Understanding Behaviour for Classroom Practice 代写

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  • Understanding Behaviour for Classroom Practice 代写

    Understanding Behaviour for Classroom Practice

    Assessment 1:EssayWordlimit:1500 (+/- 10%) Weighting:30%

    Assessment context
    This essay allows you to deepen your understanding of learning behaviour theories and to better understand how they may assist and explain classroom behaviour and learning.  In particular, you will differentiate behaviours displayed by students in learning environments and formulate reasons using a range of behavioural theories.
    Related learning outcomes
    This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the following unit learningoutcome:
    1.    Differentiate behaviours displayed by students in learning environments and formulate reasons for these behaviours using behavioural and educational theories
    Assessment details
    Write a 1500 word essay in response to one of the quotes below.  Reflect on what behaviour is and utilise two or more of the theories of behaviour that you have been introduced to in the unit to date.  Discuss different behaviours displayed by students in learning environments and formulate reasons using the learning behavioural theories with examples where possible.  Keep in mind there may be multiple contributing factors as to why different behaviours may occur.
    1.)   “The evidence is unequivocal – children who have difficulty regulating their emotions, paying attention, initiating peer interactions and sustaining engagement in learning tasks are at risk for school difficulties.” (Bulotsky-Shearer, Dominguez et al., 2012)
    2.)   “Children’s experience within school is crucial in determining their likelihood of experiencing MHD (Mental Health Disorders), but this experience is clearly individual in nature and individual difference in competencies, such as self-regulation and social skills help to explain why children in similar environments may experience different levels of wellbeing” (Humphrey &Wigelsworth 2012)
    In your essay you will need to:
    ·         define behaviour based on the theory you have chosen
    ·         demonstrate an understanding that behaviour is a socio-cultural construct
    ·         introduce the quote you have chosen and identify the behaviours displayed by students in a learning environment according to the quote
    ·         formulate reasons for these behaviours based on the theory you have chosen.
    Choose from the following learning behaviour theories:
    ·         behavioural theory
    ·         humanist theory
    ·         cognitive theory
    ·         ecological theory
    ·         sociocultural theory
    Assessment criteria
    Your submission will be assessed against the following criteria:
    1.   Knowledge of behaviour and behavioural theories.
    2.   Understanding of behaviour in the classroom in relation to socio-cultural constructs
    3.   Format and structure of essay, including conventions of academic English
    4.   Academic research, including APA referencing.
    Your essay will be assessed according to the following marking guide:
    Pass (P 50-59%) – In order to be awarded a passfor this assessment task, all components of the task must be completed and the requirements of all criteria must be met at a satisfactory level. The work must be original except where the works of others have been cited according to APA referencing conventions.  Specifically this means:
    ·         The introduction clearly identifies what behaviour is understood to be.
    ·         A sound argument in relation to socio-cultural constructs has been made.
    ·         The learning behaviour theory is clearly stated and appropriate for addressing the chosen quote.
    ·         The relationship between theory and the quote is explained.
    ·         This work draws upon an appropriate range of sources that are made explicit; quotations relate to the context in which they are used.
    ·         Formulated possible reasons for the behaviours in relation to learning behaviour theory.
    ·         The written expression is consistent with the requirements of a postgraduate course: spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure demonstrate competence in academic writing.  The essay is written in third person.
    Credit (C 60-69%) – To be awarded a Credit, students must fulfil all the requirements of the Pass level but with more sophistication. Specifically this means:
    ·      Coverage of the topic is in comprehensive depth and detail, and is accurate throughout.  The paper demonstrates independence of thought and goes beyond a reliance upon the readings provided in the unit.  There is clear identification and understanding of key issues about why children’s behaviour occurs according to the behavioural theory and quote chosen for the essay.
    ·      The essay is based on the veracity and validity of the evidence provided to demonstrate an understanding of behavioural theory.
    ·      The behaviour theory chosen is appropriate to the quote, and is used to cohesively discuss reasons for behaviour.
    ·      Word choice is deliberate, and there are no superfluous words or phrases.
    ·      The mode of communication is generally coherent; expression is generally clear; no persistent errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling.  Editing has been a key part of the preparation of the essay.
    ·      Apart from minor issues in-text and/or in the reference list, the essay adheres to APA referencing conventions and uses evidence from an appropriate range of relevant and contemporary sources.
    Distinction (D 70-79%) – to be awarded a Distinction for this task students must meet all the requirements of the Credit level, but with a greater degree of insight into the topic, and competence in written communication.  This means:
    ·      Critical reading and critical thinking are hallmarks of the essay.  These skills are demonstrated in the clarity of the key points made and the relevance of those key points to the essay prompt, the depth of knowledge of the core elements of behaviour and socio-cultural constructs, understanding of the behaviour theory selected.
    ·      All claims are supported with evidence drawn from a wide range of relevant and contemporary sources.
    ·      Very good organisation is evident; the work is cohesive from beginning to end; there is a systematic and logical approach to the structure and arguments.
    ·      The work is fluent and stylish and demonstrates confidence with the material; it is accurate throughout; the method and style of presentation is entirely appropriate, as are vocabulary and syntax.
    High Distinction (HD 80 – 100%) – To be awarded an HD for this assignment, the essay must meet all the requirements of the Distinction standard, outlined above, and demonstrate critical, sophisticated and insightful thinking.  This means:
    ·      A persuasive argument is presented for a behaviour theory to address the chosen quote in the context of socio-cultural constructs.
    ·      The essay demonstrates a creative, innovative synthesis of ideas.  Comprehensive and innovative critical analysis is sustained throughout the essay.  An authoritative and persuasive argument is demonstrated when considering the theory and quote.
    ·      Relevant, scholarly, contemporary, evidence is provided to support the argument demonstrating familiarity with the current field of research including references drawn from the learning materials for the unit and those sourced independently.
    ·      Effective language use is a key feature of the paper, as is purposeful and deliberate adherence to the conventions of written English.
    If the assignment fails to reach a satisfactory standard on each criterion then it must be awarded a fail.
    Bulotsky-Shearer, R.J., Dominguez, X. & Bell, E. R. (2012). Preschool classroom, behavioural context and school readiness outcomes for low-income children: A multilevel examination of child and classroom level influences.  Journal of Educational Psychology104, 421-438.
    Humphrey, N. &Wigelsworth, M. (2012). Modelling the factors associated with children’s mental health difficulties in Primary school: A multilevel study.  School Psychology Review 41 (3), 326-341.
     Understanding Behaviour for Classroom Practice 代写