Q1. This subject is offered across more than one campus and/or mode and/or teaching period within the one calendar year. | YesX | No |
Q2. If yes [Q1], the design of all offerings of this subject ensure the same learning outcomes and assessment types and weightings. | Yes | No |
Q3. If no [Q2], _________________________ has authorised any variations, in terms of equivalence. |
Teaching team | Staff member | Room | Phone | Consultation times* | |
Subject Coordinator | Dr. Darren Lee-Ross | NA | (07) 423 21452 | [email protected] | NA |
Lecturer | Dr. Gianna Moscardo | 27-211a | 47814254 | [email protected] | Tuesdays 1-3pm |
Key subject activities | Time | Day/ Date | Room/ Location | |
Recorded lectures | Are available for each week in the relevant folder in the Subject Materials section of the learnjcu site for BX2174 | |||
Workshops Students should attend one of the following workshops each week |
Workshop 1: Wednesday | 9:00 – 10:50am | Commences: 24 February, 2016 | 027-001 | |
Workshop 2: Thursday | 10:00 – 11:50am | Commences: 25 February, 2016 | 015-144 | |
Workshop 3: Tuesday | 6:00 – 8:00pm | Commences: 23 February, 2016 | 027-001 | |
Key dates | Date |
Census date | see2016 Study Period and Census Dates |
Last date to withdraw without academic penalty | see2016 Study Period and Census Dates |
Assessment Task 1 Research Proposal (case based)(20%) |
Due Monday 11th of April 5pm |
Assessment Task 2 Research Report (case based) (30%) |
Due Monday 16th of May 5pm |
Assessment Task 3 End of semester exam(50%) |
Official SP 1 Examinations Period |
SubjectLearningOutcomes | Assessment |
1. explain the critical importance of research for superior business performance | Exam, Research proposal |
2. analyse a business situation, formulate a research problem and devise an appropriate research design | Exam, Research proposal |
3. interpret findings in a manner that facilitates business decision making |
Research report, exam |
4. analyse data using basic qualitative and quantitative methods |
Research report, exam |
5. explain basic data collection methods, outline when the method is most suited, and evaluate the related strengths and limitations of each method in a business context; and demonstrate effective written communication skills |
Research report, research proposal, exam |
CourseLearningOutcomes | Assessment |
K2. Synthesize underlying principles and concepts for making business decisions | Research report, research proposal, exam |
Aligned subject learning outcomes |
· explain the critical importance of research for superior business performance · analyse a business situation, formulate a research problem and devise an appropriate research design · demonstrate effective communication skills · synthesise underlying principles and concepts for making business decisions · convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for the audience · demonstrate an awareness of ethical and social responsibility in professional practice · explain basic data collection methods, outline when the method is most suited to research questions, and evaluate the related strengths and limitations of each method in a business research context |
Group or individual | Individual, or pairs or trios (see note below this table) |
Weighting | 20% |
Due date | Monday 11thApril 2016 5pm |
Aligned subject learning outcomes |
· Synthesize underlying principles and concepts for making business decisions · interpret findings in a manner that facilitates business decision making · analyse data using basic qualitative and quantitative methods · explain basic data collection methods, outline when the method is most suited, and evaluate the related strengths and limitations of each method in a business context; and demonstrate effective written communication skills |
Group or individual | Individual, or pairs or trios |
Weighting | 30% |
Due date | Monday 16th May 2016 5pm |
Aligned subject learning outcomes |
· explain the critical importance of research for superior business performance · explain basic data collection methods, outline when the method is most suited to research questions, and evaluate the related strengths and limitations of each method in a business research context · analyse research data using basic qualitative and quantitative methods · synthesise underlying principles and concepts for making business decisions · critically evaluate data & resources in the context of relevant academic literature · convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for the audience |
Weighting | 50% |
Date | In examination period |
Duration | 2 hours |
see Special Consideration, Supplementary, Deferred and Special Examinations Requirements <http://www.jcu.edu.au/policy/allitoz/JCUDEV_005344.html> |
Week/ Starting |
Weekly Topic & Recorded Lectures[1] |
Workshop Activities |
Readings/Preparation[2] | Relationship to Assessment | |
1 |
22/02/2016 |
Introduction to the subject & business research - Subject welcome and overview - Role of research in business decisions - Business Research basics - Scientific method in business research |
Understanding the nature of knowledge Analysing business problems and decisions |
Textbook chapters 1 & 2 | All assessment |
2 |
29/02/2016 |
Getting started - problem statements & elements of research design - Getting from a business problem to a research question - Introduction to research traditions, approaches, designs and strategies - -Understanding research designs and strategies |
