues from your
experience to analyse. This should focus on what worked well or
Yes (approx 500
Report Focus:
While studying MGMT 1001 you have completed two simulated climbs of Mount Everest. Simulations are
often used as a method for developing management capability and learning ‘soft skills’. You are now
required to write a report considering what you have learned through the use of the simulations in relation
to leadership and strategy. Specifically in business you will need to select and focus on issues that have
occurred and then analyse them.
Your report must:
• show you understand and have selected relevant issues to analyse as a result of
your Everest participation.
• demonstrate development and analysis of skills by using frameworks and theories from MGMT 1001
• reflect upon what you have learnt as a result of your experiences in a supported manner (by utilising
theories and frameworks from MGMT 1001).
• address the concept that “leadership and strategy count in successful execution of tasks”
CRICOS Code 00098G
did not work so you can analyse it later in relation to leadership and
Section Two: Analysis of your learning through the simulation
of the Everest experiences using frameworks from MGMT 1001
Analyse your experiences showing why things worked or why they
went wrong. You must discuss the following two key concepts:
1) Leadership
2) Strategy
Yes (approx 1000
Section Three: Recommendations for the future
Draw upon frameworks and theories from MGMT 1001 as well as
your analysis to write a plan for your future development. The
purpose of this section is to show your learning and plan actions
you will take as a result of this learning.
Yes (approx 600
Conclusion: Integrate issues covered in the body of the report, and
make comments upon the meaning of all of it.
Yes (approx 200
List of references No
Compulsory appendices:
• all students who were “participants” (not “observers”) in Everest
must attach their individual and team goals achieved from the
simulation (screen shots or typed in table format is acceptable).
• all students (participants & observers) must attach a copy of the
team contract
(These must be referred to throughout your paper).
Reference requirements: You must use a minimum of six (6) academic references to
support your analysis and no more than 15 references
Marking criteria:
• overall quality of analysis, depth of reflection / thinking in terms of simulated
learning experiences related to the Everest climbs.
• quality of academic research (appropriate number of academic sources,
relevance of sources to your argument).
• appropriate structure (logical sequence; transitions between parts; well-
developed paragraphs).
• clarity of expression & grammar.
• correct format of in-text citations and reference list using Harvard referencing.
• correct document formatting as per requirements in section 4.3 of the Course
Outline, length (2,500 words +/- 10%), and inclusion of compulsory
More information about the Everest Simulation can be found on the course website.
You must undertake your first climb virtually via computer mediated discussion. The
second climb is to be taken with all members in the same room working on their
Note that the Everest simulation is to be completed twice. The simulation will be
available to students at the following times only:
Everest simulation 1: 27 th March (9am) – 31 st March (5pm)
Everest simulation 2: 24 th April (9am) – 28 th April (5pm)
** You must complete both Everest climbs to be eligible to pass MGMT 1001.
CRICOS Code 00098G
4.2.3 Individual Participation - 20% of final mark
Tutorial Participation: (5%)
Preparation for, and active participation in, your lectures and tutorials is a vital
component of the learning in this subject and as such students who prepare and
participate in the classroom will be rewarded. Participation may involve small group
discussion, short informal presentations to the class, answering questions, participation
in class discussion.
Participation marks are based on the degree to which students make an informed
contribution to class and small group discussion. Simply attending tutorials without
getting involved in class discussion is of little value to you or your classmates and will
result in a minimal participation mark.
To be eligible for the Tutorial Attendance and Participation mark students must attend a
minimum of eight (8) tutorials. Students must ensure their attendance is taken. If
students have a valid reason to be absent, documentary evidence (e.g. medical
certificate) must be presented to the tutor in the next tutorial. Attendance is taken at 5
minutes past the hour, partial attendance will not be counted.
Grade Description Mark
Attends 8 + tutorials and actively participates in both small group
and class discussions. Contributions in class reflect thorough
preparation. Provides good insights; has clear and thoughtful
views; and supports and argues for but is open to modifying
4 - 5
Satisfactory Attends 8 + tutorials and participates in both small group and class
discussions. Contributions demonstrate some preparation for
tutorial. Some contribution of facts or opinion.
2.5 - 4
Unsatisfactory Attends 8 + tutorials but is an unwilling participant, is observed to
rarely speak in small group discussion and never voluntarily
speaks in class discussions. For example: only speaks when
directly addressed by a tutor.
1 - 2.5
Does not
Students must attend a minimum of 8 + tutorials to be eligible for
participation marks
Everest Video Presentation due Friday Week 11, May 19 th (12 noon) total 12 marks
Task: Your team must create a short video demonstrating the learning outcomes from
the two Everest climbs in relation to decision making in team work. Creativity is to be
encouraged. You must demonstrate you have applied the concepts of decision making
within teamwork to your video. The videos are to be loaded to Moodle on campus
(please note the upload speed of the university internet will be needed)
Marks will be awarded based upon providing peer review the overall quality
(academically) of the video, as well as your involvement in creation of the video.
