Principles of Econometric ECM2IE 代写
Principles of Econometric ECM2IE 代写
Principles of Econometric
Assignment (due on week 9).
This project is worth 10% of the total mark and should be handed in to the Lecturer (at the
beginning of the class) on THURSDAY by 5.15 pm on 12th January (week 9). Clearly
write your Lecturer’s name and indicate the class time. Late submission will not be
accepted and no extensions will be given.
You are welcome to work together on the assignment. However, all Eviews work and
writing up should be done individually by each student. Plagiarism will be penalized
according to University Policy. The lecturer cannot help you on any aspect of the project
except clarification of the content.
All answers should be typed or neatly handwritten and double-spaced. Answers to
“Explain”, or “interpret” type questions should be concise (no more than 0.5 A4 double-
spaced page). Eviews output should be attached as an appendix. In conducting statistical
tests throughout, clearly state all relevant information, such as the null and alternative
hypotheses, the distribution you use, the level of significance, the decision rule (critical
value or p-value).
Good luck
Principles of Econometric ECM2IE 代写