代写 Deakin HBS108 Using evidence to investigate
代写 Deakin HBS108 Using evidence to investigate
HBS108 Assignment Task 1
Using evidence to investigate childhood immunisation
800 words, 20% of total assessment, due Friday 1 April by 5pm
Note: You may reference the topic content PDFs for this assignment but not the lecture notes (in
which case you may wish to find other sources).
TASK A: Locating Articles; Qualitative or Quantitative?
1. Using the skills you developed in Topic 2, locate the following section of a report from the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare:
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2014, ‘4.14 Immunisation and vaccine preventable
disease’ Australia’s Health 2014, Series no. 14, cat. no. AUS 178, AIHW, Canberra, pp. 154–
57, retrieved 2 March 2016, <http://www.aihw.gov.au>.
i. Which vaccination type has the greatest delay from when it should have been
administered to when it was administered?
ii. For your answer in Question 1 (i) what percentage of doses were delayed by less than six
months? By more than six months?
iii. What were the three most commonly notified diseases reported to health authorities in
2012 that are preventable through immunisation?
iv. How many hospitalisations were recorded in 2011–12 for the first and third most
commonly notified diseases that you identified in Question 1 (iii)?
(20 marks)
2. Using the skills you developed in Topic 2, locate the following tables on childhood immunisation
coverage from the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register [ACIR]:
Immunise Australia Program 2016, Current national, state and territory immunisation
coverage data for all children, Department of Health, Canberra, retrieved 2 March 2016,
i. For the Cohort 24–<27 months, which disease had the highest immunisation rate?
Which disease had the lowest?
ii. From the AIHW document referenced in Question 1 we can see that in 2008 the
percentage of all children [regardless of state/territory] ‘fully immunised’ at 60 months
stood at 80%. Based on current data from the ACIR tables, what is the percentage of all
children ‘fully immunised’ for 2015?
iii. Using the checklist covered in Topic 3, critically evaluate this website.
(15 marks)
3. Please briefly describe in your own words (three points each) what a(n):
i. Deductive research study is, referencing sources used to inform your answer as
ii. Inductive research study is, referencing sources used to inform your answer as
(15 marks)
4. Using the skills you developed in Topic 2, locate the journal article referenced below through
either the Deakin Library website or Google Scholar. Read the abstract and introduction carefully
before answering Question 4 (i)–(iii).
Bond, L & Nolan, T 2011, ‘Making sense of perceptions of risk of diseases and vaccinations: A
qualitative study combining models of health beliefs, decision-making and risk
perception’, BMC Public Health, vol. 11, no. 943, pp. 1–14, doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-943.
i. State if this article represents a quantitative or qualitative research study. Briefly
describe how you know this particular study is quantitative or qualitative.
ii. Describe in your own words what the specific purpose/aim is of this study.
iii. The authors state that “The interviewer did not have a dual relationship with the
participants (i.e. [the interviewer] was neither a clinician nor provider of health
services/care).” Why do the authors make this claim? Refer to one or more of the
‘ethical principles’ covered in Topic 1 to answer this question.
(20 marks)
TASK B: Research Questions
5. Health research employs both quantitative and qualitative approaches to data collection and
analysis. As you learnt in Topic 1, the type of study design and data collection methods used
depends on the specific research question you are attempting to answer. Certain research
questions can only be answered using quantitative research designs and methods; while other
research questions require the use of qualitative research designs and methods.
i. Develop ONE quantitative research hypothesis related to childhood immunisation.
ii. Develop ONE qualitative research question related to childhood immunisation.
(10 marks)
TASK C: Searching Databases
6. Select either the hypothesis or research question you designed for Task B [You must clearly
state which one you have selected to use for this question otherwise you will lose marks for
this section]. Using the skills you developed in Topic 2, access the Deakin College e-resources
(through the Deakin Library website) and conduct a search for a journal article that is relevant to
your research question/hypothesis. The article must be:
An academic journal article
Peer reviewed
Published within the past 10 years
Appropriate to the hypothesis/research question
i. Name the database(s) you searched in the process of finding the article.
ii. Specify the search terms you used to successfully locate the article.
iii. Provide the full reference to this article (in Deakin-Harvard style) here as your answer to
this question.
To receive any marks for this question you must paste the abstract of the article into your
assignment as an appendix. NOTE: The abstract is NOT included in the word count for this
assignment neither is its effect on your TurnItIn score.
(10 marks)
[10 marks will be awarded for writing, grammar, presentation and referencing]
How to structure your assignment
This assignment should take the form of a structured report (i.e. a question answer format) rather
than an “essay” and should be approached with a formal scientific writing style (i.e. full sentence
structure). Please note you are not expected to re-write the questions in your assignment as this
would be an unwise use of your word count. Please use appropriate section and question numbers
to label your answers clearly.
Assignment Title – Top of the first page
Student name & ID – Either as a footer OR under the assignment title
COMPULSORY: Label all responses to questions with the appropriate question number
Font – 12 point, Times New Roman
Line Spacing – 2
代写 Deakin HBS108 Using evidence to investigate
Margins – Normal
Borders – None
Use of references
Include all references cited in your assignment (including those that you are instructed to locate and
use) in a reference list at the end of the assignment, using the Deakin-Harvard (i.e. author-date)
referencing style. If you refer to any additional data not included in these sources, you must
reference these additional sources of data too. Remember that, as covered in Topic 2, references are
not restricted to academic journals, and can include books and reports from reputable websites.
Information about the Deakin-Harvard referencing style is available here:
Word limit
The word limit for the assignment is 800 words (excluding the reference list, but including in-text
citations and headings). You are permitted a 10% margin over the word limit, but words over 880
will not be assessed. This is done to ensure equity among students—it is unfair if students who
exceed the word limit get higher grades (due to including extra material over the word count) than
students who comply with the limit. Also, concise writing that states the key points without being
unnecessarily verbose is an important report-writing skill that you can demonstrate in your
Using the TurnItIn Originality check and Assignment Submission
Before submitting your assignment you should check the originality of your work using TurnItIn. In
Week 4 there will be a PowerPoint presentation shown during your HBS108 lecture that will cover
this process. Your lecturer will also show you how to submit your assignment online via Moodle.
Until then read through the assignment material, attempt the assignment questions if you feel
confident, and be ready to ask your lecturer any questions in class in Week 4!
代写 Deakin HBS108 Using evidence to investigate