代写Does Melbourne to develop the environmental sustainabil
代写Does Melbourne to develop the environmental sustainability, relates to the most livable city?
2016 DTRP: Research Proposal Template
General Information
ü The assessment of the Research Proposal is worth 20% of your overall course mark.
ü The research proposal is split into two parts:
Part 1a - Oral Research Proposal Presented by all group members 10%
Part 1b – Written Research Proposal Submitted by individual student 10%
ü Each
group is required to present an Oral Research Proposal in week 5 of the DTRP course.
ü Each
student is also required to submit their own Written research Proposal in week 6 of the course.
ü In order to complete the requirements of the Research Proposal you will need to address the section headings listed in the pages to follow.
Oral Research Proposal
· Each group must present data with the help of
presentation software.
(e.g. Powerpoint, Prezi)
· Each section must have its own
heading. (e.g. Introduction, Rationale)
· Each group member is responsible for presenting a part of the proposal, including his/her own
research question and
methodology. The other sections of the proposal can be divided among the group members.
Written Research Proposal
· To be typed using a regular font such as:
Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri,
· Each section must have its own heading.
(e.g. Introduction, Rationale)
· Sub-headings and paragraphs are recommended.
· The main text should be in size 11 or 12, with appropriate increases for headings and sub-headings.
You will be required to submit an electronic copy of your Written Research Proposal only via TurnItIn.
Follow the template guidelines below in order to complete both your Oral Research Proposal and Written Research Proposal:
(As always, ask your teacher to clarify any areas of confusion).
A. Cover page
Must include:
ü Title
ü Student Name
ü Student Number
ü Teacher Name
ü Identification of all group members
Can also include:
· Picture
· Graphics
· Colour
Note: Any visual content that was created by another person
must be correctly referenced.
B. Introduction
Explain clearly what the topic/issue is.
· Introduce – briefly - the topic on a broad scale.
· Demonstrate a strong understanding of your issue.
· Simplify the issue: pretend that you are introducing it to an audience that has not heard of it before.
· Can show multimedia to help you explain your research. (e.g. video clip, graphs, data)
· Use 2-3 citations to support your introduction, with correct Harvard Referencing.
· Make sure you use your own words, to show your knowledge and understanding of the topic and its significance.
C. Rationale
Why have you and your group selected this issue or topic?
· What is the significance of this topic? Why is this topic important for both your group and society? How does it affect society as a whole?
· Why is this topic more important or relevant or exciting than other choices?
· Provide a common group
aim that unites all members’ research into one shared purpose.
· Consider using multimedia to convince your audience that this is an important topic of research.
· Use 1-2 citations to support your introduction, with correct Harvard Referencing.
TIP: Create a list of 3 or more reasons why the audience should be interested in your research.
D. Prior Knowledge
What do you already understand about this topic?
· Discuss what the
group knows, not just what
you know.
· Discuss any experiences your group members have had with this issue.
· Again, you can use multimedia to help communicate to the audience.
TIP: You are not expected to know everything about the topic yet. That is the point of the research!
So relax! Be honest with your answers and practise thoroughly before the presentation.
E. Research Design
Identify and explain your research question.
· You are now moving from the general topic to the specific research question you propose to answer.
· Make it clear to the audience what question you are attempting to research.
· Do not assume that the audience understands what your question means. EXPLAIN IT.
· Spend a little time discussing why this question is the one you decided to choose.
Explain the methodology you will use to answer your research question.
· Your presentation should demonstrate a strong knowledge of the theory that we covered in class (e.g. Primary vs. Secondary; Qualitative vs. Quantitative)
· When describing your primary research try to be specific. Which categories of DTRP students will you conduct your research on? How many people will be part of the research? Is it aimed strictly at males? females? both? Any nationalities or cultural backgrounds in particular? Science students? Business students? etc
· Discuss (and possibly show in your presentation) some examples of secondary sources you have collected, which will be valuable to your research.
· Provide some examples of questions you may ask participants during your primary research.
F. Proposed Research Outcomes
What do you hope to achieve by conducting this research?
· What do you hope your research will teach you and others? What do you hope to learn about this issue?
· What skills do you hope to gain or improve by doing this research?
· What value or benefit do you hope your research will have for society as a whole?
TIP: The question asks what you HOPE to produce. Until you do the research it will not be clear what your outcome will be exactly.
· So again, relax! Have a conversation with your audience.
G. Literature Review
Which sources have you already read or viewed up until this point?
· You will need to produce one literature review for
each research question your group has decide on.
· You should not
display the literature review document during your presentation, but you must
discuss (in the research design section) one resource that you intend to use for the research of your individual question.
TIP: Use the following table to help you complete the literature review in your written proposal
RESOURCE- Outline of literature review |
Topic: |
Title: |
Type of Resource:
How did you find the resource? |
Harvard reference: |
Relevant to Research Question(s): |
Key points of relevance to this Research Question (in note –point form):
• |
H. Reference List
Include a list of references for any resources that you have used within your research proposal
· As in the previous Foundation Studies courses you have undertaken you must follow the DTRP Referencing Guide.
(Appendix 3 of your Student Resource Manual)
· You are expected to use and cite at least 3 references within your proposal.
(e.g. during your introduction and rationale).
Please note: There is no overall word limit for the Written Research proposal
Rather than focus on how many words you “HAVE” to write, your focus will be on making sure that you have addressed the requirements of each section.
You will be required to seek feedback from your teacher wherever possible, to make sure that there is enough detail in your responses.
代写Does Melbourne to develop the environmental sustainability, relates to the most livable city?