Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment

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  • Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment

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    Faculty of Creative Industries and Business
    Department of Management and Marketing
    Bachelor of Business
    Course book
    BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing
    Semester 2, 2016
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    Course Contacts
    Dr. Nitin Seth
    PhD (JMI University Delhi), Executive Masters International Trade
    (IIFT University, Delhi), MBA (Marketing), India), Certified Customer Analyst,
    Wharton, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
    Nitin is a business consultant in marketing, analytics, international marketing and
    business strategy. He is senior faculty at the Unitec Institute of Technology. His
    teaching interest (in MBA, MBus and BBus programmes) are: Digital Enterprise, Business
    Analytics, Advanced Marketing, International Business and Marketing, Global Strategy
    and Strategic Management. He is also associated with AUT University, MBA
    Business School, Waikato Management School and University of Southern Queensland,
    Australia and Auckland Institute of Studies, New Zealand. He is the former Head of MBA
    Programme at AIS St Helens and Director and Associate Professor at JIMS, India.
    Nitin’s has over 36 years of work experience, both in academia and industry while
    working for Indian and multinational companies at senior positions as Marketing Head,
    General Manager (Projects), Chief Executive (Exports). He is been a member of the
    Academic Board, Chaired the MBA Programme Committee, and Faculty Head of the
    MBA Advisory Committee.
    His academic experience involves teaching a wide range of courses in Asia, New
    Zealand and Australia at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive level
    programmes, course development, and supervision of research thesis, programme
    designing/structuring and co-ordination of teaching and administrative staff.
    He was awarded Gold Medal for top rank in Executive Masters in International Trade by
    Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (Deemed University), Judged Best Speaker (IBS
    University) and has received various commendations for providing breakthrough market
    research findings to leading corporates and for paper presentations in national and
    international conferences. He is widely travelled across USA, Europe, and Gulf countries
    for international business and marketing of various products.
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    Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment
    Dr Nitin Seth:
    Office: 054 – 2004
    Phone: 815 4321 Extension 8457
    Mobile:  021-134-3195
    Office Hours: by appointment
    For an appointment please email or phone at least 24 hours in advance and all efforts
    will be made to accommodate any request for an appointment. Please be aware that
    should you elect to “drop in” for an appointment, if the lecturer is busy with other duties,
    an appointment may not be appropriate or possible. You are encouraged to make an
    appointment by phone or email to avoid this possible occurrence – all requests for an
    appointment will be confirmed prior to any appointment.
    NB: All written communication must use formal business English and NOT text
    Research Interests
    International business
    Digital Strategy.
    Marketing and Sales Strategy.
    Branding and Consumer Behaviour.
    Business Analytics.
    Course Descriptor: BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing
    Course number: BSNS 7100  Level: 7  Credits:  15
    Main programme: Bachelor of Business 
    Pre-requisites: BSNS 6100 Marketing Management
    Co-requisites: None 
    Restrictions: BSNS7370 Marketing Strategy 
    Learning time:
    Hours directed  Hours self-directed  Total hours
    39  81  150
    Course aim:
    To enable students to critically evaluate and develop a marketing strategy for an organisation.
    Learning outcomes:
    1. Critique the market led approach to the strategic development process for an organisation.
    2. Conduct a marketing audit for an organisation.
    3. Evaluate current practices and formulate marketing strategies for the future direction of the
    4. Design effective monitoring procedures.
    Topics/Content outline:
    ●  Strategic review from a marketing perspective:
    ○  External review
    ○  Internal review – marketing function audit
    ●  Competitor analysis.
    ●  Market and customer analyses and profiling.
    ●  Functional strategies – distribution channels, value chain, physical distribution, promotion, product
    strategies, pricing, and integration with sales function, digital considerations.
    ●  Implementation and management of marketing strategy.
    Weighting  Nature of assessment  Learning outcomes
    20%  Individual Assignment – Critique marketing orientation approach  1
    40%  Group Project – Conduct a marketing audit 2
    40%  Group Report 3-4
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    ALL assessments must be attempted in order to pass this course.
    Learning and teaching approaches: Lecture, Group work, self directed learning, discussion, case
    studies, videos, guest speakers
    Learning and teaching approaches:
    Topics may be taught in an integrated manner
    Supervisor / student meetings/discussions
    Collaborative and/or individual projects
    Analyses of written, visual and oral texts
    Project based assessment and learning
    Team based learning
    Learning resources:
    No set texts.
