ARCH1026 History of C20th Western Architecture 代写
ARCH1026 History of C20th Western Architecture
Critical Essay/Project Analysis- (3000 words - 50% of overall assessment)
A 3000 word critical essay/project analysis is to be written, drawn and documented in which you put forward your own critical response to the material covered by this course, focusing particularly on the material covered in lectures, readings and tutorials that cover the period from the late 19th century through to the late 20th century.Consider the relevance of past 20th century architectural precedent to ongoing contemporary architectural practices and debates.
Firstly, submit a short paragraph/abstractto your tutor for feedback at the tutorial following mid-semester break that outlines the particular architectural questions or issues and specific case study architectural projectsthat your essay will address selectively and the drawn analysis or documentation you will undertake. Include an initial draft bibliography of writings and listing of relevantprecedent projects.
This essay question may be based on one of the tutorial assignment presentation topics for a particular lecture, or it can be based on one of the three following topic options:
1. Choose an architect or practice whose work is covered by or relevant to this course and discuss critically one or more of their design projects or drawingsor urban proposals as precedent case-studies. Selectively situate this work in relation to their body of work, and against the practices and concerns of the period. Focus on the architectural qualities of a specific key aspect of the design of the projects. Selectively consider how they might relate to the historical situation, cultural values, theoretical concerns and design practices of the time. This may involve a selective analysis of compositional design practices, material fabrication production and the experiential reception of built outcomes of the projects.
2. Choose an architectural theorist whose writingis covered by or relevant to this course and discuss critically a selective aspect of their writings that addresses key architectural questions or problematics that were a significant issue of debate in the period covered by the course. Situate this theoretical work selectively in relation to arguments and concerns of key protagonists of the time. Considerthe relationship of this theoretical work to architectural design practices of the period and to relevant specific buildings or drawings or urban proposals, addressing the architectural qualities of specific key aspect of chosen case-study design projects.This may involve a selective analysis of compositional design practices, material fabrication production and the experiential reception of built outcomes of the projects.
3.This course focuses thematically on the diversity of early modernism that developed in particular regional communities of practice, and the sharing of practices between different modernist communities through publications and media or through émigré exiles arriving in the new world. It also addresses post-World War II revisions and critiques of modernism, which occurred in the context of the ascendant economy of international modernism as the model for commercial and urban development. Progressive modernist theory promoted universal models of rationalist autonomy that sought to negate history, context, and precedent and transcend social, cultural and class differences. Modernist practice cultures were never reducible to this account. Revisions of modernism drew on this diversity of alternate modernist practices that developed in or were exchanged across specific practice communities. This account of 20th century architecture raises issues of universal values, cultural and urban identity, specificity and difference, tensions between the regional and the international, and in the late 20th century between the local and the global. Choose a particular architectural or aesthetic movement or community of practice from the period covered by or relevant to the course. Discuss critically and situate one or more design projects, drawings or urban proposals as precedent case-studies in response to the issues above. Address the characteristic architectural qualities of a specific key aspect of the design of the projects.This may involve a selective analysis of compositional design practices, material fabrication production and the experiential reception of built outcomes of the projects.
Incorporate relevant drawings or photographs into your critical essay/project analysis assignment. You should include your own analytical drawings or diagrams,and discuss these directly in your written argument.
Document the source of all cited material such as quotations, paraphrased arguments, photographs and drawings with accurate footnotes. Include a bibliography of the relevant readings that have informed your essay.
Hand-in Submissions
Submit to your tutor for feedback:
an initialdraft paragraph/abstract outlining the particular architectural questions or issues and specific case study architectural projects that your essay is addressing.
Indicate the selective key aspects of the projects you are investigatingand the drawn analysis, diagramming or documentation you are undertaking.
Include an initial draft bibliography of writings and listing of relevant precedent projects.
Final Essay Submission:
The final3000 word critical essay/project analysis is to be handed in to reception for marking and assessment.
Include your name, tutors name, and tutorial time on the cover page.
ARCH1026 History of C20th Western Architecture 代写
Question for Lecture 9: Mid-C20th UK Architecture: Post-War Revisions of Modernism - Archigram
Consider the propositional, transformative and qualitative architectural characteristics of Archigrams body of unbuilt works and proposals. Consider particularly their individual and collective practices of drawing as a design research medium. Refer to theArchigram Archival Project - . Pick case study Archigram projects and proposals from this archive and do your own drawings that analyse and critical assess and respond to Archigrams work. Consider particularly the role and relationship of different systems at different scales, the relationship between prosthetic armatures and the body at different scales, the spatial and perceptual qualities produced by the interference of systems, volumes and occupation, and the integration of responsive, adaptable technologies that engage with change, flux and transformation.
This work in progress presentation allows you to gain verbal feedback on the short written paper that you preparing, and is intended to stimulate class discussion about the lecture material and readings.
If you draw analytical diagrams or include drawings or photographs in your paper, you should discuss them directly in your written argument.
Document the source of all cited material such as quotations, paraphrased arguments, photographs and drawings with accurate footnotes. Include a bibliography of the relevant readings that have informed your essay.
ARCH1026 History of C20th Western Architecture 代写