There are two parts to this peer review:
Peer Review of your team. You must review your team’s participation to ensure
everyone is involved and participates in the production and delivery of the video
Peer review of tutorial videos. You will be required to view all videos for your tutorial
group. This is due no later than Friday Week 12, 26 th May (noon)
This component requires that students watch the videos and peer review each based
on the criteria posted on Moodle. You must provide at least one comment per video to
justify the grade you give to each video you review.
CRICOS Code 00098G
This peer review will grade your video. There are a total of 12 marks available. To be
eligible to gain these marks you must have completed your peer review of the team
and other team members. Failure to review your team members or the videos will
reduce your eligibility to 80% of the allocated team mark.
Research Studies Participation (3%)
You are required to participate in either two management research studies (each worth
1.5% of your total mark) or one study (worth 3% of your total mark), before the end of
the semester. Participating in on going research is a great way to learn about how
UNSW researchers are advancing knowledge in Management and involves you in an
important aspect of University life.
Descriptions of the research studies available for you to participate in will be posted
from Week 3 onwards on the Management Research Participation System. The system
closes at 5pm, May 26 th (Week 12). The link to the Management Research
Participation System will be available on the course Moodle site. You will need to:
1. register in the system with your UNSW email address,
2. browse through the list of research studies,
3. sign up for a study (note the 1 or 2 studies issue above) you find of interest, and
4. choose a time slot to participate.
The system is easy to use. There are also instructions provided on Moodle. You can
have any questions. This is operated externally to the course as such the team of
MGMT 1001 are unable to answer any questions related to these studies, you must
communicate directly with the Research Pool Coordinator or Researcher conducting
the study.
Most research studies are 60 minutes in duration, including a debrief highlighting the
key insights for managing organisations and people. Each study will accept only a
limited number of participants, so sign up early to ensure your spot in the studies that
interest you most. Some studies may be added later in the semester, so check back in
the system if you are still looking for a research study.
NOTE: There is an alternative assessment. While all students are strongly encouraged
to participate in two research studies. If you are unable to participate in the research
studies, you may choose two alternative pieces of assessment (i.e., two online multi-
choice tests) in the Management Research Participation System. Each of these tests is
of 60 minutes in duration and is worth 1.5% of your total mark. A minimum mark (50%)
on each test is required to receive participation marks.
There is no written feedback provided.
4.2.4 Final Examination - 35% of total mark
A final two-hour exam will be held during the University exam period at the end of the
semester. All material from the course is examinable (including lecture content, tutorial
experiences, and the textbook). Students are expected to sit the exam on the
prescribed day and should not make plans to travel, attend work functions or make any
other plans on this day.
In order to pass this course, you must:
• achieve a composite mark of at least 50; and
• make a satisfactory attempt at all assessment tasks (see below).
CRICOS Code 00098G
4.3 Assessment Format
Your written assignments must be formatted as per the requirements below:
• use 12pt font
• 2.5 cm left margin
• 1.5 line spacing
• leave a line between each paragraph
• student zpass number on each page
• number each page
• use Harvard method for referencing - more information can be found on the UNSW
business school EDU website
4.4 Assignment Submission Procedure
All assignment tasks excluding the exam are to be submitted via the Moodle
platform. Assignment 1 (essay) is to be submitted in an electronic copy via the turn-
it-in link on the Course website by Week 4, Friday 24 th March, 9.30 am. Paper copy
submission is not required. When submitting your assignment in the course website,
you are required to declare your work is original, and has not been submitted
previously for assessment.
Assignment 2 (report) is to be submitted in an electronic copy via the turn-it-in link on
the Course website by Week 10, Friday 12 th May, 9.30am. Paper copy submission is
not required. When submitting your assignment in the course website, you are required
to declare your work is original, and has not been submitted previously for assessment.
The Everest climbs must be completed with your teams as outlined in weeks 5 and 8.
The videos will be submitted via ‘the box’ on Moodle by Friday 19 th May at NOON
Peer reviews will also occur via Moodle. You are advised to UPLOAD THIS ON
CAMPUS, as often home upload speeds are not sufficient for this style of video.
Please allow time for this to upload, as no extensions are possible. Review of Videos
and teams must be completed by Friday 26 th May at NOON via moodle.
Students are reminded to keep a copy of all work submitted for assessment and to
keep their returned marked assignments.
4.5 Late Submission
You must submit all assignments and attend all examinations scheduled for your
course. A penalty of 10% for each day the assignment is late will be applied. A day is
calculated from the due time and the weekend is considered two days. You should
seek assistance early if you suffer illness or misadventure affecting your course
progress. No extensions will be granted except in the case of serious illness or
misadventure or bereavement which must be supported with documentary evidence.
Requests for extensions must be made via student central and the special
considerations portal and be accompanied by the appropriate documentation no later
than 24 hours before the due date of the assignment (the time your tutorial
Only formal applications can be approved for a request for an extension. If you do
make a request for an extension, you will be notified via the system with the decision.