Introduction to assessment 1 Exercises identifying research designs, traditions and approaches used in existing business research studies |
Textbook chapters 3 & 6 | Exam, research proposal |
3 |
07/03/2016 |
Literature reviews, theoretical frameworks and hypothesis development - Literature Reviews - Finding literature - Theoretical frameworks & hypotheses |
Exercises in reading and summarising literature Exercises related to theoretical frameworks and hypotheses |
Textbook chapters 4 & 5 | Exam, research proposal |
4 |
14/03/2016 |
Introduction to data collection methods – interviews and observations - Interviews and focus groups (3 recordings on this topic) - Observations ( 2 recordings on this topic) |
Conducting interviews and observing focus groups | Textbook chapters 7 & 8 | Exam, research proposal |
5 |
21/03/2016 | Data collection methods - questionnaires |
Designing and critiquing questionnaires |
Textbook chapter 9& Chapter 12, pp. 218-224 | All assessment |
6 |
28/03/2016 | Sampling | Exercises in sampling | Textbook chapter 13 | All assessment |
7 |
04/04/2016 | Mid semester review |
Assistance with assessment 1 and revision exercises on the first 6 weeks Focus on ethics |
All assessment | |
8 |
11/04/2016 | Research Reports |
Introduction to assessment 2 Critiquing research reports |
Textbook chapter 17 | Research report |
18/04/2016 LECTURE RECESS |
9 | 25/04/2016 | Measurement of Variables | Developing measures and scales |
Textbook chapter 11 & Chapter 12, pp 210-218, pp. 224 to end of chapter |
Exam |
10 |
02/05/2016 | Quantitative data analysis | Analysing data | Textbook chapter 14 | Exam & Research report |
11 | 09/05/2016 | Qualitative data analysis | Coding and analysing data | Textbook chapter 16 | Exam & research report |
12 | 16/05/2016 | Experimental designs | Designing and evaluating experiments | Textbook chapter 10 | Exam |
13 | 23/05/2016 | Quantitative data analysis: Hypothesis testing |
Testing hypotheses Exam revision exercises |
Textbook chapter 15 | Exam |
30/05/2016 LECTURE RECESS |
06/06/2016 EXAMS |
13/06/2016 EXAMS |
Monday 13/06/2016 – Public Holiday |
Criteria |
Unsatisfactory 0-49% |
Pass 50 – 64% |
Credit 65 – 74% |
Distinction 75 – 84% |
High distinction 85 – 100% |
Quality of writing Demonstrate effective communication skills/ Convey information clearly and fluently in high quality written form appropriate for the audience CLO3 SLO6 10 |
Poor grammar and sentence construction Little or no use of coherent paragraphs No logical order to information Lacks critical analysis and use of evidence |
Sentences are clear and correct grammatically and organized into reasonable paragraphs There is a basic logical order to information Limited connection to evidence and little critical analysis |
Uses clear sentences, organized into coherent paragraphs that follow a logical order. Some connections to evidence and some but limited critical analysis |
Uses clear sentences, organized into coherent paragraphs that follow a logical order. Clear connections to evidence and critical analysis |
Uses clear sentences, organized into coherent paragraphs that follow a logical order A high level of ability to organise content in a logical , concise and cohesive manner with high level critical analysis supported by evidence |
Analysis of the decision or problem & identification of required information Synthesize underlying principles & concepts for making business decisions SLO2 20 |
Limited and or logically flawed consideration of the decision and problem, identifies the limited or irrelevant information with no logical connection to a set of clearly described relevant research questions | Demonstrates a sound consideration of the decision and problem, identifies some of the most important sets of information necessary – Limited logical connections are made to a set of relevant research questions | Demonstrates a sound consideration of the decision and problem, identifies some of the most important sets of information necessary and establishes a clear logical connection to a set relevant research questions | Demonstrates a sound consideration of the decision and problem, identifies the most important sets of information necessary and establishes a logical connection to a set of clearly described relevant research questions | Demonstrates a thorough consideration of the decision and problem, clearly identifies the most important set of information necessary and establishes a detailed and logical connection to a set of clearly described relevant research questions |
Review of what is already known Critically evaluate data and resources in the context of academic literature CLOK2 SLO1 20 |
Limited and/or inadequate number of sources Summary does not identify key relevant information No awareness of limitations and gaps No links between summary and research questions |
Identifies/selects and uses minimal number of reasonably relevant existing information, provides a sound summary of key information, demonstrates awareness of some limitations and gaps in the available evidence and makes initial links between the summarized information and the research questions | Identifies/selects and uses reasonably relevant existing information, provides a sound summary of key information, demonstrates some awareness of major limitations and gaps in the available evidence and makes some links between the summarized information and the research questions | Identifies/selects and uses relevant existing information, provides an accurate summary of key information, demonstrates awareness of major limitations and gaps in the available evidence and provides clear links between the summarized information and the research questions | Identifies/selects and uses highly relevant existing information, provides an accurate and succinct summary of key information, demonstrates awareness of major limitations and gaps in the available evidence and provides clear and detailed links between the summarized information and the research questions |
