Can you explain the medal table at the Rio Olympic Games?
Prepare a business style report based on your econometric analysis.
The econometric analysis should be formatted similarly to the answers provided to the tutorial questions and attached as appendices to the business report.
The data required for the assignment is given in the file ECON1195 Assignment Data Sem 1 2016.xls.
The assignment must be submitted via blackboard.
Feedback will be provided to students through sample answers provided on blackboard.
The assignment consists of two parts; a report and a technical appendix containing estimation outputs and statistical tests.
There is much evidence that wealthy and large (in terms of population) nations do well at sports. However, Communist countries (either current or pervious) and host nations (current, future or recent) also tend to out-perform their characteristics. This assignment requires you to investigate these relationships using the medal table from the Rio Olympic Games and the economic, demographic and social data supplied. Once you have constructed your dependent and independent variables you need to build a cross sectional model (or models) to explain the relationship between medals and national characteristics. All models estimated should be free of error problems as far as possible.
Once you have estimated your model(s) you need to write a report discussing your findings. This should be a business type report. An example of the type of report required is given as an appendix to Module 11. The report should be between 500-700 words. Marks will be deducted if reports are substantially longer than 800 words.
Additional information and suggestions:
· The provided data are on the sheets called Bloomberg and World Bank in the file ECON1195 Assignment Data Sem 2 2016.xls With the sources being:
· Before you can load the data into Eviews it will need to be rearranged onto a single sheet. Please submit this excel data file along with your answers.[1]
· You will need to construct at least two more variables yourselves to identify the Communist and host nations.
· Consider how the medal table will be used to construct your dependent variable(s), with the possibilities being gold medals, total medals, or some sort of medal index.
· You will also need to think carefully about how to use the 1960 and 2014 life expectancy data in your models. It may be that changes in life expectancy are important?
· Other than constructing the Communist and Host variables, please do not use any other data that has not been already supplied. Although you are welcome to derive new series using the supplied data.
· Please only analyses countries that have won medals. Models that predict the countries that do and do not win medals would require a binary dependent variable. If you would like to learn how to do this you will need to do ECON1238 Econometric Techniques.
· Make sure you use your estimated model(s) to identify the nations that both over and under- perform compared to their characteristics.