代写ECON701 2016 Applied Microeconomics
代写ECON701 2016 Applied Microeconomics
Applied Microeconomics
Assignment 2
Due: 4pm, Friday, 7 October
1. Adverse selection in the market for venture capital.1
Consider a competitive venture capital market with 1000 entrepreneurs
nance for projects the demand side and 800 venture capi-
talists with cash to lend the supply side. The market forces of demand
and supply determine the interest rate, r, on loans.
Each entrepreneur has $C in collateral and needs to borrow $B to get
her project o¤the ground. Each project will either succeedand make
a positive return or failand make nothing. There are two types of
project: high risk-high returnprojects which succeed with probabil-
ity 1
4 and return $6400 if successful, and low risk-low returnprojects
which succeed with probability 1
2 and return $3200 if successful. (Note
that each type of project has an expected return of $1600.) Half of
the entrepreneurs (i.e., 500) have high risk-high returnprojects and
the other half have low risk-low returnprojects. Each entrepreneur
knows the type of her own project. Venture capitalists, however, can-
not observe the type of project for which an entrepreneur seeks funding
(though they know that there are 500 projects of each type in total).
If an entrepreneur borrows $B, she must pay back (1 + r)B if her
project succeeds and must forfeit her collateral if it fails. Entrepreneurs
are risk neutral and will borrow if, and only if, they can make a non-
negative expected pro
t. That is, an entrepreneur with a high risk-high
returnproject will borrow if, and only if,