Assessment of research designs, identification of variables, their relationship to each other and how to measure SLO2 20 |
Does not show a clear understanding of the different research designs are There is no clear and/or logical argument to support the selection of the research design for the research questions. Variables not identified. |
Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of what the different research designs are Provides some argument to support the selection of the research design for the research questions. Variables identified with basic ideas about measurement | Demonstrates a clear understanding of what the different research designs are and provides a clear and logical argument to support the selection of the research design for the research questions. Variables identified, measured and relationships basically explained | Demonstrates a clear understanding of what the different research designs are and the different sorts of data they generate and provides a clear and logical argument to support the selection of the research design for the research questions. Variables identified, measured and relationships explained. | Demonstrates a clear understanding of what the different research designs are and the different sorts of data they generate and provides a clear and logical argument to support the selection of the research design for the research questions. Variables identified, measured and relationships fully explained |
Description of sample & sampling SLO5 10 |
The required sample described is inappropriate for the research questions, the proposed sampling procedure is not explained or is inappropriate for this sample | The required sample described is acceptable for the research questions, the proposed sampling procedure is appropriate for this sample |
The required sample described is appropriate for the research questions, the proposed sampling procedure is appropriate for this sample Some awareness of sample size determination |
The required sample described is very appropriate for the research questions, the proposed sampling procedure is appropriate for this sample Includes some information on sample size and demonstrates awareness of procedures for determining sample size |
The required sample described is very appropriate for the research questions, the proposed sampling procedure is appropriate for this sample Includes information on sample size , including calculations where appropriate, and awareness of relevant issues in sampling |
Awareness of ethical & social responsibility in professional practice CLOA2 20 |
Does not identify relevant ethical issues associated with the research design and sampling procedure chosen for this proposed research. Does not suggests appropriate options for responding to these issues |
Identifies most of the key ethical issues associated with the research design and sampling procedure chosen for this proposed research and provides limited suggestions for options to responding to these issues |
Identifies most of the key ethical issues associated with the research design and sampling procedure chosen for this proposed research and suggests appropriate options for responding to these issues |
Identifies most of the key ethical issues associated with the research design and sampling procedure chosen for this proposed research and suggests appropriate options for responding to these issues Some discussion of the need to balance the different principles |
Identifies all the key ethical issues associated with the research design and sampling procedure chosen for this proposed research and suggests appropriate options for responding to these issues Can discriminate between the ethical issues and balance the different principles |
Grade |
Criteria |
Unsatisfactory 0-49% |
Pass 50 – 64% |
Credit 65 – 74% |
Distinction 75 – 84% |
High distinction 85 – 100% |
Presentation & Style Demonstrate effective communication skills by conveying information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for target audiences 10 |
Presented work that demonstrates a lack of literacy and rudimentary writing skills. Does not convey specific meaning |
Uses a basic understanding of language that conveys ideas with a number of discrepancies pertaining to grammar and/or referencing | Incorporates appropriate language that generally conveys meaning to readers. Writing may include some errors in grammar and/or referencing | Employs appropriate language and accepted principles of English and APA citation. Communicates clearly and concisely with minimal errors | Presented work is expressed coherently and concisely with zero English and/or referencing errors |
Critical thinking Synthesize underlying principles & concepts for making business decisions CLO K2 10 |
