ASSIGNMENT How hospitable is the hospitality industry代写
ASSIGNMENT How hospitable is the hospitality industry代写
ASSIGNMENT 2 TOUR 2005 SP 5 2017
Words 2700
Weighting 60%
Due date & time: 2 Nov 2017, 11:00 PM
This major assignment brings together knowledge that you have gained from all of the course topics.
The assignment should be written is the format of an essay, using headings and subheadings. You
need at least 10 academic references to support your discussion. The assignment task is broadly
related to the following area:
How hospitable is the hospitality industry? An exploration into the past, the present and the
This means, that you need to discuss how “hospitable” the contemporary hospitality industry
currently is when comparing it to the past, and what you can envisage will happen in the future as
we go forward in time.
To do this, you need to compare the past, present and future trends.
Your essay needs to address the following aspects:
What do the terms hospitality and hospitability mean? What was the nature of hospitality in the
past, in the domestic setting? What is the role of hospitality in the contemporary commercial
setting? How has hospitality changed over time when it became commercialised? How “hospitable”
is today’s hospitality industry? What impact will technology have on the “hospitability” of the
hospitality encounter in the future?
How to approach the topic
When you write your essay, you need to make a clear argument and discuss the extent to which
the hospitality industry is hospitable or inhospitable. For example, your argument might be that:
the hospitality industry is increasingly becoming inhospitable with time;
or the hospitality industry has both hospitable and inhospitable elements, and looking at the
trends you believe this will continue to be the case in the future;
or the concept of “hospitability” is constantly evolving and taking on different meanings
which is neither inhospitable nor hospitable, just different– for example, you might argue
that hospitality is a socially embedded phenomenon and commercial hospitality provision
needs to adapt to societal changes, and these adaptations do not necessarily make the
industry inhospitable, they make it different and will challenge our current conceptions of
what good hospitality should be.
You can take other viewpoints.
You need to come up with an appropriate title for your essay that relates to your argument.
When writing your essay consider the following questions. As we cover each course topic we will
provide pointers on how to address these questions. Note: these questions are a guideline only,
you are free to include any other relevant material. Also depending on your discussion, some of
the suggested points may not be relevant.
You need to support your responses with academic literature. It is recommended that you provide
examples to illustrate your points. When writing the essay you should come up with your own
structure on how to organise your ideas, and use headings and subheadings to direct your
discussion. This means that you should not write down the following questions and answer them
using a question answer structure.
What is hospitality? Is hospitality a new phenomenon? (see Topic 1)
Before the hospitality industry began, how was hospitality extended to travellers? What
kind of responsibility did hosts have towards their guests and what was the level of
generosity that was expected of hosts? Were there limits to providing hospitality under
certain conditions? Did hosts expect something in return for the hospitality that they
extended? (Topic 2). If hosts expected something in return, would this be considered true
hospitality according to Telfer (2000:41).
What are some of the continuities of hospitality from the past to the present industry
context? For example, consider concepts such as “protection”, “reciprocity”, “duties for
both sides”? (Topic 2)
In what ways did the concept of hospitality evolve and adapt when it became a
“commodity” that was offered for sale? (Topics 2, 4, 5, 6)
What was the early hospitality industry like? (topic 2)
What are the different opinions expressed by scholars about the changes that took place in
the hospitality industry over time as it became an industry? For example, some scholars say
that commercial hospitality is inferior to what was provided in domestic contexts, while
others disagree. (Topics 2, 4, 5, 6)
What role does the contemporary hospitality industry play? What are the limitations and
positives of commercial hospitality? (Topics 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)
When scholars say that commercialisation of hospitality creates a natural tension in the
host-guest relationship, what do they mean by this? To what extend is this true? (Topics 1,
2, 4, 5)
What is the relationship between hospitality and hostility? What does the literature say
about hospitality’s relationship with hostility? Consider the past as well as contemporary
times. For example in the past, hostility came from fear of strangers, whereas in
contemporary times with the commodification of hospitality, hostility appears to come from
profit related motives. (Topics 2, 4, 5)
What does George Ritzer (2007) mean by commercial hospitality can be inhospitable to
guests? Explain his view using the readings on “McDonalization of society” and
“prosumption” (2017). Discuss whether hospitality is heading in the direction of
“inhospitability”. (Topics 4, 5 also some ideas in topic 7 about the social role of
hospitalitymay be relevant )
How authentic is commercial hospitality provision? Consider the staging of hospitality
experiences when answering this question. (Topic 6)
What does it mean to be a “hospitable host”? According to Telfer (2000), is it possible for
those working in the commercial hospitality industry to be hospitable hosts? (topic 4, 5, 6)
Do you think the hospitality industry is hospitable to its employees? (Topic 3, 6, 9)
What do you predict the hospitality provision of the future will look like? In what ways
would technology challenge the current notion of what it means to be hospitable? Do you
think technological innovation will enhance or diminish “hospitability” of the hospitality
industry? (topic 4, 5, 10)
The references to scholars referred to in this paper
Ritzer, G 2007, 'Chapter 10: Inhospitable hospitality?', in C Lashley, P Lynch & A Morrison (eds),
Hospitality: A social lens, Elsevier, Sydney, pp. 129 - 139.
Ritzer, G 2017, 'Chapter 19: Hospitality and prosumption ', in C Lashley (ed), The Routledge
handbook of hospitality studies, Routledge, London, pp. 281 - 297.
Telfer, E 2000, 'Chapter 3: the philosophy of hospitableness', in C Lashley & A Morrison (eds), In
search of hospitality: theoretical perspectives and debates, Butterworth Heinemann, Melbourne, pp.
Read the feedback sheet carefully to understand the expectations and marking criteria.
Print word count at the end of your assignment
Use UniSA Harvard Style of Referencing only. Provide the reference/bibliography list on a
separate page at the end. UniSA Harvard Style guide is available on the course website.
Use at least 10 academic resources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters, text book etc.).
Lecture notes are NOT accepted as a source of referencing.
Provide student name (family name in capital letters e.g. Gayathri WIJESINGHE) and student
ID number, and network username.
Use Font size 12, Time New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
The length is 2700 words (+ -10%). The reference list is NOT included in the word count.
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ASSIGNMENT How hospitable is the hospitality industry代写
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ASSIGNMENT How hospitable is the hospitality industry代写