    Specific readings will be provided during the course.
    Learning resources recommended:
    Booklist & resources published via Moodle
    Computer lab
    Classroom/Performance spaces
    Recommended texts:
    Manalo, E., Wong-Toi, G., & Bartlett-Trafford, J. (2009). The business of writing: Written communication
    skills for business students (3 rd ed.) North Shore, NZ, Pearson Prentice Hall
    Aaker, D.A. (2005). Strategic marketing management (7 th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
    Wilson, R. M.S., & Gilligan, C. (2005). Strategic marketing planning: Planning, implementation and control.
    (3 rd ed.). Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
    Students are required to access Moodle and the internet for materials relevant to this course.
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    There are three assessments in this courses portfolio of learning that help to build your learning
    development and knowledge outcome. There is no exam for this course.
    Item No:  Title  Description
    Week Due
    29 th August
    1 20%
    a Marketing
    Group project Monday
    12 th Sept
    2 40%
    Three  Report
    Group Report Monday
    10 th Oct
    3 - 4  40%
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    •  Total marks: 50; Mark value 20% of the final grade.
    •  Guidance on size: 5 pages excluding the references
    DUE DATE – Monday 29 th  August at 1.00pm (at the beginning of the class)
    Your task – Is to CRITIQUE the MARKETING ORIENTATION APPROACH of any one organisation. You need
    to integrate the marketing concepts with the current marketing approach of your chosen company..
    The topics to be covered are:
    (1)  Product, Production and selling concepts in marketing
    (2)  Sense and respond versus probe and learn marketing orientation
    (3)  Current focus and future potential of social media and networking
    (1)  Introduction – Clearly state what is covered, what structure the essay will take and what
    conclusions are drawn (5 marks).
    (2)  Definitions of the key marketing concepts investigated – What are they and are they universally
    acceptable? (5 marks).
    (3)  Critique of marketing orientation – of any one organisation and critique on its marketing
    orientation. Provide evidence to support your assessment. (25 marks).
    (4)  Recommendations – As a marketing strategist based on the information gathered from various
    sources, present your views on appropriate marketing orientation to be followed to a relevant group of
    stakeholders who could benefit from your investigation (15 marks).
    Use 12 point Times New Roman font in your answer script. Spacing should be 1.5. The answer should be
    limited to five pages excluding references. Accurate referencing is critical. Hard copy in the assignment
    box for Nitin Seth (Building 54, Oakridge House). You must submit a copy to turnitin.com
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    •  40% of the final grade.
    •  Guidance on size: 15 pages, 12 pt, 1 ½ line spacing.
    Total Marks: 100; Mark Value: 40% of Final Grade.
    Due Date: Monday 12 th Sept at 1.00 pm (at the beginning of the class); Hard copy in the
    assignment box for Nitin Seth (Building 54, Oakridge House); you must submit a copy to
    This course emphasises Strategic Marketing Concepts and Models, which a firm may use to remain
    competitive and yet retain a customer focus. However, as Kotler states, “Marketing is an area
    where rapid obsolescence of objectives, policies, strategies and programmes is constantly
    occurring”. Therefore, from time to time, a firm needs to undertake a critical review of their
    overall marketing goals strategies and their effectiveness. In fact, every firm should periodically
    reassess its strategic approach to the market place. A useful tool for such an appraisal is the
    Marketing Audit.
    Your task is to identify a firm that you are familiar with and to conduct a Marketing Audit for one
    product line or a product, as per the guidelines/marking criteria below.
    1  Introduction to the firm including a brief background and description of the product,
    product line, or brand to be audited. (5 marks)
    2  Marketing-Environment Audit  (30 marks)

    Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment
    (a)  Macro-environment 30 marks (4 pages) – It is a must you provide the sources of your
    information with appropriate referencing to avoid getting a ZERO mark for each section. It is a
    necessity that you report factual information. Need to conduct secondary research.
    A.  Demographic What major demographic developments and trends pose opportunities or
    threats to this company? What actions has the company taken in response to these
    developments and trends? (5 marks)
    B.  Economic  What major developments in income, prices, savings and credit will affect
    the company? What actions has the company been taking in response to these developments and
    trends? (5 marks)
    C.  Ecological  What is the outlook for the cost and availability of natural resources and
    energy needed by the company? What concerns have been expressed about the company’s role
    in pollution and conservation, and what steps has the company taken? (5 marks)
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    D.  Technological What major changes are occurring in product and process technology?
