Campaign Strategy Creative Strategy.Media Strategy 代写

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  • Assignment 2

    Due: By 9 am on Monday 30 September 2019.

    Submission is via the DropBox on CloudDeakin Only.

    Word limit: 2000 words (+/- 10%) or equivalent.

     Campaign Strategy Creative Strategy.Media Strategy 代写

    PART 1: The Campaign Strategy 
    Choose one of the suggested hypothetical products/services listed below and develop a campaign presentation. It should be aimed at the client in an effort to convince them to hire your agency to manage their advertising campaign. Give a name to your advertising agency!

    You can present this campaign pitch either

    as an audio-narrated PowerPoint. The PowerPoint must be less than 10 minutes in length.


    as a PowerPoint with additional text/script in the notes section below your slides – this would be what would be spoken in the presentation. The word length of this text/script should broadly match the recommended word totals as allocated below.


    Divide your analysis into the key elements of a campaign:

    1) Background Research and analysis based on issue/problem/desire. Be aware that you do not have to conduct this research, but you can creatively project what the research will find and how it informs the other elements of the campaign. It is the research focus that will determine many of the other elements of the campaign. (1 slide + <150 words)

    From this work – identify the parameters of your campaign in a simple sentence or phrase.


    2) The Target Audience. Identify a target audience for your campaign and use appropriate key words to map out this market effectively. Establish the profile of the market as you understand it. (1 slide + <100 words)


    3) Advertising Objective. As simply as possible identify your objective in your advertising. Develop key words, key emotions, key formations of desires and how this will produce the appropriate consumer response. Be creative how you present this (1 slide + <100 words)


    4) Creative Strategy. Present your creative material here. In a series of storyboard images, present your material. It is not expected that you make an advertisement here and even the most simple stick drawings will serve as a storyboard for your campaign. If you are comfortable in making more sophisticated images, this is the location for you to play with the different technologies of producing images for your PowerPoint. What must be included - beyond the images – are the following:

    (a) the basic slogan/catchphrase of the campaign

    (b) The basic image of the campaign

    (c) The potential transformation of the image as the campaign advances over time

    (d) Your explanation of how these elements fit the advertising objective/target audience of the previous slides

    No more than 3 slides + 150 word script/text

      Campaign Strategy Creative Strategy.Media Strategy 代写

    5) Media Strategy

    Outline the different media you would target and your timeframe for the rollout. Explain the targeting related to the audience of consumers and the media types that would find that target. All campaigns have to address the use or non-use in their explanations of:

    (a) Television, radio, print, online media, social media, outdoor advertising, viral marketing, promotional campaigns, sponsorships/endorsements

    (b) The ratio and emphasis of these various parts of the campaign and how the creative material is adapted to each of these environments has to be thought through in terms of their relative cost.

    No more than 3 slides + 150 words script/text


    6) Conclusion. Last slide - be creative as you sum up your pitch (1 slide + 50 words)

    (1张幻灯片+ <150字)
    (1张幻灯片+ <100字)
    创造性地表达你的想法(一张幻灯片+ <100个单词)
    不超过3张幻灯片+ 150字脚本/文本
    不超过3张幻灯片+ 150字脚本/文本
    最后一张幻灯片——总结你的演讲时要有创意(一张幻灯片+ 50个单词)

     Campaign Strategy Creative Strategy.Media Strategy 代写