代寫FIN201 - Investment Management
Trimester 2, 2016
FIN201 - Investment Management
Due date: To LECTURER: No later than11.00 am, Wednesday, 21 Sep., 2016
Your topic is:
“Developing an Investment Portfolio for a High Net Worth Client”
You have been appointed to advise one of Australia’s wealthiest persons who has just received a cheque for $A1 billion dollars from the sale of his coal mining business. He is aged 58 years, happily married with four children who have completed university and are each engaged in professional practice. Your client wishes to retire and pursue his recreational and charitable interests. He has no debts and does not wish to incur any.
He is a moderately conservative investor but is willing to take a certain amount of risk in order to grow his investment portfolio. He wishes to set up a diversified investment portfolio which – over the next 10 years – will provide him with an income of $5 million a year, which he will draw from the portfolio, whilst seeking growth of his capital balance of at least CPI plus 2% per annum.
You are required to prepare a summary of your recommendations for how much of his capital should be invested in your selected asset classes [cash, Australian fixed interest, Australian equities, Australian property, overseas fixed interest, shares and / or property and alternative investments (if any – see chapter 18 of the text-book)]. State reasons for your choices and your estimate of his expected annual income and expected annual capital growth likely to be achieved from your recommended portfolio. Summarise the risks of your recommendations.
Details of the Assignment requirements, suggested points for detailed examination and penalties for late lodgment are in the Subject Outline.
You are required to complete this essay individually (no groups).
Research and Referencing
You should begin by studying various chapters of the text-book (including Chapter 18 on alternative investments) dealing with the above asset classes.
You will need to discover at least 6 references apart from the text-book. This should include at least one other book and one journal article.
Use Harvard referencing! See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_referencing
Marking Guide
Component 1 – 14 marks. ANALYSIS. Discussion and understanding of the client’s goals, analyzing his income and capital needs against the current economic and investment outlook, explorations of the recommended asset classes, including expected returns and risks, and your recommended portfolio.
Component 2 - 7 marks – RESEARCH – EXTENT AND APPLICATION. Discussion and detailed understanding of the construction of the investment portfolio construction and management process, including reasons for investing in them. Extent of research and source referencing.
Component 3 – 4 marks – RECOMMENDATIONS / CONCLUSIONS. Following the above analysis and application of your research, state – in separate sections - any recommendations for the client’s portfolio and summarise your overall conclusions.
Component 4 - 5 marks – PRESENTATION. Clear and concise expression, professional presentation, grammar, spelling and the use of graphs, tables and appropriate source referencing of material, charts, tables, etc., along with inclusion of cover pages – see under “Submission of Assignments” below.
The purpose of this Assignment is to test your initiative as advanced degree students, along with testing your ability to discover information and apply this to portfolio management .
Remember that plagiarism brings severe penalties.
Submission of Assignments.
A soft copy must be submitted to Turnitin by 8.00 pm on Tuesday, 20 September, 2016. Please submit to Lecturer a hard copy, including a KOI Cover Sheet (see Moodle), a Marks and Comments Page (page 3 attached) and a Turnitin validation page at the front of your Assignment by 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 21 September, 2016. . Failure to include these pages will result in a penalty of 1 mark for each itemized page omitted.
***Keep a soft copy of the Assignment in case of misadventure.***
Dr Mervyn Fiedler
Lecturer, KOI, FIN201 17 August, 2016.
代寫FIN201 - Investment Management