MCD2050: Marketing Environment and STP Analysis 代写
MCD2050: Marketing Environment and STP Analysis 代写
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MCD2050: Marketing 1
Trimester 3, 2017
Major Assignment: Environment and STP Analysis
Status: Individual task
Weighting: 15%
Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Due date & Time: Saturday Week 6 by 5pm
Your assignment detailed below is based on a specific context in which marketing occurs. In week
1 or 2, within your tutorial you will select a topic and specific product. The organisation you choose
must be based in the country in which you study.
You cannot use a topic for your assignment other than the ones listed. Those who use topics
other than those listed will be automatically marked as a zero.
Significant marks are allocated for evidence of research and the application of information
obtained from this research.
Major Assignment: Environment and STP Analysis
This is an individual assessment – 15% - 1500 words
You have recently gained a position as a junior marketing assistant within an organisation. Your
boss (the marketing manager) has asked you to review the marketing environment in which the
firm operates, to identify target markets for your offer and to describe how the product is
positioned within the market. .
You are required to include the following areas:
• An introduction of your selected company and specific offer.
• An analysis of the marketing environment in which your firm operates, to be supported
with evidence.
• Identification of a target market for your specific offer.
• The use of segment variables to describe your target market. Justification of your selection
and the appropriateness of your target segment for the selected offer.
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• The illustration and explanation of a positioning map, to discuss and justify the position of
your offer relative to competitors within the market.
• A conclusion.
You are required to demonstrate that you can write in an effective manner, that you understand
basic marketing concepts and that you have the ability to appropriately apply theory to practice.
To demonstrate your ability to apply theory to practice you must illustrate your answer with a
specific offer and specific target segment that is available in the country in which you are studying
from one of the following scenarios.
Scenarios Trimester 3 -2017
• Baby Formula e.g. Aptamil Gold, A2 Follow On & S-26 Gold Comfort
• Internet Service Providers e.g. Optus, Telstra, TPG & iinet
• Video Game Consoles e.g. Sony PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Wii U
Suggested word limit and format
This assignment is to be written as a structured essay and should be a maximum of 1500 words
in length, excluding cover page, title pages, and references. Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 line
spacing, and standard page margins. APA (in text) referencing system. Minimum six references
(at least three from recognized academic sources).
Essay Writing Guide Major Assignment
The format/layout of your submission is to follow that of a structured essay. The Major Assignment
marking guide will assist you in ensuring that all elements required are covered.
The Q manual should be consulted to ensure that the major assignment is correctly written and
formatted. This can be purchased at the book-shop, accessed in the library or at
Submission date & time: Major Assignment: Week 6 – Saturday 5pm
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Applications for extension of time: Major Assignment
Submissions for an extension of time for the completion of assignments must be presented in
writing and approved by the Team Leader. A copy of the special consideration form is available
Extensions will only be granted with current and legitimate proof – current medical certificate,
counselor’s certificate or other appropriate documented evidence. The Team Leader reserves the
right to deny an extension if proof of incapacitation is not sufficient. Extensions will not be
granted on the day of assignment submission. Extensions cannot be granted by your tutor –
only by Team Leader.
Students should back-up their work. Extensions will not be granted for loss of work or printer
On completion of an assignment granted an extension, you must hand in your assignment in
person to the Unit Leader on the pre-agreed date with a copy of the Special Consideration form
Penalties for late lodgment: Major Assignment
Assignments are to be submitted by 5:00pm on the day of submission. 5.01pm is considered late.
An assignment that is assessed to have arrived after 5.01pm will incur a penalty of 10% of the
assignment grade. An additional 10% penalty will apply for every 24 hour period following the
set submission time.
Grades available: Major Assignment
The criteria sheet will be filled in by your tutor at the time of grading. This sheet provides a guide
to the important areas to be considered within the specific assignments. The most critical task is to
answer the question in a manner that demonstrates analysis and a clear and logical argument.
Section 1 of the criteria sheet is where the weighting of the grade is allocated – first and foremost
you must answer the question.
Grades are awarded in the range of N (fail) to HD. Please refer to the inside back cover of this unit
guide for details of the broad requirements students must meet to achieve specific grades. Your
final grade is achieved by meeting these requirements and those detailed on the criteria sheet.
Return of Assignment
The Major Assignment is to be returned two week from submission date.
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MCD2050; Marketing 1
Major Assignment: Structured Essay
Marking guide
Grade (Alpha): Marker: Double Marker (if required)
Poor Average Good Very
Content (50%)
Introduction, including statement of
purpose and the introduction of firm and
Identification and analysis of significant
Micro environment actors.
Identification and analysis of significant
Macro environment forces.
Clear identification of a target market.
Description of the target segment,
including their defining characteristics
and their needs and wants in relation to
the product category.
Illustration and discussion with evidence
of a positioning map.
Cognitive skills (30%)
Ability to judiciously apply marketing
theory, concepts and models within the
Critical analysis of information with
relevance to the topic area / model
MCD2050: Marketing Environment and STP Analysis 代写
Structure and Style (20%)
Literacy Standard
Develops clear argument and direction
Follows suggested formatting
Referencing correctly, technical accuracy
Appropriate and adequate use of
references Please note that using fewer
than 3 references from recognised
academic sources will prevent a
student from receiving a mark higher
than a Pass for this section.
Evidence of wider reading
MCD2050: Marketing Environment and STP Analysis 代写