    What is the company’s position in these technologies? What major generic substitutes might
    replace this product? (5 marks)
    E.  Political: What changes in laws and regulations might affect marketing strategy and
    tactics? What is happening in the areas of pollution control, equal employment opportunity,
    product safety, advertising, price control, and so forth, that affects marketing strategy? (5 marks)
    F. Cultural: What is the public’s attitude toward business and toward the company’s
    products? What changes in customer lifestyles and values might affect the company? (5 marks)
    (b)  Task environment: 15 marks (2 pages) – Provide evidence. Factual information is required.
    Evidence should be attached to the appendix.
    A.  Markets: What is happening to market size, growth, geographical distribution and profits?
    What are the major market segments? (4 marks)
    B.  Customers: What are the customers’ needs and buying processes? How do customers and
    prospects rate the company and its competitors on reputation, product quality, service, sales
    force and price? How do different customer segments make their buying decisions. (4 marks)
    C.  Competitors: Who are the major competitors? What are their objectives, strategies,
    strengths, weaknesses, sizes and market shares? What trends will affect future competition and
    substitutes for this product? (3 marks)
    D. Distributors and dealers: Structure, cost, efficiency, growth potential, warehousing and
    transportation facilities (2 marks)
    E. Suppliers: Supplier net work, balance of power, new emerging sources, strategies of major
    suppliers and patterns of selling (2 marks)
    3  Marketing-Strategy: marketing organisation, marketing systems and marketing
    productivity Audit (2 pages) – Provide evidence  (10 marks)
    A.  Business Mission: Is the business mission clearly stated in market oriented terms? Is it
    consistent and compatible with corporate mission? (1 mark) 
    B.  Marketing Objectives and Goals: Do the company and marketing objectives provide
    guidance to marketing planning and performance measurement? Are the marketing objectives
    clear and realistic, given the company’s competitive position, resources and opportunities? (1
    C.  Marketing Strategy: Has the management articulated a clear marketing strategy for
    achieving its marketing objectives? Is the strategy convincing? Has it been properly
    communicated? Is the Strategy appropriate to the stage of the product life cycle, competitors’
    strategies, and the state of the economy? Is the company using the best basis for market
    segmentation? Does it have clear criteria for rating the segments and choosing the best ones?
    Has it developed accurate profiles of each target segment? Has the company developed an
    effective positioning and marketing mix for each target segment? Are marketing resources
    allocated optimally to the major elements of the marketing mix? Are the resources sufficient? Is
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    there scope for reallocation of resources? (5 marks)
    D. Marketing organisation audit: Does a person of sufficient authority lead the marketing
    function? Are the marketing activities optimally structured? (1 mark)
    E. Marketing systems audit: Are there systems to provide accurate and timely information? How
    efficient are the planning and control systems? (1 mark)
    F. Marketing Productivity audit: What is the profitability of organisation’s products, markets,
    territories and distribution channels? Is there need for expansion or contraction? How does the
    profitability compare with those of competitors? Are there areas of marketing that incur
    unrealistic costs? (1 mark)
    4  Marketing-Function Audit (2 pages) – Provide evidence  (10 marks)
    A.  Products: What are the product, product line or brand objectives? Are they sound? Is the
    current product line meeting the objectives? Should the product line be stretched or contracted
    upward, downward, or both ways? Which products should be phased out? Which products
    should be added? What are the buyers’ knowledge and attitudes toward the company’s and
    competitors’ product quality, features, styling, brand names and so on? What areas of product
    and brand strategy need improvement? (2 marks)
    B.  Price: What are the pricing objectives, policies, strategies and procedures? To what extent
    are prices set on cost, demand and competitive criteria? Do the customers see the company’s
    prices as being in line with the value of its offer? What does management know about the price
    elasticity of demand, experience curve effects, and competitors’ prices and pricing policies? To
    what extent are price policies compatible with the needs of distributors and dealers, suppliers and
    government regulation? Any ethical issues (2 marks) 
    C.  Distribution: What are the distribution objectives and strategies? Is there adequate
    market coverage and service? How effective are distributors, dealers, manufacturers’
    representatives, brokers, agents and others? Should the company consider changing its
    distribution channels? (2 marks) 
    D.  Advertising, Sales Promotion and Publicity What are the advertising objectives? Are they
    sound? Is the right amount being spent on advertising? Are the ad themes and copy effective?