Limited and or logically flawed consideration of the decisions, identifies limited or irrelevant information | Demonstrates a sound consideration of the decisions, identifies some of the most important sets of information | Demonstrates a sound consideration of the decisions, identifies some of the most important sets of information necessary and establishes a clear logical connection between relevant information | Demonstrates a sound consideration of the decisions, identifies the most important sets of information necessary and establishes a logical connection to clearly described relevant information | Demonstrates a thorough consideration of the decisions, clearly identifies the most important set of information necessary and establishes a detailed and logical connections to clearly described relevant information |
Executive summary Easily to read summary of critical information including a clear and logical connection to sound research objectives 5 |
Summary does not include important information, includes unnecessary details and/or information is poorly presented without a coherent structure | Summary includes minimal but important information, presentation is acceptable, may include unnecessary details | Summary includes most of the critical information and overall presentation is acceptable | A clear summary of the most important information in the report that is logically and clearly presented | A very succinct summary of all critical information, no unnecessary information included, good, clear and coherent organisation of the main points |
Method Provides a clear description of how the study was conducted including an overall description of the procedure, the measurement instruments and the sample 10 |
Insufficient or inaccurate description of the method | Correct but limited description of the method. No critical reflection on method decisions | Correct and adequate description of method. Limited critical reflection on method decisions | Correct and detailed description of method. Demonstrates some awareness of reasoning behind the method decisions | Correct and detailed description of method. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of` the method decisions |
Results – choice and scope SLO 4 Analyse research data using basic qualitative and quantitative methods 15 |
Use of inappropriate and/or insufficient statistics to answer the research questions | Use of appropriate descriptive statistics sufficient to address most aspects of the research question | Use of both appropriate and sufficient descriptive and inferential statistics to address most parts of the research question |
Good use of both appropriate and sufficient descriptive and inferential statistics to address all parts of the research question Attempts to use multivariate statistics |
Extensive use of appropriate descriptive, inferential and multivariate statistics to address all parts of the research question Sophisticated combinations of statistics to develop detailed answers to the questions |
Results – presentation Demonstrates the ability to communicate information clearly using a mixture of text, tables and diagrams 10 |
Presentation of results lacks coherent or logical structure. Inappropriate or limited use of tables and diagrams to present results Insufficient detail for the reader to follow what was done |
Results in basic but logical sequence. Some limited use of tables and diagrams to present results Just sufficient detail for the reader to follow what was done |
Results presented in coherent, logical sequence Adequate use of tables and diagrams to present all results More details provided for the reader |
Results presented in coherent, logical sequence Good use of tables and diagrams to present all results Good details provided for the reader |
Results presented in coherent, logical sequence Sophisticated use of complex tables and diagrams to present all results Extensive details provided for the reader |
Discussion Demonstrates understanding of the statistics used and what the results indicate 15 |
Inappropriate and/or accurate interpretations of the meanings of the results Limited description of how the results provide answers to the research question |
Acceptable interpretations of the meanings of the results Adequate description of how the results provide answers to the research question |
Appropriate and accurate interpretations of the meanings of the results Adequate description providing some detail of how the results provide answers to the research question |
Appropriate and accurate interpretations of the meanings of the results Adequate description providing detail of how the results provide answers to the research question |
Sophisticated and accurate interpretations of the meanings of the results Extensive description of how the results provide detailed answers to the research question |
Conclusions and recommendations SLO 3 Interpret research findings in a manner that facilitates business decision making 15 |
Poor or no summary of the research results Limited, or inappropriate connections to the original issue Poor or no recommendations |
Adequate summary of a limited set of research results Sufficient but limited connections to the original issue Some recommendations based on the evidence presented |
Adequate summary of the main critical research results Logical connections to the original issue Adequate recommendations based on the evidence presented |
Accurate summary of the main critical research results Logical connections to the original issue Detailed recommendations based on the evidence presented |
Sophisticated but succinct & accurate summary of all of the critical research results Detailed logical connections to the original issue Detailed and extensive recommendations based on the evidence presented |
