代寫MMM315: Business Management Capstone
代寫MMM315: Business Management Capstone
MMM315: Business Management Capstone
Trimester 2: 2016
Assignment 2:
2. Business Management Outcome (50%)
This assessment has two components: (a) written report (35%) and (b) oral report (15%)
You will continue working with your team (formed for Assessment 1). In Assessment 2, you are to prepare a report detailing your learning experiences from the three ‘board meetings’. This assignment is an opportunity for you to draw on what you have learned from your personal edge units, core units, your respective majors, and topics covered in this unit in addressing the key strategic issues that a business organisation like WRSX Group needs to confront towards sustainable business performance. Your team is expected to recommend strategic business management decisions and be able to reflect on the outcomes and impact of these strategic decisions.
Written Report. In your report, your team must address the following:
Present a concise written analysis of the significant strategic decisions and outcomes of the board meetings. You need to explain in writing how your group’s decisions would have influenced the company’s overall performance. Focus on those strategic decisions that your group considered to have significant impact on the performance of WRSX. For purposes of this assignment, this is called “the managerial insights from the board meetings’.
Integrate in your written analysis how you have drawn from the topics in this unit and your previous units (i.e. personal edge, core and major units) in making your decisions.
The basic structure of the report should include:
1. Executive summary
2. Managerial Insights from the Board Meetings
3. Conclusion
The maximum number of words is 4,000. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, double spacing, and an inch-margin in all sides. Please submit a Word document file. Submit through the designated Assignment folder in the CloudDeakin site.
Your written report will be evaluated and marked using the following criteria:
Application of relevant business management theories, principles, models, techniques (25%)
Quality of (critical and systematic) analysis of the simulated company and its business environment (25%)
Originality of analysis (25%)
Organisation and presentation (25%)
Oral report. Each team will present orally the highlights of their business management action report in class (online students are expected to record their reports).
The oral presentation will be evaluated and marked using the following criteria:
Organisation and Presentation (40%)
Content/Knowledge of the Subject (40%)
Communication/Visual Aids (20%)
代寫MMM315: Business Management Capstone