    What do customers and the public think about the advertising? Are the advertising media well
    chosen? Are they using social media? Is the internal advertising staff adequate? Is the sales
    promotion budget adequate? Is there effective and sufficient use of sales promotion tools such as
    samples, coupons, displays and sales contests? Is the public relations staff competent and
    creative? Is the company making enough use of direct and database marketing? (4 marks) 
    5 Information analysis (SWOT, EFAS, IFAS & SFAS) – Provide a justification for assigned
    weights and ranking (20 marks)
    6  Presentation in class: On Monday 12th Sept 2016 (see attached criteria) (10 marks)
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    Important Note
    1  It is suggested that when you contact the chosen firm, ask if you need a letter from the
    School of Management and Entrepreneurship to comply with the privacy law/issues.
    2  In addition, you will need to do research on the company, and a thorough review of New
    Zealand and other business publications is necessary. For a publicly listed firm, useful information
    could be derived from the annual reports.
    Due on Monday 5 th Sept at the beginning of the class. The report should include the following:
    •  ID Numbers, full names (as enrolled at Unitec) and contact numbers of group members,
    dates of plan meetings, allocation of research duties, and responsibility for writing up various
    sections, typing and proof reading.
    •  Name of the company selected for the audit, the name and telephone numbers of the
    contact person
    •  Copy of the confidentiality agreement signed with the company
    •  The document should be signed by all group members.
    This report does not carry any marks but non-submission on due date or incomplete submissions
    will result in deduction of 10 marks from the final score for the project.
    Class Presentation
    Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment
    Two weeks are set aside in which all class submissions will be heard (12 th Sept & 19 th Sept). Each
    presentation will be a maximum of 15 minutes in length. Five minutes will follow each
    presentation during which the group will field questions from the class concerning the project. All
    group members must participate in the presentation.
    All presentation materials (overheads, videos, etc) must be handed over to the lecturer at the
    commencement of the class on Monday 12 th Sept 2016 at the beginning of the class. Failure to do
    so will incur a penalty of 10 marks. The presentation must be based on the material handed over
    in advance and any new materials used will not be considered for assigning the grade.
    Any student not present will have to submit an SAC application and make a presentation at a date
    and time given by the lecturer, to qualify for marks, and the rest of the group will be required to
    make the full presentation at the time allocated. No postponements of the presentation will be
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    Group Members (Names and ID Numbers) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    •  personal presentation
    •  confidence
    •  eye contact (material not read) 
    •  audibility 
    •  pace, vocal variety 
    •  no distracting mannerisms 
    •  strength of opening
    •  strength of close 
    •  logical development
    •  transitions (smooth, easy to follow)
    •  well supported arguments 
    •  quality of visual aids
    •  ease of use 
    •  presentation pitched at appropriate level 
    •  lack of complexity / jargon explained
    •  discussion encouraged 
    •  confidence in responding to questions 
    •  credibility and knowledge displayed
    TOTAL 100
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    •  40% of the final grade
    •  Guidance on size: 15 pages, 12 pt, 1 ½ line spacing.
    Date issued: 1 ST AUGUST 2016
    Due date and time: Monday 10 Oct 2016 at 1.00pm (at the beginning of the class)
    Delivery:  Hard copy in the assignment box for Nitin Seth  (Building 54, Oakridge House)
    You must submit a copy through turnitin.com
    Total marks: 100 marks
    Instructions: Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment.
     Read the attached instructions carefully and the report format.
     This is a group assignment and must be your own words.
     Collusion, copying or plagiarism may result in disciplinary action
     We advise that you keep a copy of this assignment.
    Case: Company where you did the marketing audit
    Group members/Students:
    Student ID Nos: 
    Lecturer:  Dr. Nitin Seth Class time: 1.00pm
    Student declaration: We confirm that:
     This is an original assessment and is entirely our own work.
     Where we have used ideas, tables, diagrams etc of other writers, we have acknowledged
    the source in every case.
     This assignment has not previously been submitted as assessed work for any academic
    Signature – All Group members: 
    Date of signature: 
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    Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment
    You have been appointed as a marketing consultant to the organisation where you conducted the
    marketing audit to formulate, implement and evaluate strategy. The implementation phase will be
    in the context of making changes to company activities to accommodate a chosen strategy.
