APG5652 Final term paper assignment 代写
APG5652 Final term paper assignment 代写
Assessment task title: Final term paper
Due date: 5pm, 25th October, 2017 (Monday)
APG5652 Final term paper assignment 代写
Details of task: The outcome of this assessment task is a ‘final term paper’ in 3500 (+/-10%) words, based on one of the following topics. (You may also think of your own APG 5652 Unit related topic(s) for your paper upon consultation with the unit Coordinator/Lecturer).
Suggested topics: (Please note that these are ‘broad’ topic areas. You may think of a ‘specific’ title for your paper once you have chosen or decided on a topic.)
‘Linguistic and cultural context’ and intercultural communication
‘Naming and addressing’ across cultures
World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) communication
‘Face and politeness’ issues across cultures
Intercultural communication through ‘mediation’ (Computer-mediated communication and/or Translating and Interpreting)
Developing competence and strategies for intercultural communication
To complete this ‘final term paper’ successfully, you are expected to
Choose a topic of your own interest among the ‘suggested topics’, and decide on a specific paper title;
Read relevant publications in relation to your chosen topic (i.e. review literature);
Collect relevant ‘language and intercultural communication’ data (e.g. naturally occurring data, interviews, and/or questionnaire surveys and so on);
Analyse your data;
Write up your final term paper.
The final term paper should contain the following:
Abstract (in approximately 250 words)
Literature review
Data description and analysis
Implications for intercultural communication
Appendices (Optional)
Release dates: Week 1
Word limit: 3500 (+/-10%) words
Value: 60%
Presentation requirements: Submit your final term paper assignment with a coversheet (in a WORD file) through the unit website on Moodle. An electronic copy of the coversheet can be located on the Moodle unit website.
Estimated return date: Three weeks after the due date.
Hurdle requirements: Completion of the first 'group project' assignment.
Individual assessment in group tasks: Individual assessment
Criteria for marking: Marking rubrics to be found on Moodle.
Referencing requirements: APA
To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at
APG5652 Final term paper assignment 代写