FNSSAM403 代写 Prospect for new clients
FNSSAM403 代写 Prospect for new clients
Assessment cover sheet
In order for your assessment to be marked you must complete and upload all tasks and this cover sheet via the AAMC Training Group portal. Your assessment tasks must be uploaded in an electronic format i.e. Word, Excel, PDF or Scan. A maximum of five (5) attachments (maximum 20MB each) can be uploaded for this assessment. Please see the step-by-step instructions in your Member Area on how to upload assessments.
Student details |
Course name |
Assessment name |
FNSSAM403 FMB Assessment |
Surname |
Given name |
Address |
Postcode |
Email |
Phone |
Phone (other) |
Current occupation |
Industry |
Years in industry |
When you upload your assessment you will be asked to confirm that your assessment submissionto AAMC Training is your own work and NOT the result of plagiarism or excessive collaboration, and that all material used from any third party has been identified and referenced appropriately. AAMC Training may conduct independent evaluation checks and contact your supervisor to discuss your assessment.
Checklist of attachments:
☐Task 1 – Activities
☐Task 2 – Skills Assessment and Third Party Observation/Sign-off
Please indicate style of course undertaken:
☐Correspondence ☐Online ☐Face to face Trainer’s name:
Once your assessment has been successfully uploaded it will be pending review with your nominated course assessor. Your assessor will mark your assessment and you will receive an email advising you if you have been assessed as satisfactory. If you are marked as not yet satisfactory you will be contacted and asked to provide additional information or re-visit the assessment and re-upload your amended case study or written tasks.
Please contact our head office if you need assistance with your assessment:
Office: +61 8 9344 4088
Fax: +61 8 9344 4188
Email: [email protected]
You may be able to claim credit transfer for a unit/s of competency that you have previously completed with AAMC Training or another RTO. If you have been awarded a record of result or statement of attainment for any of the units detailed below then please go to the Credit Transfer tab in your Learning Centre and follow the prompts.
This assessment relates to the following units of competency:
· FNSSAM403 – Prospect for new clients
Please refer to AAMC Training’s full Recognition Policy for further details. |
· Your answers to the tasks are to be typed into this document and uploaded.
· No assessment word count has been specified although you are expected to provide good quality answers to each of the questions.
· At the time of going to print the web links in this document were current. If you find a broken link please research yourself and advise AAMC Training of the break.
· Although some general discussion between students covering the assessment is allowed your responses to each of the questions must be an individual effort.
PLEASE NOTE: AAMC Training only wants to see your own work. Please do not upload parts of the learning guide or instructions on how to complete. When this extra information is uploaded it presents unnecessary work for the assessors and in turn delays our assessment responses.
Task 1 – Activities
Activity 1 – Establishing rapport
a) A Licensed Credit Guide (LCG) can be an effective tool in building rapport. How do you think a LCG might be useful in establishing rapport, particularly with new customers or clients?
Click here to enter text.
b) In your own words explain how dress, facial expressions and body language can assist in establishing rapport.
Click here to enter text.
Activity 2 – Types of sales
Identify which type of sale has been carried out. The first one has been completed for you.
Transactional Sales |
Relationship Sales |
Opening a bank account |
X |
Applying for a home loan |
Applying for life insurance |
Purchasing travellers cheques |
Making a credit card payment |
Applying for a credit card |
An inquiry about investing in managed funds |
Applying for a business loan |
Activity 3 – Handling objections
You can access some great information on selling techniques and how to handle objections using this link: http://changingminds.org/disciplines/sales/objection/objection_handling.htm
One of these techniques is the four-part method known as LACE. What does the acronym stand for?
Click here to enter text.
Activity 4 – Closing techniques
The following link provides information about a variety of closing techniques that sales people can use to close their sales: http://changingminds.org/disciplines/sales/closing/closing_techniques.htm
Two of these techniques are the “1-2-3 Close” and the “Balance sheet Close”. Explain your understanding of these two techniques and provide an example of how you can adopt these methods in your sales meetings with clients.
Click here to enter text.
Activity 5 – Cold calling
Some sales people consider cold calling a waste of time. It can be if you don’t use the right approach. The best cold calls can yield long-term customers. But how can you make sure you are successful? You can gain a lot of useful information reading an article by Sales Staff Australia on the following link: http://salesstaff.com.au/candidates/career-resources/cold-calling-101.html
What techniques are suggested for cold calling?
Click here to enter text.
Activity 6 – The financial advisor’s guide to LinkedIn and prospecting
According to Lisa Craveiro, while LinkedIn is a social networking site, you can also strategically use it as a way to prospect and generate new clients. It has the potential to offer a number of features that will help increase your visibility within the financial industry and promote your services. You can access her article using the following link:
a) What are the three most effective ways there are for financial advisors, mortgage brokers or credit representatives to prospect using LinkedIn?
Click here to enter text.
You can also access information about how to use networking to build business using the following link: https://www.business.qld.gov.au/business/running/managing-business-relationships/networking-in-business/networking-developing-plan
b) What does the article suggest for developing a network plan?
Click here to enter text.
Activity 7 – Spam Act 2003: A Practical Guide for Business
The Australian Communications and Media Authority provides a guide covering the responsibilities Australian businesses have about using Spam.
Access the guide from the ACMA website and explain the three key steps that business should follow.