Limitations SLO 5 Evaluate the related strengths and limitations of methods in a business research context 10 |
Insufficient or inappropriate Identification of key limitations to the research |
Minimal identification of some research limitations, not always the most critical |
Identification of the key limitations |
Identification and some discussion of all key limitations |
Identification and detailed discussion of all key limitations |
Grade |
Student Please sign, date and attach cover sheet to front of assessment task for all hard copy submissions |
SUBJECT CODE | |||||||||
STUDENT FAMILY NAME | Student Given Name | JCU Student Number | |||||||
DUE DATE | |||||||||
LECTURER NAME | |||||||||
TUTOR NAME | |||||||||
Student Declaration 1. This assignment is my original work and no part has been copied/ reproduced from any other person’s work or from any other source, except where acknowledgement has been made (see Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.1). 2. This work has not been submitted for any other course/subject (see Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.9). 3. This assignment has not been written for me. 4. I hold a copy of this assignment and can produce a copy if requested. 5. This work may be used for the purposes of moderation and identifying plagiarism. 6. I give permission for a copy of this marked assignment to be retained by the College for benchmarking and course review and accreditation purposes. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.1. A student who submits work containing plagiarised material for assessment will be subject to the provisions of the Student Academic Misconduct Requirements. Note definition of plagiarism and self plagiarism in Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy: Plagiarism: reproduction without acknowledgement of another person’s words, work or expressed thoughts from any source. The definition of words, works and thoughts includes such representations as diagrams, drawings, sketches, pictures, objects, text, lecture hand-outs, artistic works and other such expressions of ideas, but hereafter the term ‘work’ is used to embrace all of these. Plagiarism comprises not only direct copying of aspects of another person’s work but also the reproduction, even if slightly rewritten or adapted, of someone else’s ideas. In both cases, someone else’s work is presented as the student’s own. Under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 a copyright owner can take legal action in the courts against a party who has infringed their copyright. Self Plagiarism: theuse of one’s own previously assessed material being resubmitted without acknowledgement or citing of the original. Student Signature …………………………………………………… Submission date ……../……../…….. |
Students Please sign, date and attach cover sheet to front of assessment task for all hard copy submissions |
SUBJECT CODE | |||||||||
STUDENT FAMILY NAME | Student Given Name | JCU Student Number | |||||||
i. | |||||||||
ii. | |||||||||
iii. | |||||||||
iv. | |||||||||
v. | |||||||||
vi. | |||||||||
DUE DATE | |||||||||
LECTURER NAME | |||||||||
TUTOR NAME | |||||||||
Student Declaration 1. This assignment is our original work and no part has been copied/ reproduced from any other person’s work or from any other source, except where acknowledgement has been made (see Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.1). 2. This work has not been submitted for any other course/subject (see Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.9). 3. This assignment has not been written for us. 4. We hold a copy of this assignment and can produce a copy if requested. 5. This work may be used for the purposes of moderation and identifying plagiarism. 6. We give permission for a copy of this marked assignment to be retained by the College for benchmarking and course review and accreditation purposes. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy 5.1. A student who submits work containing plagiarised material for assessment will be subject to the provisions of the Student Academic Misconduct Requirements. Note definition of plagiarism and self plagiarism in Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy: Plagiarism: reproduction without acknowledgement of another person’s words, work or expressed thoughts from any source. The definition of words, works and thoughts includes such representations as diagrams, drawings, sketches, pictures, objects, text, lecture hand-outs, artistic works and other such expressions of ideas, but hereafter the term ‘work’ is used to embrace all of these. Plagiarism comprises not only direct copying of aspects of another person’s work but also the reproduction, even if slightly rewritten or adapted, of someone else’s ideas. In both cases, someone else’s work is presented as the student’s own. Under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 a copyright owner can take legal action in the courts against a party who has infringed their copyright. Self Plagiarism: theuse of one’s own previously assessed material being resubmitted without acknowledgement or citing of the original. |
Student signature(s) i.………………………………………… Submission date ……../……../……. iv……………………… Submission date ……../……../……. ii………………………………………… Submission date ……../……../……. v ……………………… Submission date ……../……../……. iii………………………………………… Submission date ……../……../……. vi……………………… Submission date ……../……../……. |