    A  You need to critically examine Assignment Two in order to select one key strategic issue
    (Check SFAS). You will then formulate appropriate corporate and business level strategies to
    resolve this issue.
    B  You will critically examine these strategies for implementation issues, which you propose
    for action.
    C  By the end of the project you will have a detailed, specific plan for how your strategy will
    be implemented, controlled and evaluated.
    To complete the assignment you will need to support and justify your answers. This assignment is
    about the application of theory and it is not necessary to quote theory. Your understanding of
    theory will be demonstrated in your ability to evaluate, integrate, synthesise and make deductions
    concerning the case study. The report that you write will be to the Chief Executive Officer of the
    company you investigated.
    The report format for completing this assignment and the grading allocation schedule for each
    section is provided in this document. The major focus of this assignment is to formulate strategy
    and develop an implementation plan.
    Part A. Written Assignment Report (90% total contribution to assignment grade)
    1.  Select and justify the choice of a key strategic issue from Assignment Two, which will be
    utilised for the rest of this assignment. Note the strategic issue must have implications for
    corporate and business level strategic development.
    2.  Create and justify a set of objectives for resolving this strategic issue.
    3.  What changes will be necessary to the current organisational direction (mission, goals and
    objectives) in order to accommodate or support these objectives?
    4.  Generate a series of alternative strategies at the organisational (corporate) level. How do
    these strategies fit with the strategies you identified in the TOWS matrix in Assignment Two?
    Select a strategy that best resolves the strategic issue that you selected (you may use more than
    one). Justify your selection.
    5.  For your chosen corporate strategy, develop appropriate business level strategies. How do
    they compare with current business level strategies being pursued? Find evidence from your
    SWOT analysis in Assignment Two to support your choice of business level strategies.
    6.  Discuss the strategic focus of the functional strategies to reflect your chosen corporate and
    business level strategies. Discuss the marketing strategy and any one of the following functional
    strategies: Finance, operations and research & development.
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    7.  Outline and discuss the major issues related to the implementation of the strategies
    (corporate and business level) that you have chosen. These may include: leadership, tasks,
    technology, people, structure, products/services, resources (physical, financial and functional),
    formal practices and culture.
    8.  Discuss issues relating to the monitoring, controlling and evaluation of your chosen
    strategies and their implementation. Provide key specific process and outcomes measures to be
    Part B: Write a Personal Experience Report to the Course Coordinator. Approximately 350 words
    and will contribute 10% of the weighting of this assignment. This is a personal report from your
    group to the Course Co-ordinator.
    The report will include:
    Investigation Process - What you did; who has done what; when you did it; why you did it.
    Reflective Learning - What you learned from the experience of working on the assignment (in
    terms of the technical content about strategy, and the process aspects of developing strategy).
    Any other insights?
    Recommendations on how you would work on such an assignment in the future.
    You are strongly urged to keep a learning log (diary) as you complete the assignment as events
    and issues can easily be forgotten. Below are some questions to guide your preparation for this
    part of your work and should be included in your Personal Experience Report.
    Only a maximum of 12 pages will be read and marked.
    The front page of the report must contain a declaration “This assignment is solely the work of
    [Group member names]” and signed. Use the standard front page – attached.
    Report Format: (Section 1)
    •  Title Page
    •  Table of Contents
    •  Executive summary (1 page maximum)
    •  Introduction (how you will conduct this project)
    •  Discussion (Part A - Sections 1 – 8)
    •  Conclusion
    •  Recommendations
    •  References (APA style)
    •  Appendices
    •  Personal Experience Report (Section 2)
    Appendices: Attach any analytical worksheets or diagrams.
    Report Presentation: Grades will be adversely affected by poor format, incorrect citation, general
    layout, grammar, syntax, spelling and professional impact. (Note: APA referencing system to be
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    The report must be typed (12 pt font, 1.5 spaced, Arial or Times New Roman) and properly
    referenced. Refer to the Faculty of Business guidelines on how to write assessment items – see 2
    books below. This is a Report to the CEO of the company; your presentation needs to be succinct,
    well argued, and supported by evidence or authority. Clearly state any assumptions you have
    De Luca, R, and Annals, A. (2000) Writing That Works: A guide for students, Auckland: Pearson
    Emerson, L. (2005) Writing Guidelines for Business Students. 3rd Edition, Palmerston North:
    Dunmore Press.