Click here to enter text.
Activity 8 – Sales People/Prospects
a) Salespeople may contact prospects by:
Click here to enter text.
b) Explain the importance of issuing the prospect with relevant documentation throughout the sales process AND ensuring that your systems for recording sales/payments / prospect records etc. are kept accurate and up-to-date at all times.
Click here to enter text.
Activity 9 – Record keeping
Briefly explain how information you have recorded from a prospect could help you in the future.
Click here to enter text.
Task 2 – Skills Assessment and Third Party Observation/Sign-off
The following role play must be conducted to further determine your skills and knowledge in dealing effectively with clients.
1. You may contact AAMC Training to make arrangements to assist with conducting the role play, or
2. You may arrange for a Third Party Observer.
Please note that the Third Party Observer should only comment on criteria where they have directly witnessed you performing competently during the role play. Therefore you should not expect them to make assumptions about your competence. Do not pressure a third party to sign a supporting statement if she/he has not had the chance to observe your role play.
Submit the competency checklists duly signed by your Third Party Observer and their supporting qualifications/resume for the role play you have undertaken.
The candidate is seeking a supporting statement from you as part of the evidence they are compiling in order to complete the requirements for a vocational education qualification. You will be assessing the candidate based both on their clear explanation of the questions and ability to build rapport with the client. Feedback comments for each point are required.
The Third Party Observer must be someone who possesses sound financial services industry (credit activities such as finance/mortgage broking) experience/knowledge in order to provide support to you during the role play. It is also important that the declarer has a good understanding of current industry legislation and procedures relating to:
· Providing finance and/or mortgage broking services in credit activities
· Presenting broking options to clients
· Develop and nurture relationships
The Observer may be one of the following and will be required to signify the finance/mortgage broking experience achieved and/or the qualifications held on the Skills Assessment (Role Play) form:
· A holder of a Certificate in Finance and Mortgage Broking or Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management (you will need to hold an equivalent or higher qualification, depending on which course the candidate is undertaking)
· An Accountant/Financial Planner with credit activity experience
· An Australian Credit Licence holder/ Responsible Manager for an ACLH
· A Business Development Manager with a Bank, Building Society or Credit Union involved in Third Party (Broker) lending.
· A nominated Mentor with the appropriate authorisation from an industry association or ASIC.
The candidate is seeking a Supporting Statement from you as part of the evidence they are compiling in order to complete the requirements for a vocational education qualification. You are to act as the “client” mentioned in the chosen case study. You will be assessing the candidate based both on their clear explanation of the questions and ability to build rapport with the client. Feedback comments for each point are required.
A copy of your qualification/resume is required, along with a short detail of your industry experience.
Participant’s name: |
Prospect for new clients |
Comments |
S |
Introduce yourself – provide general introduction to products, services and organisational values and experience via a range of communication methods using a client scenario/interview as an example |
Identify prospective client questions and concerns and respond appropriately in a clear and concise way, using the same client scenario/interview in question 1. |
The third party observer is to ask probing questions and the student is to answer in an appropriate manner.
(Use a scenario where a potential new client is annoyed and asking a lot of questions that you may not have the answers for.) |
The student is to record the information from the above scenarios in an appropriate way and research to determine the best products and services to meet potential client needs. |
S = Satisfactory NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory. If you deem the student to be Not Yet Satisfactory, please arrange to repeat the assessment. Should you have any concerns please contact AAMC Training +61 8 9344 4088.
An AAMC Training assessor may contact the Third Party Observer to review and discuss this process.
Additional observer/third party declarer comments: |
Did the finance broker act professionally and in accordance with legislative, regulatory and professional codes of practice? |
No |
Did the finance broker establish the client’s needs by using questioning and active listening, apply a good level of communication, negotiation, interpersonal and relationship management skills? |
No |
Did the finance broker present the information clearly, effectively and unambiguously (no use of jargon), with recommendations comprehensively discussed and negotiated? |
No |
Did the broker consider any special needs of the client including cultural, language, race, religion, ethnic origin, socioeconomic status and demographic needs? |
No |
Observer/Third party declarer details |
Title |
Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other: |
Name: |
Address: |
Suburb: |
Postcode: |
Phone (Mobile): |
Phone (W): |
Email: |
Relationship to student |
Please provide a copy of your qualification, resume or mentor authorisation as you specified. |
A holder of a Certificate IV in Finance/Mortgage Broking OR
A holder of a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management |
Certificate attached |
An Accountant/Financial Planner with Credit activity experience |
Resume attached |
An Australian Credit Licence Holder and/or a Responsible Manager for an Australian Credit Licence Holder |
Resume attached |
A Business Development Manager with a Bank, Building Society or Credit Union involved in Third Party (Broker) lending (Consumer or Commercial) |
Resume attached |
A nominated Mentor with the appropriate authorization from an industry association or ASIC |
Mentor authorisation |
Observer/declarer feedback |
Did you feel you were given enough information and supported through the process of undergoing this assessment? |
Yes No |
Did you feel the resources provided were suitable for your workplace? |
Yes No |
Do you think the assessment was relevant to this particular qualification’s training needs? |
Yes No |
The information and comments provided above are true and correct.
Observer/Third party declarer signature ................................................................
Date .............................................. |
FNSSAM403 代写 Prospect for new clients