代写 ETP101 Teacher - Learner Identities
Assessment Task One
Assessment Task 1: Learner Identity Exhibition and Reflection
Part a) The Learner Identity Exhibition
Imagine that you are curating an exhibition about your schooling. It is a public spacein which you have the opportunity to represent aspects that you believe to besignificant, interesting or educational for others.
What artefact/s or material objects would you put up for public exhibition about yourschooling? Choose 3 artefacts which are historically or metaphorically significant toyou– For example, you could choose one from your early years, one from middle yearsand finally one from your senior secondary education or alternatively choose artefactsthat relate to 3 significant events in your schooling. Arrange them to represent aspectsof your own schooling that you believe to be significant for you. Provide a brief clear(approx. 150 words each) annotation for each of your artefacts in order tocommunicate the significance of your artefacts to your audience (in this case your peersand academic staff). Examples of annotations are seen next to exhibits in art galleriesand museums.
Please note:
Week 3:
Each student will put their ‘artefact collection’ on display (with annotations, approx. 150words each) in their seminar in Week 3
You will:
• take a photo of your artefacts display and upload it to your Portfolio (in
CloudDeakin) with the annotations using Google slides/PowerPoint.
• Be ready to share your Google slides/powerpoint (photos & annotations) with
others in week 4 and use this to help write Part B Learner Identity Reflection.
• Prepare a draft of your written submission for Assessment Task 1 Part B Learner
Identity Reflection and bring to week 4 seminar.
Week 4: Group discussion of the exhibition
In your tutorial in Week Four you will:
• Bring your Google slides/powerpoint (photograph of exhibition and annotations)and draft of the reflection Assessment Task 1 Part B Learner Identity Reflection.
• Invite 2 peers (from your seminar group) to view your Google slides/powerpointand to provide constructive feedback in terms of what they understand to be themeaning behind the artefacts for you.
• Work in groups to discuss the significance of each person’s artefacts and discusshow group members view and interpret different artefacts.
During this group discussion you will be supported to develop your critical thinking skillsand to strengthen links to key readings. Approaches to referencing will also be reviewedand students will be directed to documentation to support the use of the Harvard style.
Part b) Learner Identity Reflection
The purpose of the Assessment Task 1 Part B is to provide you with the opportunity tooffer further explanatory detail and insight related to learner identity emerging fromthe three artefacts displayed at the EXPO and through your engagement with otherstudents from your seminar group. Assessment 1 Part B requires you to reflectcritically on your own experiences and formation of learner identity, constructive peerfeedback and the literature and make clear links to issues associated with schooling.
It is a requirement that certain professional standards are maintained by practitionerswithin the teaching profession. Assessment Task 1 Part B asks you to identify andreflect upon AITSL Graduate Standard 1.1 and relate this to those narrativesgenerated by your artefacts. The written commentary provided throughout Part B willexplore the way schooling contributes to the development of learner identity and willbe supported by referencing appropriate academic sources.Please note: The slides/annotations are to be included as an appendices whensubmitting the assignment. The reflection will include appropriately cited referencesfrom core or additional readings in weeks 1-3.
You will submit Assessment Task 1 into the electronic dropbox on the Cloud Deakin sitefor ETP 101.
代写 ETP101 Teacher - Learner Identities