    You can also visit http://www.docstyles.com/apacrib.htm for the latest APA style. Make sure that
    you use it.
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    GRADING SCHEDULE: 7100 Assignment 3 – Semester Two 2016
    Name: ID:
    Item  Weight Grade
    Title page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion,
    Recommendations  10% 
    1.Strategic issue choice and development: (Q 1-3) 10% 
    2. Corporate level strategies and alternate strategies: (Q 4 & 5) 20%
    3. Business and functional strategies: (Q 5 & 6)  20% 
    4. Implementation issues and change targets: (Q 7) 20% 
    5. Monitoring and evaluating (Q 8) 10% 
    Overall comments (including presentation & references):
    Section B: 10%
    Overall Grade 100%
    Plagiarism is a serious offence and zero marks will be awarded to anyone copying material from
    another student or having others complete any sections of their assignment. Disciplinary action
    may also be taken. All sources of material must be cited as per APA style. Marks will be
    deducted if APA is incorrectly used, but no credit will be given for the correct use. Marks will be
    deducted for poor grammar, poor spelling etc but no credit will be given for correct use etc.
    P a g e | 18
    (Please read these policies specific to the Bachelor of Business in conjunction with the Unitec publication,
    “Your Guide to Unitec’s Rules and Policies”)
    All students should obtain a free copy of the BBus Student Handbook that includes information on:
      Lectures and Conduct
      Academic Dishonesty
      Online Enrolment
      Attendance Policy (International and Domestic)
      Assignments (Format, Presentation, Referencing, Submission, Extensions)
      Exams (Regulations, Timetables, Special Consideration Applications)
      Special Assessment Consideration
      Results
    Also available on Moodle and on the Unitec site.
    Requirements to Pass a Course
    Grades of 50% or higher are required to pass a course.
    On the Bachelor of Business the following grade-mark correspondences apply:
    Grade Mark
    A+ 90 to 100  )
    A  85 to 89  ) Distinction
    A-  80 to 84  )
    B+  75 to 79  )
    B  70 to 74  )  Merit
    B-  65 to 69  ) 
    C+  60 to 64  )
    C  55 to 59  )  Pass
    C-  50 to 54  )
    D  40 to 49  )
    E  0 to 39  )  Fail
    P a g e | 19
    W  Withdrawn  )
    For an A Grade
    A comprehensive and well-planned answer where the report clearly meets the requirements of the questions
    asked. Succinctly integrates a range of relevant concepts, principles, practices and theories. All answers are
    fully justified and are supported by evidence from relevant literature and current practice. Can demonstrate
    the ability to analyse a comprehensive range of issues and reach supported conclusions/recommendations; is
    able to identify all key issues, processes and contexts; can apply theory to practice; answer contains no
    irrelevant material.
    Report professionally presented. It is well structured, including page numbers and a properly referenced text
    and bibliography. There are no spelling or grammatical errors.
    For a B Grade
    Answer is relatively comprehensive, and integrates many relevant concepts, principles and theories.
    Answers are adequately justified and are supported by some evidence from relevant literature and current
    practice; can demonstrate the ability to analyse a range of issues and reach conclusions and
    recommendations; is able to identify some key issues, processes and contexts; can apply some theory to
    practice. Answer may contain some irrelevant material.
    Presentation is very good, but falls short of excellent in several areas, particularly in terms of grammar and
    For a C Grade
    Understands the topic and can link some concepts, principles and theories. Answers have little justification
    and support from evidence or from literature and current practice; can demonstrate the ability to analyse
    some issues, processes and contexts in order to reach conclusions or recommendations; answers are
    descriptive and typically lack any real critical discussion or evaluation; applies little theory to practice,
    produces irrelevant material.
    Typed, layout is generally clear, but contains spelling and grammatical errors. Referencing errors occur.
    For a C/E Grade
    Poor answer; shows little understanding of the theory and concepts. Areas will be missing and mismatches
    may occur between the theory and practice; may be unable to cite supporting material; answer is disjointed
    and fails to reach conclusions and make relevant recommendations.
    Not acceptable, for example, not typed, untidily presented, high level of errors, poor and confusing layout.
    Unitec 代写 BSNS 7100 Advanced Marketing assignment