Note: A request for an extension does not guarantee that you will be granted one. No
extensions are possible for the video submission or peer review.
CRICOS Code 00098G
Requests for a remark
From time to time some students will query the mark they have received on an
assessment. If you have a question about the mark you received on Assignment 1 or
Assignment 2, you must first make an appointment with your tutor no earlier than one
week after the course assignment return date, but no later than two weeks from the
return date, to discuss your concerns. The return date is usually 2 weeks after
submission of the assignment. If you choose to access your assignment via the course
website at a later date, keep in mind that you are still required to follow the course
return date timing. If, after speaking to your tutor you remain unhappy with their
explanation, you may request a review of your assignment. Keep in mind that a request
for an assignment review is not automatically granted. To qualify for an assignment
review you must submit, in writing, the specific reasons you believe a review is
warranted. This document should also include a discussion of the tutor’s comments
and how the components of your essay relate to the assignment criteria. Applications
that request a re-mark on the basis of “I felt the mark was too low” will be rejected. In
order to request a remark please refer to the UNSW Policy around students' request for
remarking assignments:
Quality Assurance
The Business School is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student
experience in all its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks may
be used for quality assurance, such as to determine the extent to which program
learning goals are being achieved. The information is required for accreditation
purposes, and aggregated findings will be used to inform changes aimed at improving
the quality of Business School programs. All material used for such processes will be
treated as confidential.
Required Resources: available to purchase at UNSW Bookshop or in the UNSW
Library. Textbook: Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., Coulter, M., Judge, T., Millett,
B., & Boyle, M. (2015). Managing Organisations and People MGMT 1001 - Customised
for the University of New South Wales (3rd ed). Sydney, Australia: Pearson Prentice
The website for this course is on Moodle at:
Based on feedback and consultation with the Business School’s key stakeholders
(including major corporations and professional service firms, professional associations
and alumni) the core program for the Bachelor of Commerce has been redeveloped.
This course has been developed and included in the core based on stakeholder
feedback that graduates need to be proficient not only in 'technical' skills but also have
a broader understanding of the 'human side' of organisation and well developed team
work, critical thinking and communication skills. In light of the need for students to
critically evaluate on line media sources, the course assessment items have been
adjusted to reflect the changing nature of information. Each year feedback is sought
from students and other stakeholders about the courses offered in the School and
continual improvements are made based on this feedback. UNSW's myExperience
survey is one of the ways in which student evaluative feedback is gathered. In this
course, we will seek your feedback through informal class feedback and end of
semester via myExperience responses.
CRICOS Code 00098G
Week Lecture Topic Tutorial Topic
Other Activities/
Week 1
27 February
Topic 1: Introduction to
organisations and
Lecturer: Lynn Gribble
Week 2
6 March
Topic 2: Foundations of
management theory
Lecturer: Lynn Gribble
Topic 1: Introduction
to organisations and
Week 3
13 March
Topic 3: Communication
Lecturer: Lynn Gribble
Topic 2: Foundations
of management
Essay workshops-times and
dates on Moodle
Week 4
20 March
Topic 4: Attitudes, perception
and personality
Lecturer: Lynn Gribble
Topic 3:
Essay due Friday, 24 th March
at 9.30am
Week 5
27 March
Topic 5: Groups and Teams
Lecturer: Catherine Collins
Topic 4: Attitudes,
perception and
Everest climb 1: You must
climb with your Group
between Monday 9am March
27 and Friday 5pm March 31
Week 6
03 April
Topic 6: Decision making
Lecturer: Catherine Collins
Topic 5: Groups and
Week 7
10 April
Topic 7: Leadership
Lecturer: Catherine Collins
(Friday 14 April is Good Friday
public holiday)
No tutorials this
Mid-semester break: Friday 14 – Saturday 22 April inclusive
Week 8
24 April
Topic 8: Strategic Human
Resource Management
Lecturer: Catherine Collins
(Tuesday 25 April is Anzac Day
public holiday you may attend a
different lecture this week)
No tutorials this
Everest Climb 2: You must
climb with your Group
between Monday 9am 24 th
April and Friday 5pm 28 th
Week 9
1 May
Topic 9: Strategic
Lecturer: Hugh Bainbridge
Everest Debrief
Report workshops – times
and dates on Moodle
Week 10
8 May
Topic 10: International
Lecturer: Hugh Bainbridge
Topic 8 & 9:
Strategic Human
Management &
Report due Friday, 12 th May
at 9.30am
Week 11
15 May
Topic 11: Social responsibility
and ethics
Lecturer: Hugh Bainbridge
Topic 10:
Video submission due noon
Friday, 19 th May
Week 12
22 May
Topic 12: Course review and
exam preparation
Lecturer: Hugh Bainbridge
Topic 11: Social
responsibility and
Peer review due by noon
Friday, 26 th May. SONA
studies must be completed
by Friday, 26 th May at 5pm
Week 13
29 May
Topic 12:Course
CRICOS Code 00098G
Everest Simulation MGMT 1001 assignment 代写