ABPL10004/ABPL20030 2017: Assessment 建筑 代写
ABPL10004/ABPL20030 2017: Assessment 建筑 代写
ABPL10004/ABPL20030 2017: Assessment Task 4
Final Essay
Assessment Weight: 30% of semester marks
Due Date: Monday 8 May, 6.00 pm
Word Limit: Minimum 2,000 – maximum 3,000 words
Submission Format:
Your assignment must:
contain a header with the following information: name, student number, course code, tutor’s
name and tutorial day/time (to add a header to a Word document use Insert/Header);
include your essay number and topic wording at the top of your first page;
follow the Chicago 16A Footnote Style for all citations, including footnotes (noting the exact
page number of your reference), bibliography and image sources.
Refer to the Re: cite guide for formatting examples: http://library.unimelb.edu.au/recite
Our ABP librarians, Sophie and Ruth, have also posted useful citation information on the LMS
Library Help page, including examples of how to reference images;
be typed in 12 pt font, at least 1.15 spaced, include page numbers and be stapled (as you are
submitting via the assignment chute, pages MUST be stapled together or they will separate).
Submission Procedure:
By 6.00pm on the due date, Monday 8 May, submit:
a digital copy of your assignment via the LMS Turnitin Submissions page AND
a hard copy of your assignment via the assignment chute in the Baldwin Spencer Building.
Tips for researching, structuring and writing your essay:
The ASU has information to help you with essay writing at:
http://services.unimelb.edu.au/academicskills/all_resources/writing‐resources including the excellent
downloadable ‘Tertiary Essay Writing’ guide.
AIRport has interactive resources to help you with essay writing at:
https://airport.unimelb.edu.au/gate1/writing/ and short online courses on ‘Developing Academic
Writing’ accessible via the AIRport home page.
The Tutorial 3 ‘Research and Essay Writing Skills in Architectural History’ ppt is a useful reference
to revise key skills in essay writing, including: locating sources and undertaking research, forming an
essay argument and structuring your essay. You will find it on the LMS under Tutorials/ Tutorial 3.
Bibliographies and Citations:
Please refer to the Subject Reader for information on primary and secondary sources (pp. 8 ‐ 9), the
use of online resources (p. 9), key texts (p.9) and plagiarism (pp. 12‐14).
N.B. Please read the plagiarism policy carefully as all essays found to have been plagiarised will
receive zero %.
Extension Policy:
Please refer to the Subject Guide, p. 11, and the ‘Guidelines for Extension and Special Consideration
Applications’ on the LMS Extensions and Special Consideration page.
Assessment Criteria:
ABPL10004/ABPL20030 2017: Assessment 建筑 代写
1. Demonstrates an understanding of the essay question
2. Introduces argument/s well and develops it/them in detail
3. Theoretical and historical content is appropriate to the argument
Evidence and Research
4. Bibliographic sources are appropriate and critically used
5. Selection of examples is appropriate to, and supports, the argument/s
6. Images are used effectively to supplement and illustrate the argument/s
7. Evidence that feedback from essay thesis statement was addressed
General Competency of Writing and Presentation
8. Essay structure is coherent and is well sign‐posted for the reader
9. Clear written expression and accuracy of spelling, names and terminology
10. Accuracy of citations and adherence to the Chicago 16A Footnote Style
11. Images are used and fully cited
12. Complies to submission requirements regarding: font size, line spacing, page numbers,
hard copy submission stapling, inclusion of header, essay number and topic wording.
Each of the above assessment criteria will be evaluated according to the scale below:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
H1 H2A H2B H3 P N
Please post your questions to the LMS Discussion Board in the Assessment Task 4: Final Essay Forum.
ABPL10004/ABPL20030 2017: Assessment 建筑 代写